Best PVP Pokemons Great League Pokemon Go – Top 10

Top 10 PVP Pokemons Great League Pokémon Go


The ranking of the top 10 pokemons in the great League is from 1-10.

The Best PVP Pokemons Great League Pokemon Go Intro

Great League is where all Pokemons with less than 1,500 CP can participate.

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The Top 10 Best PVP Pokemons Great League Pokémon Go

Stunfisk (Galarian)

  • Type: Ground / Steel
  • PVP – Fast Moves: Mud Shot (Ground)
  • PVP – Charged Moves : Earthquake (Ground), / Rock Slide, (Rock)


  • Attack: 101.7
  • Defense: 127.9
  • Stamina: 169
  • Best IVS: 12/12/15 (Maximum level 27).

Key Wins for Pokemons – Top 5)

  1. Bastiodon
  2. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  3. Skarmory
  4. Altaria
  5. Umbreon

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Azumarill
  2. Medicham
  3. Scrafty
  4. Sableye
  5. Swampert

Weaknesses : x1.6 Fighting-x1.6 Fire-x1.6 Ground-x1.6 Water
Resistances : x0.244 Poison, x0.39 Rock, x0.39 Electrical, x0.625 Steel, x0.625 Psychoic, x0.625 Flying-x0.625 Fairy-x0.625 Dragon – x0.625 Bug


  • Type : Ghost /
  • Shadow Claw (Ghost), PVP – Fast Movements
  • PVP – Charged Movements: Seed Bomb, Grass, / Shadow Ball, Ghost


  • Attack: 127,8
  • Defense: 104,6
  • Stamina: 131
  • Best IVS: 15/15/15 (Maximum level 22).

Key Wins for Pokemons (top 5)

  1. Medicham
  2. Sableye
  3. Skarmory
  4. Azumarill
  5. Stunfisk (Galarian)

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Umbreon
  2. Scrafty
  3. Obstagoon
  4. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  5. Altaria

Weaknesses : x1.6 Dark-x1.6 Fire-x1.6 Flying-x1.6 Ghost-x1.6 Ice
Resistances: x0,39 Normal – x0,39 Fighting – x0,625 Water – x0,625 – Ground – x0,625 Grass – x0,625 Electric

Azumarill XL

  • Type Water
  • PVP – Fast Moves: Bubble (Water)
  • PVP – Charged Moves: Ice Beam (Ice) / Hydro Pump (Water)


  • Attack: 93,7
  • Defense: 134
  • Stamina: 190
  • Best IVS: 0/15/15 (Maximum level 45.5)

Key Wins for Pokemons – Top 5)

  1. Altaria
  2. Stunfisk (Galarian)
  3. Scrafty
  4. Umbreon
  5. Skarmory

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  2. Jellicent
  3. Medicham
  4. Lickitung
  5. Trevenant

Weaknesses : x1.6 Electric, x1.6 Grass, x1.6 Poison
Resistances : x0.39 Dragon – x0.625 Water, x0.625 Ice, x0.625 Fire, x0.625 Fighting, x0.625 Dark, x0.625 Bug

Bastiodon XL

Type – Rock / Steel

PVP – Fast Moves : Smack Down (Rock).

PVP – Charged Moves : Flamethrower (Fire), Stone Edge (Rock).


  • Attack: 81,1
  • Defense: 246,6
  • Stamina: 138
  • Best IVS: 0/15/14, Maximum level 50

Key Wins for Pokemons – Top 5)

  1. Skarmory
  2. Altaria
  3. Ninetales (Alolan)
  4. Sableye
  5. Umbreon

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Medicham
  2. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  3. Azumarill
  4. Trevenant
  5. Jellicent

Weaknesses: x2.56 Fighting – x2.56 Ground – x1.6 Water
Resistances : x0.244 poison –


  • Type Water
  • PVP – Fast Moves: Bubble (Water)
  • PVP – Charged Moves: Ice Beam (Ice) / Hydro Pump (Water)


  • Attack: 95,2
  • Defense: 130,7
  • Stamina: 188
  • Best IVS: 15/8/15 (Maximum level 40).

Key Wins for Pokemons – Top 5)

  1. Altaria
  2. Stunfisk (Galarian)
  3. Scrafty
  4. Umbreon
  5. Skarmory

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  2. Jellicent
  3. Medicham
  4. Lickitung
  5. Trevenant

Weaknesses x1.6 Electricity -x1.6 Grass-x1.6 Poison
Resistances – HTML0,39 Dragon, x0.625 Water, x0.625 Ice, x0.625 Fire, x0.625 Fighting, x0.625 Dark, x0.625 Bug

Medicham XL

  • Type Psychic / Fighting
  • PVP – Fast Moves: Counter (Fighting)
  • PVP – Charged Movements: Ice Punch (Ice Punch) / Psychic(Psychic)


  • Attack: 105
  • Defense: 140,3
  • Stamina: 142
  • Best IVS: 15/5/15 (Maximum level 50).

Key Wins for Pokemons – Top 5)

  1. Bastiodon
  2. Scrafty
  3. Stunfisk (Galarian)
  4. Azumarill
  5. Umbreon

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Sableye
  2. Deoxys (Defense).
  3. Skarmory
  4. Altaria
  5. Nidoqueen (Shadow)

Weaknesses : x1.6 Fairy-x1.6 Flying-x1.6 Ghost
Resistances: x0,625 Rock – x0,625 Fighting


  • Type Water / Ghost
  • PVP – Fast Moves : Hex (Ghost).
  • PVP – Charged Moves Bubble Beam (Water), Shadow Ball (Ghost).


  • Attack: 106,6
  • Defense: 124,3
  • Stamina: 157
  • Best IVS: 14/1/14, Maximum level 24.5)

Key Wins for Pokemons (top 5)

  1. Medicham
  2. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  3. Azumarill
  4. Skarmory
  5. Stunfisk (Galarian)

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Umbreon
  2. Altaria
  3. Sableye
  4. Venusaur
  5. Scrafty

Weaknesses x1.6 Dark-x1.6 Electric-x1.6 Ghost-x1.6 Grass
Resistances : x0.39 Normal – x0.39 Fighting – x0.625 Water – x0.625 Steel ­ x0.625 Poisonous -x0.625 Ice and x0.625 Fire – x0.625 Bug


  • Type – Dragon / Flying
  • PVP – Fast Moves : Dragon Breath – Dragon (Dragon).
  • PVP – Charged Moves : Sky Attack (Flying), / Moonblast(Fairy).


  • Attack: 103,4
  • Defense: 153,3
  • Stamina: 136
  • Best IVS: 14/1/15 (Maximum level 29).

Key Wins for Pokemons – Top 5)

  1. Scrafty
  2. Swampert
  3. gelatina
  4. Medicham
  5. Sableye

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Azumarill
  2. Stunfisk (Galarian)
  3. Skarmory
  4. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  5. Umbreon

Weaknesses : x2.56 Ice -x1.6 Dragon-x1.6 Fairy-x1.6 Rock
Resistances : x0.39 Ground – x0.39 Grass. -x0.625 Water. -x0.625 Fire. -x0.625 Fighting. -x0.625 Bug.

Diggersby XL

  • Type : Normal / Ground
  • PVP – Fast Moves: Mud Shot (Ground)
  • PVP – Charged Moves : Fire Punch (Fire), Earthquake (Ground).


  • Attack: 96,3
  • Defense: 141,1
  • Stamina: 171
  • Best IVS: 0/15/13, Maximum level 50

Key Wins for Pokemons (top 5)

  1. Bastiodon
  2. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  3. Stunfisk (Galarian)
  4. Skarmory
  5. Sableye

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Azumarill
  2. Medicham
  3. Scrafty
  4. Swampert
  5. Deoxys (Defense).

Weaknesses: x1.6 Fighting – x1.6 Grass – x1.6 Ice – x1.6 Water
Resistances – x0.39 Ghost – Electric – x0.625 Rock – x0.625 Poison


  • Type Steel
  • PVP – Fast Movements: Lock On (normal).
  • PVP – Charged Moves: Flash Cannon (Steel) / Focus Blast (Fighting)


  • Attack: 95,4
  • Defense: 189,6
  • Stamina: 130
  • Best IVS: 13/2/14, Maximum level 23,5.

Key Wins for Pokemons (top 5)

  1. Ninetales (Alolan)
  2. Skarmory
  3. Bastiodon
  4. Umbreon
  5. Altaria

Key Losses – Pokemons – top 5)

  1. Medicham
  2. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
  3. Sableye
  4. Stunfisk (Galarian)
  5. Azumarill

Weaknesses: x1.6 Fighting – x1.6 Fire – x1.6 Ground
Resistances : x0.39 Poison. x0.625 Steel. x0.625 Rock. x0.625 Psychic. x0.625 Normal. x0.625 Ice. x0.625 Grass. x0.625 Flying. x0.625 Fairy. x0.625 Dragon. x0.625 Bug.