Amnesia Memories Shin Walkthrough

Amnesia Memories Shin Walkthrough: Complete Shin’s route to unlock the good, best, normal and bad endings



  • I see a child with strange features…
  • No, I understood…
  • It’s all right…
  • I appreciate it
  • So, I believe so
  • It’s possible that you are thinking too much.

Amnesia Memories Shin Walkthrough: Good or Best Ending

  • At the very least, you could knock.
  • I don’t know how to follow directions.
  • Is black tea safe?
  • There is no need to get into trouble.
  • Do you want to buy me a piece of cake?
  • Why would you want to ask this question?
  • I didn’t want the hospital to come back to me.
  • These injuries: What are you doing?
  • Have you ever apologized to my father at the hospital?
  • It’s a little.
  • Thank you for your kind words.
  • It sounds great.
  • No, I didn’t mind…
  • After my performance, you made me weep.
  • I don’t want too many people to know.
  • Master, welcome back
  • Are you a master yet?
  • Yes, master
  • We appreciate you coming to our site, even though your busy schedule.
  • Master, welcome back!
  • Is it possible to have you pick me up?
  • I was helped by everyone
  • Please tell me more about this accident
  • Shin came to me to find?
  • Shin is okay?
  • Toma, thank you.
  • Yes, I believe that you are right.
  • Shin, you saved me.
  • Did you also search for me?
  • Sorry Toma. Shin and I were going out.
  • This is how I see you.
  • Be gentle and don’t force yourself.
  • Are you looking for fireworks?
  • Would you be OK with it being so loud?
  • It’s because of your effort.
  • Sorry.
  • Shin: What’s the deal?
  • I ran in the darkness and fell.
  • I was quite shocked that he was so close to me.
  • I don’t know
  • I can’t recall.
  • There is no way.
  • This memory may not be from an accident.
  • Who was there to search for me that day.
  • If you’re okay, I would love to go with Toma.
  • Okay, while we eat…
  • This is not like you…
  • I heard you rescued me.
  • Did you see me when I was found?
  • Please let me know how I can contact the owner
  • Toma, go with Toma
  • Can I ask why?
  • It was so nice to meet you.
  • What kind of clue do you have?
  • (Choose from all options)
  • Shin, do you have a second?
  • Yeah, it’s fine.
  • This was what you said before?
  • It was so wonderful to be able to recall…
  • Someone offered to help me.
  • Shin
  • Can I sleep with you …??
  • Are you scared…?
  • Okay…
  • Sorry, I’m coming.
  • Did you play in the band?
  • Toma
  • Shin was what kind of child?
  • I would like to see a movie.
  • It’s a promise, okay?
  • I’m not sure I can sing like I did before.
  • Yesterday, however, this was not the case.

Amnesia Memories Shin Walkthrough- Normal Ending

  • Load Save 2
  • Shin is not at fault
  • It is something I need to consider more.
    Your calmness is incredible, I think
  • Did you also search for me?
  • We should all hang out together
  • I’m sorry, it’s nothing.
  • Sorry.
  • Shin: What’s the deal?
  • I ran in the darkness and fell.
  • I was quite shocked that he was so close to me.
  • I don’t know
  • I can’t recall.
  • There is no way.
  • This memory must be mistaken.
  • Who was searching for me that day?
  • No you’re not, Sawa. I’m glad to go.
  • He is just that type of guy.
  • I heard that you were the leader of the search
  • Did you see me when I was found?
  • Please let me know how I can contact the owner
  • Join Sawa
  • If you do like him, tell me, okay?
  • It was so nice to meet you.
  • What kind of clue do you have?
  • (Choose from all options)
  • It won’t take very long…
  • Yeah, it’s fine.
  • What are you saying?
  • It was just a pleasure to be able to recall.
  • I can’t recall.
  • Mine
  • Why?
  • Sorry, I’m coming.
  • Did you play in the band?
  • Orion, what do you think?
  • Shin
  • Studying together is a good idea
  • You had someone else watching me too, however…

Amnesia Memories Shin Walkthrough: Bad Endings

Bad Ending 1

  • Load 1
  • I wasn’t sure if you could trust me.
  • These injuries: What are you doing?
  • I just got a memory back
  • I’m okay.
  • Is the contact information correct?
  • I don’t feel like walking.
  • Yeah, I’m sorry…
  • I’m fine, but I was thinking of something…
  • I don’t trust anyone else.
  • Welcome, dear customer
  • Master, welcome back
  • What would you love to have?
  • In a second, I’ll be back
  • Sorry, but you had other important things to do.
  • Welcome, dear customer.
  • What happened to prep school?
  • I was helped by everyone
  • Please tell me more about this accident
  • I remember being found
  • Shin was the one who found me, I am certain.
  • Shin isn’t to blame here.
  • It is something I need to consider more.
  • Your calmness is incredible, I think
  • Who is the originator of this love triangle rumor
  • We should all hang out together
  • I’m sorry, it’s nothing.
  • I am very sorry
  • Shin: What’s the deal?
  • My neck.
  • Shin could be hiding something.
  • What was Shin’s feeling that day?
  • Shin is still a suspect…
  • If you’re okay, I’d like to walk with Toma home
  • Okay, while we eat…
  • You saved me, I heard.
  • Is it true that Shin returned to the lodge after his stay?
  • Please inform me how to contact the owner.
  • Take Toma with you.
  • Can I ask why?
  • Are you OK …??
  • I was just waiting for your return…
  • Okay, I will believe you…
  • (Choose from all options)
  • It won’t take very long…
  • Isn’t it better to go together?
  • What are you saying?
  • I have just strayed a little from the memory…
  • I can’t recall.
  • Toma
  • Why?
  • I would rather go home.
  • Shin, what’s this?
  • Shin
  • It is important to study together.
  • You had someone else watching me too…
  • Yesterday, however, this was not the case.

Bad Ending 2

  • Load Save 3
  • Sawa
  • You were the …? culprit?