Doodle God All Combinations

Doodle God All Combinations – Episode 1 Beginning

  1. earth + fire = lava
  2. air + earth = dust
  3. air + fire = energy
  4. energy + air = storm
  5. fire + dust = ash
  6. lava + air = stone
  7. fire + stone = metal
  8. water + stone = sand
  9. energy + metal = electricity
  10. water + air = steam
  11. metal + steam = boiler
  12. fire + sand = glass
  13. water + earth = swamp
  14. fire + water = alcohol
  15. swamp + sand = clay
  16. swamp + energy = life
  17. alcohol + water = vodka
  18. water + life = weeds
  19. swamp + life = bacteria
  20. swamp + weeds = moss
  21. earth + moss = grass
  22. swamp + grass = reed
  23. water + bacteria = plankton
  24. life + sand = seeds
  25. life + ash = ghost
  26. life + stone = egg
  27. egg + earth = dinosaur
  28. dinosaur + fire = dragon
  29. air + egg = bird
  30. swamp + moss = fern
  31. clay + life = golem
  32. golem + life = human
  33. human + fire = corpse
  34. human + human = sex
  35. life + corpse = zombie
  36. zombie + corpse = ghoul
  37. human + energy = wizard
  38. wizard + energy = demigod
  39. seed + earth = tree
  40. human + metal = tools
  41. metal + tools = weapons
  42. weapons + man = hunter
  43. hunter + weapons = warrior
  44. warrior + dragon = hero + blood
  45. blood + human = vampire
  46. fire + clay = bricks
  47. tools + reed = paper
  48. bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
  49. tree + tool = wood
  50. feather + paper = book
  51. swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
  52. tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
  53. coal + boiler = steam-engine
  54. human + alcohol = alcoholic
  55. sand + worm = snake
  56. snake + water = fish
  57. water + coal = oil
  58. plankton + fish = whale
  59. snake + tools = poison
  60. poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
  61. poisoned weapon + human = assassin
  62. wood + tool = wheel
  63. earth + tools = field
  64. field + seeds = wheat
  65. wheat + stone = flour
  66. flour + water = dough
  67. dough + fire = bread
  68. bread + alcohol = beer
  69. sand + egg = turtle
  70. swamp + egg = lizard
  71. wood + wheel = cart
  72. cart + steam engine = locomotive
  73. bird + fire = phoenix
  74. lizard + earth = beast
  75. beast + vampire = werewolf
  76. worm + earth = beetle
  77. fire + grass = tobacco
  78. beetle + sand = scorpion
  79. tobacco + paper = cigarette
  80. wood + water = boat
  81. cart + beast = chariot
  82. hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
  83. human + clay = ceramics
  84. human + stone = hut
  85. stone + plankton = shell
  86. shell + stone = limestone
  87. limestone + clay = cement
  88. tools + wool = fabric
  89. human + beast = domesticated animal
  90. life + tree = treant
  91. weeds + earth = mushroom
  92. water + cement = concrete
  93. concrete + bricks = house
  94. fish + beast = dolphin
  95. wood + boat = ship
  96. oil + cart = car
  97. car + air = airplane
  98. fabric + human = clothes
  99. air + worm = butterfly
  100. 100. storm + bird = thunderbird
  101. glass + house = skyscraper
  102. domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
  103. limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
  104. saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
  105. weapon + gunpowder = firearm
  106. ship + fabric = frigate
  107. ship + steam engine = steamship
  108. sand + tree = palmtree

Doodle God All Combinations – Episode 2 Technology

  1. void + glass = lightbulb
  2. void + electricity = radio wave
  3. light bulb + radio wave = tv
  4. tv + book = computer
  5. radiowave + radiowave = radiation
  6. metal + radiation = plutonium
  7. plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb
  8. computer + radio wave = cell phone
  9. energy + fire = plasma
  10. plasma + void = sun
  11. sun + grass = flower
  12. sun + flower = sunflower
  13. tree + flower = apple
  14. sand + tree = palm tree
  15. seeds + energy = coffee
  16. void + airplane = rocket
  17. Void + rocket= Satellite
  18. Radio wave + fire = laser
  19. laser + book = CD
  20. metal + water = quicksilver
  21. quick silver + demigod= philospers stone
  22. Apple + cell phone = gold
  23. human + computer = cyborg
  24. computer + computer = internet

Doodle God All Combinations – Episode 3 Modern Age

  1. commandments + human = religion
  2. religion + human = law + sin
  3. Beast + house = cat + dog
  4. tools + law = mechanism
  5. alcoholic + ship = pirate
  6. alcoholic + house = tavern
  7. sand + glass = clock
  8. waater + glass = ice
  9. book + human = knowledge
  10. warrior + firearm = soldier
  11. gold + paper = money
  12. knowledge + fish = octopus
  13. bacteria + milk = cheese
  14. money + human = work
  15. beetle + work = ant
  16. human + bacteria = virus
  17. mechanism + book = typewriter
  18. knowledge + human = scientist
  19. fish + egg = caviar
  20. apple + dough = pie
  21. law + soldier = policeman
  22. ice + milk = ice cream
  23. knowledge + virus = medicine
  24. fire + meat = steak
  25. reed + field = sugar
  26. ice + mechanism = freezer
  27. sex + human = fun
  28. reed + human = music
  29. human + rocket = astronaut
  30. corpse + electricity = death metal
  31. medicine + bacteria = antibiotics
  32. music + alcohol = rock-n-roll
  33. alcohol + grass = absinthe
  34. money + skyscraper = bank
  35. computer + virus = hacker
  36. coffee bean + vodka = b-52
  37. law + fun = games
  38. alcohol + pirate = rum
  39. vodka + pirate = rum
  40. sugar + bread = cookies
  41. alcoholic + money = hangover
  42. money + bank = debt
  43. debt + money = credit card
  44. vodka + firearm = russian roulette
  45. sex + sex = censored
  46. typewriter + human = journalist
  47. life + void = alien
  48. fire + vodka = molotov cocktail
  49. milk + vodka = white russian
  50. water + water = sea
  51. sun + sea = salt
  52. rocket + alien = ufo
  53. beast + medicine = rat
  54. vodka + worm = tequila
  55. *UFO + wheat = Crop Circles

Doodle God All Combinations – Episode 4 World of Magic

  1. magic + void = darkness, light
  2. magic + knowledge = spell
  3. magic + music = bard
  4. magic + religion = priest
  5. magic + priest = prayer
  6. magic + water = potion
  7. magic + beast = unicorn
  8. magic + paper = scroll
  9. light + darkness = shadow
  10. spell + air = illusion
  11. spell + ice = cone of cold
  12. spell + fire = fireball
  13. spell + book = spell book
  14. prayer + priest = healing
  15. light + life = angel
  16. darkness + earth = underground
  17. wizard + zombie = necromancer
  18. wizard + house = tower
  19. beast + darkness = demon
  20. darkness + energy = death
  21. death + healing = resurrection
  22. warrior + priest = paladin
  23. life + void = chaos, order
  24. chaos + void = astral
  25. astral + spell = teleport
  26. astral + death= illithid
  27. astral + metal = silver
  28. law + assassin = rogue
  29. mechanism + life = modron
  30. human + metal = armor
  31. human + weapon = sword, crossbow
  32. human + magic = elf
  33. human + music = bard
  34. human + elf = half-elf
  35. human + swamp = orc, goblin
  36. human + tree = druid
  37. human + stone = dwarf
  38. elf + darkness = drow
  39. elf + metal = mithril
  40. elf + weapon = bow
  41. house + armor = castle
  42. weapons + magic = wand
  43. priest + weapon = mace
  44. drow + metal = adamantite
  45. dwarf + darkness = duergar
  46. dwarf + weapon = axe, hammer
  47. beast + weapon = claws

Doodle God All Combinations – Save the Princess Quest

  1. human + sword = warrior
  2. priest + dragon = ash
  3. book + magic = spell book
  4. spell book + human = wizard
  5. human + magic = elf
  6. warrior + priest = paladin
  7. warrior + wizard = adventurer
  8. paladin + wizard = party
  9. party + dragon = dead dragon
  10. adventures + dragon = ash, steak
  11. dead dragon + party = key
  12. king + party = quest
  13. adventures + quest = experience, gold
  14. dragon + quest = mountain
  15. dragon + mountain = lair
  16. lair + rogue = secret door
  17. secret door + key = trap
  18. trap + wizard = ash + maze
  19. maze + party = experience + gold + princess
  20. trap + warrior = corpse

Doodle God All Combinations – Devil vs God Quest

  1. Human + Religion = Faith
  2. Human + Faith = Salvation
  3. Human + Life = Birth
  4. Human + Human = Love and Birth
  5. Human + Order = Discipline
  6. Human + Money = Gift
  7. Human + Gift/Charity = Generosity
  8. Human + Fun = Cheerfulness
  9. Human + Work = Diligence
  10. Knowledge/Work + Sex = Diligence
  11. Bread + Water = Diet
  12. Diet + Religion = Fasting
  13. Diet + Grass/Weeds = Vegetarianism
  14. Order + Vodka = Abstention
  15. Cellphone + Gift = Free Apps
  16. Cellphone + Free Apps = Altruism
  17. Light + Sin = Virtue
  18. Virtue + Faith = Hope
  19. Virtue + Energy = Calmness
  20. Virtue + Fun = Joy
  21. Virtue + Pride = Modesty
  22. Virtue + Wrath = Humility
  23. Virtue + Humility = Tolerance
  24. Virtue + Human = Assistance and Tolerance
  25. Corpse/Death + Life = Resurrection
  26. Money + Fun = Donation
  27. Money + Donation = Charity
  28. Sex + Scientist/Wizard = Continence
  29. Sex + Order/Priest = Chastity

Doodle God All Combinations – Survivor Quest

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest.
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree.
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone.
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick.
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter.
  6. Create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark.
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire.
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke.
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure.
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass.
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail.
  13. Smoke + White Sail = Merchants.
  14. Human + Merchants = Salvation.
  15. Good Ending

Doodle God All Combinations – Greatest Inventions Quest Quest


  1. Fire + Energy = Plasma
  2. Plasma + Void = Sun
  3. Electricity + Knowledge = Semiconductor
  4. Energy + Semiconductor = Radio Wave
  5. Cart + Oil = Car
  6. Air + Earth = Dust
  7. Human + Money = Shopping
  8. Fabric + Human = Clothing
  9. Energy + Grass = Tea
  10. Knowledge + Paper = Book
  11. Air + Car = Airplane
  12. Clothing + Metal = Armor
  13. Glass + Void = Lightbulb
  14. Mechanism + Time = Clock
  15. Airplane + Void = Rocket
  16. Rocket + Weapon = Missile
  17. Knowledge + Life = DNA
  18. Lightbulb + Semiconductor = Vacuum Tube
  19. Electricity + Void = Radiowave


  1. Air + Freezer = Air Conditioner
  2. Fabric + Tea = Teabag
  3. Order + Work = Assembly Line
  4. Knowledge + Time = Theory of Relativity
  5. Fabric + Oil = Cellophane
  6. Dust + Void = Vacuum Cleaner
  7. Limestone + Oil = Crayons
  8. Clothing + Water = Washing Machine
  9. Air + Mechanism = Helicopter
  10. Air + Fabric = Zeppelin


  1. Clothing + Woman = Bra
  2. Knowledge + Metal = Stainless Steel
  3. Games + Knowledge = Crossword
  4. Armor + Car = Tank
  5. Air + Armor = Gas Mask
  6. Electricity + Bread = Toaster
  7. Knowledge + Human/Sin = Lie Detector
  8. Food + Life = Vitamin
  9. Electricity + Neon = Neon Lamp
  10. Clothing + Mechanism = Zipper


  1. Medicine + Bacteria = Antibiotics
  2. Airplane + Radiowave = Radar
  3. Fabric + Glue = Bandaid
  4. Work + Mechanism = Robot
  5. Knowledge + Void = Big Bang Theory
  6. Glass + Sun = Sunglasses
  7. Food + Fun = Bubble Gum
  8. Car + Order = Traffic Lights
  9. Food + Freezer = Frozen Food
  10. Fun + Games = Yo-Yo


  1. Cellophane + Glue = Duct Tape
  2. Paper + Photo = Photocopier
  3. Music + Radiowave = FM Radio
  4. Mechanism/Time + Photo = Polaroid
  5. Fire + Mechanism = Jet Engine
  6. Radar + Void OR Knowledge + Radiowave = Radio Telescope
  7. Games + Money = Monopoly
  8. Shopping + Cart = Shopping Cart
  9. Car + Money = Parking Meter
  10. Knowlege + Magic = Software


  1. Firearm + Magic = AK-47
  2. Software + Transistor/Vacuum Tube = First Computer
  3. Gas Mask + Water = Aqualung
  4. Food + Radiowave = Microwave Oven
  5. Money + Shopping = Bar Code
  6. Plutonium + Plutonium/Weapon = Nuclear Bomb
  7. Missile + Weapon = Bazooka
  8. Energy + Plutonium = Nuclear Power Reactor
  9. Clothing + Sun = Bikini
  10. Electricity + Semiconductor = Transistor


  1. Airplane + Earth = Black Box
  2. Paper + Water = Liquid Paper
  3. Money + Debt = Credit Card
  4. Transistor + Transistor = Microchip
  5. Clock + Transistor/Semi-Conductor = Digital Clock
  6. Robot/Rocket + Void = Satellite
  7. Food + Time = Fast Food
  8. Electricity + Sun = Solar Cell
  9. Energy + Semiconductor = Laser
  10. Glue + Time = Super Glue


  1. Life + Photo = 3d Holography
  2. First Computer + Photo = Digital Photography
  3. Credit Card/Mechanism + Money = ATM
  4. Book + Software = Hypertext
  5. Human + Void/Rocket = Astronaut
  6. Armor + Fabric = Kevlar
  7. Cellophane + Music = Audio Casette
  8. Car + Void = Moon Lander
  9. First Computer + Video Game = Computer Mouse
  10. First Computer + Games = Video Game


  1. Phone + Radiowave = Cellphone
  2. Games/Video Game + Music = Karaoke
  3. Games + Puzzle = Copyright
  4. Microchip + Software = Microprocessor
  5. Digital Photography + Time/Life = Digital Camera
  6. First Computer + Micro-processor = Personal Computer
  7. Audio Cassette + Software = Floppy Disk
  8. Astronaut/Satellite + Satellite = Space Station
  9. Car + Electricity = Hybrid Vehicle
  10. Music + Music = Stereo


  1. Mechanism + Medicine = Artificial Heart
  2. First Computer + First Computer = Internet
  3. Floppy Disk + Laser = CD
  4. Personal Computer + Software = MS-DOS
  5. DNA + Knowledge = DNA Fingerprinting
  6. Space Station/Satellite + Space Station = Modular Space Station
  7. Paper + Phone = Fax Machine
  8. Life + Video Game = Virtual Reality
  9. Book + Microchip = Flash Memory
  10. MS-DOS + Software = Windows


  1. CD + CD = DVD
  2. Rocket + Water = Sea Launch
  3. Radiowave/Knoweldge + Satellite = GPS
  4. Cellphone + Personal Computer = Smartphone
  5. Microchip + Music = MP3 Player
  6. Order + Personal Computer = USB
  7. Flash Memory + Book/Software = Memory Card
  8. Hypertext + Internet = WWW
  9. Plasma + TV = Plasma TV
  10. Digital Camera + Internet = Webcam

Ending 2

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest.
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree.
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone.
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick.
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter.
  6. Create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark.
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire.
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke.
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure.
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass.
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail.
  13. Human + Spyglass = Pirates.
  14. Gold + Pirates = Torture and Death.
  15. Bad Ending

Ending 3

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter
  6. Create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
  13. Smoke + Black Sail = Pirates
  14. Human + Pirates = Death
  15. Bad Ending

Extraneous Elements

  1. Human + Sea = Water
  2. Sun + Water = Salt
  3. Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand = Beach + Human.
  4. Sand + Water = Clay
  5. Clay + Sun = Bricks
  6. Human + Bushes = Berries and Leaves
  7. Human + Palm Tree = Coconut and Liana
  8. Stone + Stick = Hammer
  9. Stone + Hammer = Flintstone
  10. Flintstone + Stick = Axe
  11. Axe + Tree = Wood
  12. Axe + Stick = Spear
  13. Game + Spear = Carcass
  14. Axe + Carcass = Meat and Skin
  15. Meat + Salt = Jerky
  16. Complete Jerky.
  17. Carcass + Knife = Sinew and Meat and Skin
  18. Clay + Bonfire = Pottery
  19. Carcass + Flintstone = Bones and Meat
  20. Sea + Spear = Fish
  21. Sinew + Sinew = Rope
  22. Rope + Stick = Bow and Fishing Rod
  23. Human + Skin = Clothes
  24. Bonfire + Wood = Ash and Coal and Bonfire
  25. Bonfire + Meat = Steak
  26. Bricks + Bricks = Walls
  27. Bones + Rope = Needle and Thread
  28. Needle and Thread + Skin = Canvas
  29. Canvas + Stick = Sail
  30. Forest + Rope = Snare
  31. Rope + Wood = Raft
  32. Raft + Sail = Sailing Raft
  33. Raft + Sea = Storm
  34. Sailing Raft + Sea = Calm
  35. Shelter + Walls = Hut

Doodle God All Combinations – Run Santa Run Quest

  1. sand + fire = glass
  2. metal + water = quicksilver
  3. Void + fire = sun
  4. Water + fire = alcohol
  5. magic + quick silver = Philosopher’s stone
  6. death + human = zombie
  7. philo + metal = gold
  8. worm + alcohol = tequila
  9. alcohol + water = vodka
  10. human + tree = wood
  11. Human + metal = weapon
  12. human + weapon = assasin
  13. alcohol + grass = resinthe
  14. philosoper’s stone + water = beer
  15. music + wood = guitar
  16. zombie + human = brains
  17. assassin + chaos = joker
  18. magic + glass = crystal ball
  19. sun + glass = sunglasses
  20. human + wheat = bread
  21. void + weapon = Death Star
  22. assassin + water = pirate
  23. pirate + alcohol = rum
  24. religion + death = sacrifice
  25. Philosopher Stone + Water = Beer (Fender’s Gift)

Doodle God All Combinations – The Rise of Egypt Quest

  1. Human + Sand = Gold
  2. Human + Stone = Flintstone
  3. Human + Water = Life
  4. Life + Sand = Scarab and Sun
  5. Life + Water = Fish
  6. Life + Stone = Egg
  7. Egg + Sand = Hawk
  8. Stone + Stone = Fire
  9. Fire + Human or Fire + Animal = Sacrifice
  10. Human + Sacrifice = Egyptian Priest
  11. Fire + Stone = Metal
  12. Human + Metal = Weapon
  13. Sand + Sand = Desert
  14. Desert + Water = Nile
  15. Nile + Sand = Swamp
  16. Egg + Swamp = Lizard
  17. Lizard + Nile = Crocodile
  18. Life + Nile = Fish and Reed
  19. Flintstone + Reed = Papyrus
  20. Desert + Human = Corpse
  21. Human + Sun = Pharoh
  22. Human + Nile = Field
  23. Field + Life = Beast
  24. Human + Beast = Domestic Animal
  25. Human + Domestic Animal = Meat and Wool
  26. Human + Wool = Fabric
  27. Corpse + Fabric = Mummy
  28. Gold + Mummy = Sarcophagus
  29. Sand + Swamp = Clay
  30. Clay + Fire = Bricks
  31. Human + Bricks = House
  32. House + Beast = Cat
  33. Pharaoh + Hawk = Horus
  34. Pharaoh + Sun = Ra
  35. Pharaoh + House = Temple
  36. Pharaoh + Cat = Bastet
  37. Pharaoh + Crocodile = Sobek
  38. Pharaoh + Stone = Statue

Doodle God All Combinations – The Angel and the Imp Quest

  1. Angel + Air = Heavens
  2. Angel + Earth = Clay
  3. Angel + Clay or Golem = Human
  4. Angel + Fire = Sun
  5. Angel + Sun = Light
  6. Angel + Water = Sea
  7. Imp + Light = Darkness
  8. Imp + Water = Alcohol
  9. Imp + Sea = Swamp
  10. Imp + Swamp = Sulfur
  11. Imp + Sulfur = Gunpowder
  12. Imp + Air = Storm
  13. Imp + Clay = Golem
  14. Imp + Human = Corpse and Warrior
  15. Imp + Earth = Lava
  16. Imp + Fire or Lava = Inferno
  17. Imp + Sun = Radiation
  18. Imp + Radiation = Nuclear Bomb
  19. Angel + Radiation = Energy
  20. Angel + Energy = Electricity
  21. Angel + Lava = Stone
  22. Angel + Stone = Egg
  23. Angel + Egg = Bird
  24. Angel + Swamp = Grass
  25. Angel + Grass = Flower and Tree
  26. Angel + Tree = Forest
  27. Angel + Sulfur = Sand
  28. Angel + Sand = Beach
  29. Imp + Stone = Metal
  30. Imp + Egg = Dragon
  31. Imp + Bird = Phoenix
  32. Imp + Grass = Poison
  33. Imp + Dragon = Demon
  34. Imp + Forest = Treant
  35. Imp + Metal = Gold
  36. Angel + Dragon = Dinosaur
  37. Angel + Metal = Tools
  38. Angel + Dinosaur = Beast
  39. Angel + Beast = Domestic Animal
  40. Angel + Domestic Animal = Milk and Wool
  41. Angel + Wool = Clothing
  42. Imp + Domestic Animal = Blood and Beat
  43. Imp + Milk = Bacteria
  44. Imp + Tools = Weapon
  45. Imp + Bacteria = Virus
  46. Angel + Bacteria = Beetle
  47. Imp + Beetle = Scorpion
  48. Imp + Scorpion = Poison
  49. Imp + Blood = Vampire
  50. Imp + Beast = Werewolf

Doodle God All Combinations – Sins vs Virtue Quest

  1. human + human = birth, love
  2. human + order = discipline
  3. human + fun = cheerfulness
  4. human + religion = faith
  5. human + faith = salvation
  6. human + work = diligence
  7. human + money = gift
  8. gift + cellphone = free apps
  9. free apps + cellphone = altruism
  10. fun + money = donation
  11. donation + money = charity
  12. charity + human = generosity
  13. order + alcohol/vodka = abstention
  14. life + death/corpse = resurrection
  15. sin + light = virtue
  16. virtue + human = tolerance, assistance
  17. virtue + energy = calmness
  18. virtue + fun = joy
  19. virtue + wrath = humility
  20. virtue + pride = modesty
  21. virtue + faith = hope
  22. water + bread = diet
  23. diet + grass/weeds = vegetarianism
  24. diet + religion = fasting
  25. sex + knowledge = sublimation
  26. sex + priest = chastity
  27. sex + wizard/scientist = continence

Doodle God All Combinations – Puzzles

All you need is Love:

  1. Beast + Angel = Wool
  2. Wool + Angel = Rope
  3. Tree + Angel = Stick
  4. Stick + Rope = Bow
  5. Angel + Bow = Love Bow!!

Christmas Tree:

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Water + Lava = Stone + Steam
  3. Ice + Air = Snow
  4. Water + Stone = Sand
  5. Life + Sand = Seeds
  6. Seeds + Earth = Tree
  7. Tree + Snow = Christmas Tree

Elemental Ice Cream:

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava.
  2. Air + Lave = Stone.
  3. Stone + Water = Sand.
  4. Fire + Sand = Glass.
  5. Glass + Water = Ice.
  6. Ice + Milk = Ice Cream.

Independence day in a Village:

  1. Grass + Domestic Animal = Fertilizer and Milk
  2. Life + Swamp = Bacteria (repeat once for a total of 2 Bacteria)
  3. Bacteria + Water = Plankton
  4. Bacteria + Swamp = Sulfur and Worm
  5. Plankton + Stone = Shells
  6. Shells + Stone = Limestone
  7. Limestone + Fertilizer = Saltpetre
  8. Saltpetre + Sulfur = Gunpowder
  9. Gunpowder + Fire = Firecracker

In the Name of Peace:

  1. Fire + Water = Alcohol.
  2. Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
  3. Energy + Human = Wizard.
  4. Fire + Water = Alcohol.
  5. Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
  6. Energy + Wizard = Demigod.
  7. Demigod + Nuclear Bomb = Flower.

Locomotive in the Woods:

  1. Air + Water = Steam.
  2. Stone + Stone = Fire and Stone and Stone.
  3. Repeat last step two more times
  4. Fire + Tree = Ash and Ash and Coal.
  5. Fire + Stone = Metal.
  6. Fire + Stone = Metal.
  7. Human + Metal = Tools.
  8. Metal + Steam = Boiler.
  9. Boiler + Coal = Steam Engine.
  10. Tools + Tree = Tools and Wood.
  11. Tools + Tree = Tools and Wood.
  12. Tools + Wood = Wheel.
  13. Wheel + Wood = Cart.
  14. Cart + Steamengine = Locomotive.

Mother’s Day Postcard:

  1. Earth + Moss = Grass
  2. Grass + Sun = Flower
  3. Earth + Water = Swamp
  4. Grass + Swamp = Reed
  5. Reed + Tools = Paper
  6. Paper + Flower = Postcard


  1. Earth + Water = Swamp.
  2. Repeat last step two more times
  3. Life + Swamp = Bacteria.
  4. Bacteria + Water = Plankton.
  5. Plankton + Stone = Shells.
  6. Sand + Swamp = Clay.
  7. Sand + Swamp = Clay.
  8. Stone + Stone = Fire + Stone + Stone.
  9. Stone + Stone = Fire + Stone + Stone.
  10. Clay + Fire = Bricks.
  11. Fire + Sand = Glass.
  12. Shells + Stone = Limestone.
  13. Clay + Limestone = Cement.
  14. Cemente + Water = Concrete.
  15. Bricks + Concrete = House.
  16. House + Glass = Skyscraper.


  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Air + Lava = Stone
  3. Water + Stone = Sand
  4. Sand + Fire = Glass
  5. Glass + Water = Ice
  6. Ice + Air = Snow


  1. Fire + Water = Alcohol
  2. Clay + Fire = Bricks
  3. Clay + Life = Golem
  4. Golem + Life = Human
  5. Human + Alcohol = Alcoholic
  6. Clay + Limestone = Cement
  7. Cement + Water = Concrete
  8. Bricks + Concrete = House
  9. Alcoholic + House = Tavern


  1. Domestic animal + grass = fertilizer and milk
  2. Life + swamp = bacteria (repeat twice)
  3. Bacteria + water = plankton
  4. Bacteria + swamp = sulfur + worm
  5. Plankton + stone = shells
  6. Shells + stone = limestone
  7. Limestone + fertilizer = saltptre
  8. Saltpetre + sulfur = gun powder
  9. Gun powder + fire = firecracker

Doodle God All Combinations – Artifacts

  1. Pyramid of Cheops = Sand + Corpse + Stone
  2. Sphinx = Stone + Human + Beast
  3. Eiffel Tower = Metal + Tower + Skyscraper
  4. Godzilla = Dinosaur + Radiation + Sea
  5. Holy Grail = Blood + Resurrection + Demigod
  6. Lightsaber = Sword + Energy + Light
  7. Pandora’s Box = Chaos + Death + Darkness
  8. Perpetual (Motion Device) = Mechanism + Void + Energy
  9. Ring of Power (The One Ring) = Lava + Magic + Demon
  10. Stone + Stone + Stone = Stonehenge
  11. Titanic = Ship + Ice + Death
  12. Animated Marionette = Wood + Life + Tool
  13. Santa’s Sleigh = Snow + Wood + Human
  14. Basilisk = Human + Beast + Stone OR Poison + Stone + Lizard (based on version)
  15. Pinocchio = Wood + Life + Tools (Only available in Doodle God (App) versions 2.5.1 to 2.5.7)