Battle Brothers Best Mods: Legends Mod and Modding Script Hooks. Bro Editor, Tweaks and Fixes. Smart Recruiter. Faster Mod. Settlement Situation.
Battle Brothers Best Mods Legends Mod Beta
This mod is the most important for Battle Brothers and increases replayability. Alternative starts, commanders and camping. World generation, art, effects, new enemies. New weapons. AI changes.
Legends Mod Beta > Download Legends Mod here
Battle Brothers’ Best Mods – Modding script Hooks
Mods can be implemented without overwriting entire files to increase mod compatibility. Declare dependencies between mods.
Battle Brothers Best Mods Mod – Tweaks and Fixes Mod
This collection includes small tweaks and fixes that are easily installed separately.
Download Tweak and Fixes MOD > here
Battle Brothers Best Mods – Bro Editor Mod
This mod adds an editor to the game that you can use for changing the characteristics of your bros.
– Attributes (also action points and food consumption), and talents
Perk points and experience
Permanent injuries and traits
Background (BG button);
– biography (not recommended if mods store additional info in bros’ biographies such as Smart Recruiter for Legends. The special formatting of these sections will be lost if they are edited).
– Hair color and beard color (anything that you like – red, green or pink).
Download Bro Editor Mod here
Battle Brothers Best Mods – Smart Recruiter Mod
Do you get tired of playing the role of a dumb halfwit? It’s a great idea to try potential recruits before you hire them. Your character(s) might be interested in giving them a shield, a sword, or a bow to ask them to hit a target. Or perhaps asking them to perform simple exercises to test their stamina and reflexes.
Get Smart Recruiter Mod here
Battle Brothers Best Mods – Faster Mod
This mod greatly speeds up combat, camping and escorting cars. You can also get two additional speeds on the world map. For 4x speed, press ‘3’ and ‘4 for 8x speed.
Get Faster Mod here
Battle Brothers Best Mods Settlement Situation Tooltips Mod
This tooltip displays the settlement situation’s effects in the settlement interface.
Here Download Settlement Situation Tooltips Mod>
Battle Brothers Best Mods Mod – Pause Without Conflicts Mod
This mod adds autopause to sightings of enemy parties and dawn while camping and doesn’t conflict with any other mods.
Download Pause without Conflicts Mod>
Battle Brothers Mods – Challenges Mod
When you are trying to find a brother, reveal both your talent stars as well as your skills
Download Tryout Challenges Mod>
Battle Brothers Best Mods – Stronghold Mod
Your company’s base is built. You can add buildings or locations, store goods and brothers, and make good trading deals.
Download Stronghold Mod>
Battle Brothers’ Best Mods – Level All the Skill Mod
You must usually choose three skills to improve each level. You can now increase them all at once. Ultrabros offers a similar option but it requires configuration. This is easy to set up and forget.
Get Level All the Skill Mod> here
Battle Brothers Mods – Test out Talents
This mod is slightly modified original Tryout Talents, which was created Rule303. I initially updated his mod to make it compatible with the “Warriors of the North DLC”, but I began having problems with the mod after he released a new version. This version fixes all bugs in the original Tryout Talents. The mod should now work with both saved and loaded games.
Download Tryout Talents Alter Mod>
Battle Brothers Best Mods Event Frequency Mod
This mod increases the number of events that trigger on the world map. You can choose from five different versions of this mod, each increasing the frequency.
Battle Brothers Best Mods – Craft Named Weapons MOD
This mod allows you to create named weapons at Taxidermist.
18 Bros in Battle Mod
Supports 18 bros in combat and 9 in reserve (27 total). Contract difficulty can be up to 18 bros
Ultra Bros Mod
You can now customize your stats, talents, and perk-related items for mercenaries. Plus, many other features.
More Modifications for Recruits
This mod increases the number recruits in settlements. It won’t be effective immediately as settlements update their roster every few working days.
Salvage Named Items Mod
Are you ever annoyed that a cool-named shield is destroyed by an orc warrior in a battle? This mod will allow you to save your weapons and named shields after combat, even if they are damaged. This mod applies to shields and weapons.
Russian Translation For Legends Mod
Ruchnaia ustanovka rusifikatora (ne rekomenduetsia): raspakovat’ faily (.dat i papka gfx) iz skachannogo 7z arkhiva v papku data igry s podtverzhdeniem zameny. Arkhiv 7z mozhno udalit’, on ne nuzhen. Fail moda ( dolzhen lezhat’ riadom v vide zip-arkhiva (ne raspakovyvat’). Zhelatel’no priamo v tom vide, v kotorom byl skachan iz istochnika.
Modified Uncapped Perk Points
This mod is very easy and allows you to not only unlock your perk points but also gives you full stat development after level 11.