Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – A Lover, Not a Fighter Achievement Guide

Successfully complete 10 no-kill battles during the story mode.

What is required to achieve?

To unlock this achievement To achieve this achievement, first, you must get your “High-Frequency Wooden Sword” or, in reality, “Kendo “Kendo Sword” is a bamboo sword.

To unlock it, you must locate all the soldiers inside the boxes. As soon as you have done this when you are done with the chapter, you’ll achieve your goal and consequently, the sword will be open for you to purchase after which you need to purchase it and then pump it up to its maximum.

What it takes to achievement?

It is then up to you to defeat the cyborgs using this sword, and consequently, you must win 10 battles without killing (P.S I suggest doing this feat on a low difficulty level if you’re looking to finish this accomplishment as quickly as you can).