Half Life Opposing Force Cheats & Console Commands

Welcome To the Half Life Opposing force Cheats and Console Commands Guide. Enable the console to get tons of cheats while playing

Half Life Opposing Force Cheats: How to Enable The Console?

These steps will enable you to use the console


  1. This command line allows you to load the game:
    • hl.exe -dev -console -game gearbox
    • Or
    • SierraHalf-Lifehl.exe -console +sv_cheats 1 -game gearbox
  2. To activate cheat mode, press the tilde button [].
  3. In the console window, type “impulse 101”.

Half Life Opposing Force Cheats Console Commands

These are the only available console commands or cheats:

  • God mode: /god
  • All weapons with fully loaded ammo are /impulse 101
  • No clipping mode /noclip
  • Spawn identified item: http://give [itemname]
  • Adjust gravity [-999 -999999]
  • Spawned indicated weapon: http://give weapon_[weapon]
  • Spawn identified ammo by /give ammo_[ammo]
  • Map select /map [map Name]

Names of Weapons

  • .357 Magnum- 357
  • 9mm Assault Rifle – 9mmar
  • 9mm Handgun – 9mmhandgun
  • Crossbow – crossbow
  • Crowbar – Crowbar
  • Desert Eagle – Eagle
  • Displacer – displacer
  • Egon Gun – egon
  • Gauss Gun – gauss
  • Grapple – grapple
  • Hand Granate – handgrenade
  • Hornet Gun – hornetgun
  • Knife – knife
  • Laser Tripmine – tripmine
  • M249 SAW-m249
  • M40A Sniper Rifle – sniperrifle
  • Pipewrench – pipewrench
  • Rocket Thrower – Rpg
  • Satchel Charge – Satchel
  • Shock Rifle: shockrifle
  • Shotgun – shotgun
  • Snark – Snark
  • Spore Launcher – sporelauncher

Ammo Names

  • .357 Magnum- 357
  • 9mm Assault Rifle – 9mm
  • 9mm Handgun – 9mm
  • Crossbow – crossbow
  • Egon Gun – egonclip
  • Gauss Gun – gaussclip
  • M249 SAW 556
  • M40A Sniper Rifle – 762
  • Rocket Thrower – RPGclip
  • Shotgun – buckshot
  • Spore Launcher – spore

Map names

Boot Camp

  • ofbooto
  • ofboot1
  • ofboot2
  • ofboot2
  • ofboot3
  • ofboot4

Regular game:

  • of0a0
  • of1a1
  • of1a2
  • of1a3
  • of1a4
  • of1a4b
  • of1a5
  • of1a5b
  • of2a1
  • of2a1b
  • of2a2
  • of2a3
  • of2a4
  • of2a5
  • of2a5b
  • of3a1
  • of3a1b
  • of3a2
  • of3a3
  • of3a4
  • of3a5
  • of3a6
  • of4a1
  • of4a2
  • of4a3
  • of4a4
  • of4a5
  • of5a1
  • of5a2
  • of5a3
  • of5a4
  • of6a1
  • of6a2
  • of6a3
  • of6a4
  • of6a4b
  • 0f6a5


If you still have any doubt, check this cheats guide from the youtuber Ominous Hunter, learn how to use them and what does each cheat do?