Magic: The Gathering Vanguard, Serie 3 Pt. 1: Calm before the Storm

All players, collectors and fans of Magic: The Gathering are welcome! For the past few weeks we have been working on the Vanguard series, which includes evaluating the iconic characters cards financially and mechanically. We went to the second part of the second series last weekend and saw a more cost-effective card. While it might not be as difficult to expect these sensitive situations this week, we still have a greater financial conflict. Are you ready for the storm? Let’s get started.

The complete art for Multani (the Avatar of Yavimaya), a card from Dominaria and an extension set for Magic: The Gathering. I can see what you are reading.


It is notable that the cards of this series and the other series were obtained piecemeal according to the majority letters of series 1. Eladamri was not the only one on the list. This eBay bid almost went stale, but we managed to win it.

Eladamri, a Vanguard character in Magic: the Gathering is a game of the Wizards of the Coast.

Eladamri is $12 and has the luck to succeed. It is not significant that there has been an increase in the number lives by 20s. Nobody gets to see the fear of a card regardless of your starting hand size. Even though it is a high-priced card with a weak character this raises doubts for the collector who collects fringe supplements.


We don’t know Lyna, and we don’t even know how she plays theWeatherlightSaga. We do know that she is a wonderful character, provided you are able to protect yourself enough to get the most out of her shadow grant.

Lyna is a Vanguard Character for Magic: The Gathering. Wizards of the Coast.

Lyna isn’t a part of the gamecards in theWeatherlight Story, but she does give you some additional cards and lowers your life by one dollar. It’s not bad at all!

Lyna’s $25 price tag will allow us to make a compromise if we find it difficult to protect ourselves with Lyna. This is a significant change in the landscape. In fact, there will soon be more cards. Just wait for it.


Multani is the character that can shake Lyna out of her shoes. Multani, a powerful Maro-Sorcerer, and Avatar Yavimaya’s wild undergrowth, is a formidable Vanguard who can make many creatures very large, especially when combined with Spellbook-type effects.

Multani is the favorite magician’s game.

Multani is not a card that can be considered a positive. It reduces your starting hand to four cards. However, it can give your creatures an anthem-esque boost, of +4/+0 maximum, if you have enough cards. This limit is not affected by a Spellbook or another similar tool, even if it’s at the beginning of the game. Shadow creatures should be punished! Multani is a great pick-up for Vanguard collectors who are lancading. It’s only $3.


The Gathering is now the Oracle en-Vec. This is at least what we thought we were doing, as the Oracle card is more than a legend creature. The Oracle card is a powerful tool for combat.

Oracle is a newbie to Magic: The Gathering, a game developed by the Wizards of the Sea.

It’s not as easy as it seems when someone is forced into action. Are you able to do that? Oracle is a free opportunity, which could cost one white mana. It may also be susceptible to enchantment removal. We can tell you that Oracle’s almost $29 market value doesn’t justify the fact that you will use it often enough or have a complete set.

What do you think of Magix: The Gathering’s portrayal of them? This should be reprinted in Wizards of the Sea.