Best Little Cup Pokemon Go – Best Pokemon 2022

Best Little Cup Pokemon Go. Best Little Cup Pokemon / Top List from 1-50: Ranking, stats and teams. Counters, weaknesses, resistences, resistances and more.


The best analysis about Little Cup in Pokemon Go. More Pokemons and Event


Basic Information: Best Little Cup PokemonGo

Little Cup is a competition in which all Pokemon with less than 500 CP can participate.

This competition is for baby Pokemon, eggs-hatched baby Pokemon and wild baby Pokemon. This is a unique way for any Pokemon to participate in any competition.

You can participate in many different tournaments in Pokemon GO. Each one has its own characteristics, so you’ll need to have a lot more Pokemon if your goal is to be able to compete in all of the leagues. We will be focusing on the Little Cup tournament, and we will find out which Pokemon are best to compete in Little Cup. This is a list with the top Pokemon from Little Cup. You can also form the best Little Cup team.

The following Pokemon list could also be considered to be Little Cup Tier or the best Pokemon for Little Cup. These Pokemon can be used to make the best Little Cup teams. You can also use them to create your team. We have an article for team building where you can find the best Little Cup team.

Ranking of the Best Little Cup Pokemons Go

Since it is a large Pokemon list, you will know the general classification. This list will be updated as new Pokemon are released in Pokemon Go. This is also the Little Cup Tier List.

1o- BronzorXL

  • Number of the Pokedex Bronzor: 436
  • Pokemon type:
    Steel Psychic
  • Bronzor Level: 49.5
  • Best Bronzor IVS:

Bronzor attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Confusion ( Psychoic )
  • 1o Main Move Heavy Slam ( steel )
  • 2o Main Move : Payback ( Dark )

2o – Wynaut XL

  • Number Wynaut for Pokedex: 360
  • Pokemon type:
  • Wynaut Level 50
  • Best Wynaut IVS: 5/15/15

Wynaut attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Counter ( Fighting )
  • 1o Main Move: Mirror Coat ( Psychoic )
  • 2o Main Move:

3o – Shelmet

  • Forretress Pokedex Number: 616
  • Pokemon type:
  • Wynaut Level 25.5
  • Best Fortress IVS: 0/15/13

Little Cup: Fortress Attacks

  • Quick Move: Infestation ( bug )
  • 1o Main Move: Body Slam ( ).
  • 2o Main Move ( Bug )

4o – Deino

  • Pokedex number Deino: 633
  • Pokemon type:
    Dark Dragon
  • Deino Level 18.5
  • Best Deino IVS: 1/15/14

Deino Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Dragon Breath ( Dragon )
  • 1o Main Move: Body Slam ( ).
  • 2o Main Move : Crunch ( dark )
  • Deino > Zweilous > Hydreigon

5o. Seel

  • Pokedex number: 86
  • Pokemon type:
  • Seel Level: 25.5
  • Best Seel IVS: 0/15/15

Seel Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Lick ( Phantom )
  • 1o Main Move Aqua Tail ( )
  • 2o Main Move: Icy Wind – Ice (

6o- Vulpix

  • Number 37 in the Pokedex:
  • Pokemon type:
  • Seel Level 23
  • Best Vulpix VVS: 0/15/14

Vulpix attacks Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Ember ( fire )
  • 1o Main Move: Weather Ball ( ).
  • 2o Main Moves: Body Slam ( Normal )

7o- Vulpix – Alolan

  • Number 37 in the Pokedex Vulpix (Alolan).
  • Pokemon type:
  • Seel Level 23
  • Best Vulpix IVS (Alolan), 0/15/14

Vulpix (Alolan), Attacks Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Powder Snow ( Ice )
  • 1o Main Move: Weather Ball ( Ice )
  • 2o Main Move: Dark Pulse – Dark (

8o – Wooper (Shadow)

  • Number Wooper in Pokedex: 194
  • Pokemon type:
    Water Ground
  • Wooper Level: 35.5
  • Best Wooper IVS: 0/15/15

Wooper Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Mud Shot (Ground)
  • 1o Main Moves: Body Slam ( ).
  • 2o Main Move: Mud Bomb (Ground)

9o- Cottone

  • Number of Pokedex Cottonee: 546
  • Pokemon type:
    Grass Fairy
  • Cottonee Level 30.5
  • Best Cottonee IVS:

Little Cup Cottonee Attacks

  • Quick Move: Charm ( Fairy )
  • 1o Main Move: Grass Knot Grass )
  • 2o Main Move ( Grass )

10o by Ducklett

  • Ducklett Pokedex Number: 580
  • Pokemon type:
    Water Flying
  • Ducklett Level: 24
  • Best Ducklett IVS: 0/15/15

Ducklett Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Wing Attack ( ).
  • 1o Main Move: Bubble Beam – Water (
  • 2o Main Move: Brave Bird – Flying (

Best Little Cup PokemonGo – From 11 to 25,

11o Wooper

  • Number Wooper in Pokedex: 194
  • Pokemon type:
    Water Ground
  • Wooper Level: 35.5
  • Best Wooper IVS: 0/15/15

Wooper Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Mud Shot (Ground)
  • 1o Main Moves: Body Slam ( ).
  • 2o Main Move: Mud Bomb (Ground)

12o- Tepig

  • Number 498 in the Pokedex:
  • Pokemon type:
  • Tepig Level: 18.5
  • Best Tepig IVS: 0/14/12

Tepig Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Ember ( fire )
  • 1o Main Move: Body Slam ( ).
  • 2o Main Move : Flame Charge ( fire )

13o – Lickitung

  • Pokedex number Lickitung: 108
  • Pokemon type:
  • Lickitung Level: 14
  • Best Lickitung IVS: 1/15/15

Lickitung Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Lick ( Phantom )
  • 1o Main Move: Body Slam ( ).
  • 2o Main Move: Power whip ( Grass )

14o – Vulpix (Shadow)

  • Number 37 in the Pokedex:
  • Pokemon type:
  • Seel Level 23
  • Best Vulpix VVS: 0/15/14

Vulpix attacks Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Ember ( fire )
  • 1o Main Move: Weather Ball ( ).
  • 2o Main Move: Body Slam ( ).

15o – Pawniard

  • Pokedex number Pawniard 624
  • Pokemon type:

    Dark Steel
  • Pawniard Level 13.5
  • Best Pawniard IVS: 0/15/13

Pawniard Attacks on Little Cup

  • Quick Move : Fury Cutter ( Bug )
  • 1o Main Move : Night Slash ( Dark )
  • 2o Main Move: Iron Head (Steel)

16o – Skorupi (Shadow)

  • Pokedex Number Skorupi: 451
  • Pokemon type:

    Poison Bug
  • Skorupi Level: 20
  • Best Skorupi: 1/15/14

Skorupi Attacks at Little Cup

  • Quick Action: Poison Steing ( )
  • 1o Major Move: Cross Poisoning ( Poison )
  • 2o Major Move: Aqua Tail ( )

17o- Skorupi

  • Skorupi number: 451
  • Pokemon type:

    Poison Bug
  • Skorupi Level: 20
  • The Best Skorupi: 1/15/14

Skorupi Attacks at Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Poison Sting (Poison)
  • 1o Main Move: Cross Poison (Poison)
  • 2o Main Move: Aqua Tail (Water)

18o – Nidoran Female (Shadow)

  • Pokedex number Nidoran Female: 29
  • Pokemon type:

  • Nidoran Female Level: 25.5
  • Best Nidoran Female IVS: 0/14/13

Nidoran Female Attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Poison Sting (Poison)
  • 1o Main Move: Body Slam, (Normal).
  • 2o Main Move: Poison Fang (Poison)

19o – Venonat

  • Number Venonat: 48
  • Pokemon type:

    Bug Poison
  • Venonat Level: 20
  • Best Venonat IVS: 0/15/15

Venonat Attacks on Little Cup

  • Quick Action: Bug Bite ( )
  • 1o The Main Move: Poison Fang – Poison .
  • 2o Hauptzug: Signal Beam ( )

20o – Drifloon

  • Drifloon number: 425
  • Pokemon type:

    Ghost Flying
  • Drifloon Level 16.5
  • Best IVS Drifloon: 0/15/15

Drifloon attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick Action: Hex ( )
  • 1o Hauptzug: Icy Wind ( Ice )
  • 2o Major Move: Shadow Ball ( Phantom )

21o Salandit

  • Salandit number: 757
  • Pokemon type:

    Poison Fire
  • Salandit Level 17.5
  • Best Salandit: 0/13/15

Salandit Attacks on Little Cup

  • Quick Move: Poison Jab (Poison)
  • 1o The Main Move: Poison Fang ( Poison )
  • 2o Major Move: Flamethrower

22o – Spritzee

  • Pokedex number Spritzee: 682
  • Pokemon type:

  • Spritzee Level: 16
  • Best Spritzee IVS: 0/13/15

Spritzee Attacks in Little Cup

  • Charm ( Fairy )
  • 1o The Main Move: Thunderbolt ( Electrical )
  • 2o Hauptzug: The Draining Kiss ( Fairy )


  • Pokedex Number Growlithe: 58
  • Pokemon type:

  • Level: 16
  • Best Growthlithe IVS: 0.10/15

Growlithe Attacks In Little Cup

  • Fast Move: Ember ( )
  • 1o The Main Move: Body Slam ( Normal )
  • 2o Major Move: Flamethrower. ( Fire )

24o – Growlithe

  • Pokedex Number Growlithe: 58
  • Pokemon type:

  • Level: 16
  • Best Growthlithe IVS: 0.10/15

Growlithe Attacks In Little Cup

  • Fast Move: Ember ( Fire )
  • 1o The Main Move: Body Slam ( )
  • 2o Major Move: Flamethrower

25o – Hoothoot

  • Pokedex Number Hoothoot 163
  • Pokemon type:

    Normal Flying
  • Hoothoot Level: 33.5
  • Best Hoothoot VVS: 0/15/14

Hoothoot attacks in Little Cup

  • Quick move: Feint Attack ( )
  • 1o Hauptzug: Sky Attack ( Flying )
  • 2o Major Move: Night Shade ( Phantom )

Best Little Cup Pokémon Go – About Little Cup Team

The best Little Cup teams are not made up of the most powerful Pokemon. For example, if you choose Pokemon in the first, second, and third positions, you won’t have the best team. These Pokemon are the strongest against the top Pokemon in the rankings. The best teams in any league or Little Cup are made up of Pokemon that are strong against the top Pokemon. However, you may have to pick one from the top from time to place.

We recommend that you use a strong Pokemon in this League, such as Deino, which deals great damage (is a DPS), so you should create a team with him. Another interesting Pokemon is Cottonee. This Pokemon has Quick attacks and is very powerfull. Other Pokemon include Drifloon and Shelmet, Bronzor, Bronzor, Pawniard and Skorupi.

A good combination of Pokemon will greatly increase your win rate. Make a luxury team. This guide will help you find the best combinations of pokemons to play in Little Cup. Click here (coming soon).