Arma Reforger PC Controls

Arma Reforger – Common, Equipment and Character, Weapon, Turrets, Camera, Game Master Controllers


Arma Reforger PC Controls – Common

These are the PC Common Controls.

  • Do something = Y
  • Focus = Right Mouse Button (Hold).
  • Focus while driving = Right mouse button (Hold).
  • Freelook = Left Alt
  • Toggle Freelook = Left Alt (Double Tap)
  • Toggle Perspective = Num Enter / Backspace
  • Chat = Enter
  • Show player list = P
  • Talk = T (Hold).
  • Talk Over Radio = Caps Lock (Hold).
  • Talk (Toggle = T / Caps Lock – Double Tap
  • Select Active Radio = G

Arma Reforger PC Controls – Equipment

These are all the PC Equipment Controls.

  • Open Inventory = Tab
  • Quick Slot = Tab (Hold)
  • Use Item = R
  • Toggle Sights = Right Mouse Button
  • Binoculars = B
  • Compass = K/K (Hold)
  • Flashlight = L/L (Hold).
  • Map = M
  • Wristwatch = O / O (Hold)

Arma Reforger PC Controls – Character

These are all the PC Character Controls.

  • Moving Forward = W
  • Move backward = S
  • Strafe Left = A
  • Strafe Right = D
  • Sprint = Left Shift
  • Toggle Sprint = Left Shift, (Double tap)
  • Adjust Movement Speed = Mouse Scroll
  • Jump = Spacebar
  • Adjust Stance = Left CTRL + Mouse Scroll
  • Crouch or stand = X
  • Z = Prone
  • Lean Left = Q
  • Lean Right = E
  • Toggle Lean Left = Q (Double Tap)
  • Toggle Lean Right = E (Double Tap)
  • Adjust Leaning Left = Q
  • Adjust Leaning Right = E
  • Point with Finger Shortly = C
  • Point with Finger Continuously, Briefly = C (Hold).

Arma Reforger PC controls – Vehicle

These are all the PC Vehicle Controls.

  • Accelearate = W
  • Brake/Reverse = s
  • Steer Left = A
  • Steer Right = D
  • Full throttle = Left Shift
  • Toggle Full Throttle = Left Switch (Double tap)
  • Exit Vehicle =
  • Spacebar = Handbrake
  • Persistent handbrake = Spacebar (Double tap)
  • Start Engine = R (Hold).
  • R = Stop Engine
  • Gear Shift up = E
  • Gear Shift Down =
  • Sound Horn = Middle Mouse Button
  • Lights = L

Arma Reforger PC Controls – Weapon

These are all the PC Weapon Controls.


  • Fire = Left Mouse Button
  • Throw = Left Mouse Button
  • Melee Attack = Middle Mouse Button
  • Reload = R
  • Cycle Fire Modes = V
  • Toggle Weapon Muzzle = V (Hold)
  • Dele = Toggle Weapon Safety
  • Lower Weapon = Left Ctrl (Double Tap)
  • Toggle Sights = Right Mouse Button
  • Sight Range Up = Pages Up
  • Page Down = Sight Range Down
  • Sight Range Up while Aiming = Page
  • Sight Range Down, While Aiming = page
  • Zoom In = +
  • Zoom Out = –
  • Toggle Illumination = Left Alt + Middle Mouse Button

Arma Reforger PC Controls – Turret

These are the PC Turret Controls.

  • Elevation up = W
  • Elevation down = S
  • Traverse Left = A
  • Traverse Right =
  • Fire = Left Mouse Button
  • Reload = R
  • Next Weapon = V
  • Toggle Sights = Right Mouse Button


These are all the PC Camera Controllers:

  • Moving Forward = W
  • Move backward = S
  • Move Left = A
  • Move right = D
  • Move up = Q
  • Z = Move down
  • Mouse Wheel: Move towards or away from Cursor
  • Rotation Modifier = Right Mouse Button
  • Rotate down/up = Num 8 and 2
  • Rotate left/right = Num 6 and 4
  • Adjust Speed = Mouse Wheel
  • Reset Adjusted Speed = Middle Mouse Button
  • Temporary Speed Boost = Left Shift
  • Teleport under Cursor = F
  • Teleport to Player = At Home
  • Teleporter Under Cursor = Spacebar
  • Toggle Flashlight =L
  • H
  • Concentrate on Cursor =
  • Reser Focus = Left Ctrl + R
  • Attach to Target =
  • F1
  • F2
  • F3
  • F4
  • F5
  • F6
  • F7
  • F8
  • F9
  • F10
  • Load Camera from Slot 1 = F1
  • Load Camera from Slot 2 = F2
  • Load Camera from Slot 3 = F3
  • Load Camera from Slot 4 = F4
  • Load Camera from Slot 5 = F5
  • Load Camera from Slot 6 = F6
  • Load Camera from Slot 7 = F7
  • Load Camera from Slot 8 = F8
  • Load Camera from Slot 9 = F9
  • Load Camera from Slot 10 = F10

Game Master

These are the PC Game Master Controls.

  • Toggle Game Master Interface = (Y)
  • Ping Position under Cursor =
  • Cast Lightning = G (Double Tap)
  • Open Scenario Properties = V
  • Spacebar = Place Player
  • Temporary Control of AI =
  • Tab = Open Entity Browser
  • Select All Entities in view = Ctrl+ A
  • Right Mouse Button = Open Context Menu
  • Del = Delete Entity
  • End = Destroy the Entity
  • Move Camera to Notification = E
  • Toggle Map =
  • I. Show/Hide the User Interface
  • Previous Mode =
  • Next Mode =
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 0
  • Load Selection from Slot 1 = 1
  • Load Selection from Slot 2 = 2
  • Load Selection from Slot 3 = 3
  • Load Selection from Slot 4 = 4
  • Load Selection from Slot 5 = 5
  • Load Selection from Slot 6 = 6
  • Load Selection from Slot 7 = 7
  • Load Selection from Slot 8 = 8
  • Load Selection from Slot 9 = 9
  • Load Selection from Slot 10 = 0.