Dragon Ball Rage Controls & Keybinds

Dragon Ball Rage Controls & Keybinds – Learn how to perform all actions available in @iDracius


Dragon Ball Rage Controls & Keybinds – PC & Keyboard

These are all the PC Keyboard Controls

  • [Q]: Ki blast (train ki). (Hold for auto-shooting)
  • [E] Combat (train attack, agility)
    • 1st: Left punch
    • 2nd: Kick
    • 3rd: Right punch
    • Fourth: Turn around
  • [R]: Ki Self (train defense)
  • [B] Long Transform
  • [C] Restore Energy (Hold).
  • [N]: Short Transform
  • [V]: AuraToggle
  • [X]: To lock on, hover your mouse over someone.
  • [SPACE]: Jump one tap and fly twice with double taps
  • [SHIFT]: Fly Fast
  • [W, A., S., D]: Movement
  • [Up & down Arrow]: Movement (Same As W & S).
  • Rotate Camera
  • [I,O]: Zoom in and Zoom Out
  • [Mouse wheel]: Zoom in and Zoom out
  • [Tab] Current players information
  • [Esc]: Standar Roblox games’ menu
  • [/]: Chat
  • [. [.

We would be honored if you could provide more information or keybinds.

Dragon Ball Rage Keybinds & Controls – Mobile

Blazing Gamer Legend > To learn all about the equivalences, and to perform all actions from your Android/IOS mobile, watch this video

Because of age restrictions, we cannot post the video here. It can only be seen on Youtube.

About DB Rage

Dragon Ball Rage lets you fight your friends, enemies, and rivals. You can unlock incredible skills. Are you the strongest?


[Q]: Ki Blast (train ki)
[E] Combat (train attack, agility)
[R]: Ki Self (train defense)
[B] Long Transform
[N]: Short Transform
[V]: AuraToggle
[X]: To lock on, hover your mouse over someone.
[SPACE] Double tap space for flying
[SHIFT]: Fly Fast

Maximum Current: 255 Million
Limit Breaker Max: 260 Million
Zenkai Boost Max: 45

Scripter: @iDracius
Builders: @CrutchBazooka, @TheBeastSword
Artist: @Alfatron5000

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