Listen as we digest the week in Weekly episode two

The second Weekly is a podcast that recaps the week in Eurogamer. Hang on! don’t need to read it. It’s just that we have your back if it doesn’t matter to you. That’s not what I mean! If you don’t have the time, I mean. These posts can be a minefield, my God!

Bertie hosts Weekly. This week’s guests are Martin Robinson, who plays Nintendo games. Wesley Yin Poole likes FIFA games. FIFA was a big topic last week. Starfield also shocked my face!

We also take some time to look at the Nintendo Indie showcase, hear about F1 from Martin and discuss problematic Xbox DRM that is preventing people from playing their games. This is in addition to a quick tour of all the features, reviews and videos that appeared on the site last Wednesday. We actually do work, it turns out.

I hope you’re enjoying Weekly. We appreciate your patience as we get it up and running. There were some technical issues with the recording platform, so I apologize for being in low resolution. I don’t enjoy it.