Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Marijuana, Amphetamine, Ecstasy, Crystal Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, Fentanyl, LSD, DMT & Gang Mixes
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Marijuana
All mixes that make use of marijuana.
BlueGrass Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 80 g Marijuana 80%
- 20 g Viagra 20%
Weed Mix 70 Mix
- 70 g Marijuana 70%
- 30 g Viagra 30%
NebaGreen Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 110 g wet Marijuana 73%
- 20 g Viagra 13%
- 1 g dry Marijuana 1%
- 4 g Fentanyl 3%
- 14 g Ecstasy / Ampthetamine 9%
- 1 g Acetone 0.7%
- 149 g wet Marijuana 99.3%
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Amphetamine
All mixes that make use of Amp
SodaAmp Mix
- 20 g Amp 77%
- 6 g Baking Soda 23%
WhiteAmp Mix
- 24 g Amp 80%
- 6 g Sugar 20%
BlueAmp Mix
- 20 g Amp 77%
- 4 g Sugar 15%
- 2 g Ibuprofen 8%
Quantom AMP Mix
- 24 g Amp
- 4 g Ibuprofen
- 2 g Sugar
SweetAmp Mix
- 30 g Amp 75%
- 8 g Sugar 20%
- 2 g Viagra 5%
White Reign Pre-Mix Mix
- 100 g Viagra 33.33%
- 196 g Marijuana 65.34%
- 4 g Fentanyl 1.33%
White Reign Mix
- 225 g Amp 75%
- 75 g Pre-Mix 25%
Boba Fett Mix
- 200 g Amp 80%
- 5 g Paracetamol 2%
- 10 g Viagra 4%
- 5 g Baking Powder 2%
- 30 g Sugar 12%
Speed Galore Mix
- 225 g Ampetahmine 75%
- 25 g Neblinax 8%
- 10 g Cocaine 3%
- 10 g Ecstasy 3%
- 25 g Sugar 8%
- 5 g Fentanyl 2%
Sweet Tooth Mix
- 200 g Ampetahmine 80%
- 20 g Sugar 8%
- 20 g Salt 8%
- 10 g Baking Powder 4%
Super Amp 1.0 Mix
- 833 g Ampetahmine 83%
- 44 g Baking Soda 4%
- 90 g Viagra 9%
- 33 g LSD 3%
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Ecstasy
All mixes that make use of Ecstasy
E-Juice Mix
- 30 g Ecstasy 75%
- 1 g Ibuprofen 2.5%
- 2 g Baking Soda 5%
- 5 g Sugar 12.5%
- 2 g Amp 5%
Silent-E Mix
- 22 g Ecstasy 73%
- 5 g Viagra 17%
- 3 g Sugar 10%
HolyWood Party Mix
- 75 g Ecstasy 76%
- 2 g Fentanyl 2%
- 10 g Viagra 10%
- 4 g Sugar 4%
- 2.5 g Amp 3%
- 5.5 g Baking Soda 5%
Trump Mix
- 240 g Ecstasy %
- 10 g Fentanyl %
- 20 g Heroin %
- 20 g Viagra %
- 10 g Amphetamine %
Secstasy Mix
- 225 g Ecstasy 75%
- 5 g Fentanyl 1.7%
- 10 g Paracetamol 3.3%
- 40 g Sugar/Washing Powder 13.3%
- 10 g Viagra 3.3%
- 10 g Nebilanex 3.3%
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Crystal Meth
All the mixes that make use of Crystal meth
BlueSky Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 70g of crystal meth 70 percent
- 25 G Baking soda 25 percent
- 5 g Viagra 5%
MethBang Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 32 grams of crystal meth 88%
- 2 g Fentanyl 5%
- 6 g Viagra 15%
Crankshaft Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 20g crystal meth 83 percent
- 2 g Fentanyl 8%
- 1 g Amp 4%
- 1 g Viagra 4%
Ziggy Stardust Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 100 grams of crystal meth 68 98%
- 8 g Safe Fent 5%
- 4 g Sweet Tooth 3%
- 36 g Sugar 24%
Crystal Palace Mix
- 1 g Acethone
- 100 g Meth %
- 20 g Sugar %
- 9 g Fentanyl %
- 15 g Viagra %
- 5 g Salt %
Rocket Fuel Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 70 g Crystal Meth %
- 10 g Cocaine %
- 10 g Amphetamine %
- 10 g Viagra %
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Cocaine
Mixes that contain Cocaine
- 50 g Cocaine 89%
- 5 g Viagra 11%
GreenCoke Mix
- 225 g Cocaine 75%
- 75 g Marihuana 25%
SweetCoke Mix
- 220 g Cocaine 73%
- 80 g Sugar 27%
CokeX Mix
- 240 g Cocaine 80%
- 48 g Sugar 16%
- 12 g Viagra 4%
White Lightning Mix
- 240 g Cocaine 80%
- 30 g Viagra 10%
- 30 g Sugar 10%
SaltyC Mix
- 200 g Cocaine 67%
- 10 g Fentanyl 3%
- 15 g Baking Soda 5%
- 75 g Viagra 25%
CoCo Mix
- 225 g Cocaine 75%
- 25 g Ibuprofen 8%
- 50 g sugar 17%
Granny’s Ashes Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 100 g Cocaine 77%
- 10 g Crystal Meth 7.5%
- 10 g Viagra 7.5%
- 10 g Baking Soda 7.5%
The Li’l Blue Coke Mix
- 200 g Cocaine 67%
- 10 g Fentanyl 3%
- 15 g Baking Soda 5%
- 75 g Viagra 25%
White Monster Pre-Mix Mix
- 225 g Marijuana 75%
- 72 g Viagra 24%
- 3 g Fentanyl 1%
White Monster Mix
- 225 g Cocaine 75%
- 75 g Pre-Mix 25%
MT. Everest Mix
- 200 g Cocaine 80%
- 6 g Safe Fent 6%
- 4 g Ibuprofen 2%
- 10 grams of Sweet Tooth (see in amp section) 4.4%
- 15 g Sugar 6%
- 15 g Salt 6%
Deluxe Super Coca Cola Mix
- 833 g Cocaine 83,3%
- 24 g Baking Soda 2,4 percent
- 30 g FentByPro 2.0 3%
- 10 g Viagra 1%
- 80 g Sugar 8%
- 23 g LSD 2,3%
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Heroin
Mixes that contain Heroin
HeroinX Mix
- 240 g Heroin 80%
- 12 g Viagra 4%
- 48 g Sugar 16%
Superman Mix
- 200 g Heroin 71%
- 20 g Viagra 7%
- 60 g Baking Soda 21%
Lemon Sky Pre-Mix Mix
- 100 g Viagra 33.33%
- 200 g Sugar OR Baking Soda 66.67%
Lemon Sky Mix
- 225 g Heroin 75%
- 75 g Pre-Mix 25%
Trainspotting Mix
- 200 g Heroin 74%
- 30 g Sugar 11%
- 5 g Paracetamol 2%
- 10 g Baking Soda 4%
- 5 g Ibuprofen 2%
- 20 g Viagra 7%
Fentastic Mix
- 200 g Heroin 80%
- 12g Safe Fent 5%
- 8 g Paracetamol 3%
- 15 g Sugar 6%
- 15 g Salt 6%
Happy H Mix
- 240 g Heroin %
- 20 g Cocaine %
- 20 g Amphetamine %
- 10 g Viagra %
- 10 g Nebilanex %
Herkules Mix
- 75 g Heroin 75%
- 10 g Sugar 10%
- 5 g baking soda g Baking soda
- 10 g Viagra 10%
Super Herkules Mix
- 833 g Heroin %
- 24 g Baking Soda %
- 10 g FentByPro 2.0 %
- 60 g Viagra %
- 23 g LSD %
- 50 g Sugar %
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Fentanyl
All mixes that incorporate Fentanyl.
Safe Fent Mix
- 200 g Fentanyl 83%
- 20 g Sugar 8%
- 20 g Salt 8%
FentByPro 2.0 Mix
- 20 g Fentanyl 20%
- 20 g Viagra 20%
- 50 g Sugar 50%
- 10 G Baking soda 10 percent
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – LSD
All mixes that contain LSD
Acid Test Mix
- 120 g LSD 75%
- 24 g Viagra 15%
- 16 g Sugar 10%
LSD Supermix Mix
- 225 g LSD 75%
- 20 g Nebilanex 7%
- 15 g Viagra 5%
- 40 g Salt 13%
LSDeath Mix
- 220 g LSD %
- 30 g DMT %
- 10 g Fentanyl %
- 20 g Nebilanex %
- 10 g Heroin %
- 10 g Baking Soda/Salt %
Tunnel Vision Mix
- 240 g LSD %
- 20 g DMT %
- 10 g Safe Fent %
- 10 g of sweet tooth 10 g Sweet tooth
- 20 g Nebilanex %
Cut Mix
- 500 g LSD 50%
- 500 g DMT 50%
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – DMT
All mixes that contain DMT
Nx Mix
- 120 g DMT 75%
- 16 g Viagra 10%
- 24 g Sugar 15%
DankMT Pre-Mix Mix
- 1 g Acethone %
- Marihuana 100%
DankMT Mix
- 225 g DMT 75%
- 75 g Pre-Mix 25%
DMT Heads Mix
- 225 g DMT 75%
- 5 g Fentanyl 2%
- 10 g Amphetamine 3%
- 5 g Heroin 2%
- 20 g Viagra 7%
- 30 g Washing Powder/Sugar/Salt 10%
- 5g Neblianex 1%
Dazzler Mix
- 220 g DMT %
- 20 g Neblinax %
- 20 g Viagra %
- 40 g Cocaine or Meth %
- 250 g DMT 83.3%
- 50 g LSD 16.7%
Drug Dealer Simulator Mixing Guide – Gang Mixes
All the Gang mixes
La Ballena Coca Mix
- 710 g Cocaine 71%
- 290 g of sugar and any substance else 29%
Yeet That Crap Mix
- 750 g Cocaine 75%
- 250 g Cut 25%
Keiji Meth Mix
- 1 g Acetone
- 60 g of crystal meth 60 percent
- 40 grams of sugar or other substance 40 percent