An Elden Ring fan is able to win the boss fight with a real-life harp

FromSoftware should use a literal Harp as a DLC weapon in the end (pic: FromSoftware).

One player made the Elden Ring boss fight harder by using a Harp instead of a Controller.

Elden Ring can be as difficult as a FromSoftware. Some players don’t like their difficulty so they make it difficult for themselves to find solutions.


They are too loud and obnoxious. They must overcome their own challenges. There is another man out there who can defeat bosses using harp, not regular controllers.

This is Anna Ellsworth. She has most of the harp music cover covers on the Internet. The main theme of Elden Ring is the last boss and is one of these.

She uploaded a video a few months back explaining how she turned her harp into an interactive videogame controller. She demonstrated it with Margit, Fell Omen, as she beat her boss.

Ellsworth acknowledged that it was not an easy task and she could have fallen off the nearby cliff.

Despite the handicap, she manages to beat him in less than two minutes.

Reddit user She shared the clip. She was able to use the notes to dodging and attacks, but she was unable to use heavy attacks due to her setup.

A for avoidance and A for light attacks! said Ellsworth. To my great sadness, I don’t have a hard attack string. I needed it for some other action. You might have heard the following notes: move forward (C), move in reverse (F), stop, low G, or heal.

Based on my character’s movements, I am the only one who can direct the roll in the right direction. It is a little annoying, as I love playing with a controller. I don’t think I could afford to take the harp from us, except if I approach from a certain angle. A bit of a sleeve’s head is just rolling out and hoping for better.

She suggests that she might attempt the same challenge against Malenia. However, it would be much more difficult for her. The boss is also in the fight. He says that the best strategy to win is to trust others.

Fans are still excited for Elden Ring’s DLC. This is possible due to dataminers discovering content similar to a Colosseum.

YouTuber Sekiro Daubi was dedicated to the re-earthing of such content. One of their latest discoveries revealed that Vyke was the center of an entire side quest.

Vyke is the boss of the Elden Ring confrontation. This encounter will be repeated twice by players. Vyke is also supposed to be the box art character.

It is clear that this quest would prove to be a difficult one. It is impossible to access most of the audio and text files. They could have provided more background for the character. Sekiro Dubi speculates that Vyke attempted to challenge Godfrey, the first Elden Lord before the player.

These could be added as DLC later on, but FromSoftware or bandai Namco has not yet made such announcements. It’s always a matter-of-when, not if, to be truthful.

Elden Ring is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X/S.

More: A fan-made mod has enabled full co-op multiplayer for the Elden Ring.

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