Field Research Pokemon Go

Januray 2022 – Field Research Pokemon Go


Field Research Pokemon Go Januray 2022. Check the list for all details.


Field Research Pokemon Pokemon Go – What is it?

When you complete a research task in Pokemon Go you will receive a reward. The more difficult the task, the higher the reward.

You can choose between two types of research within Pokemon Go: field investigation or special study.

Field Research

Turn a pokeStop to get field research. Only 1 per day.

As long as you have enough PokeStops, you can do as many Field Investigations you want. There are a maximum of three field investigations.

To unlock a Research Breakthrough, you will be rewarded with a stamp for every first Field Research that you complete during the current day.


7 stamps – they don’t have to be consecutive. Stamps can be accumulated but not lost. You can complete 7 stamps to open a reward package that will contain useful items such as rare candies and Pineapple Berries.

Special Investigation

This can be considered part of the Pokemon Go story, which consists of a series special tasks over a time period, such as an event at Christmas, or any other significant event. These special investigations are usually complex and require many steps. They can be saved under the special investigations menu. They will be saved once you’ve completed them so that you can review all of the ones you’ve done in Pokemon Go.

Field Research PokemonGo – Januray 2022

  • Catch 5 Pokémon: Rhyhorn (CP 664 – 707)
  • Catch 7 Pokémon: Magikarp PC 99-117
  • Catch a dragon-type Pokemon : Dratini Cp 397 – 433, Bagon Cp 459 – 495
  • 5 species of Pokemon are available:Burmy(Planta), Burmy(arena), and Burmy_basura) Todos CP 185 – 209
  • Catch 5 Pokémon with Weather Boost:Vulpix CP347 – 378 / Poliwag CP324 – 355, / Hippopotas CP542 – 582 / Snover CP 460 – 497
  • Make 5 Lovely Throws:Dunsparce CP679 – 724
  • Make Three Great Throws: Snubbull CP 492, 530 / Lileep CP 555, 553 / Anorith CP 603, 655
  • 3 Great Throws in One:OnixCP 435 – 472.
  • 5 Curveball Throws in a Row:Pineco CP 440 – 475
  • 5 Great Curveball Throws in One: Spinda CP 486-523
  • 3 Outstanding Throws in a Row:GibleCP 441 – 477
  • Win a raid of level 3 or higher: Omanyte CP 620 – 662 / Kabuto CP 5748 – 587
  • 5 Berries to catch Pokemon:Wurmple (CP 222 – 247)
  • Win 2 raids Snorlax (CP 1320-1382)
  • Battle in the GO Battle League two times: Stunfisk CP876 – 926
  • Win 5 Raids Aerodactyl CP1136-1193
  • Hatch an egg: Mantine, CP 854 – 903
  • Hatch 2 Eggs: Beldum CP 385 – 418
  • Destroy a Team Go Rocket Leader:Lapras Cp 1076-1131
  • Evolve A Pokemon:Eevee (CP 424-459
  • Power Up Pokemon 7 Times:BulbasaurCP 442 – 477 / CharmanderCP 387-420 / SquirtleCP 372-404 / 405
  • Power Up Pokemon 5 Times:Chikorita CP368 – 400 / Cyndaquil CP387 – 420 / Totodile CP449 – 485
  • Power Up Pokemon 7 Times:Treecko 417-451 / Torchic 433 – 468 / Mudkip 447-483
  • Hatch 3 eggs:Chansey CP490 – 537
  • Earn 5 Hearts with Your Buddy:EeveeCP 424-459
  • Walk with your friend and earn 2 candies:BunnelbyCP212-237)
  • Walk with your friend and earn 3 candies: Stunfisk 976-926
  • Open 5 gifts: Slakoth (CP 395 – 429)
  • Trade a Pokémon:BidoofCP 280-309
  • Spin 3 PokeStops and Gyms:Sudowoodo (CP 871-920)
  • Spin 5 PokeStops and Gyms:Ralts, CP206 – 231.
  • Take a picture of a wild Pokemon.MiltankCP 957-1009 / HoppipCP 231- 257/ YanmaCP 588-630 / MurkrowCP 626- 669
  • Walk 2 km:ShellderCP 428 – 463.