Mayday Memory Walkthrough

{Mayday Memory Walkthrough – Best choices for the best ending and to max points with all characters – Syd, Hansol, Ain|Mayday Memory Walkthrough: Best Choices for the Best Ending and Maximum Points with All Characters – Syd Hansol, Ain}


{Mayday Memory Walkthrough – Episodes 0 to 9|Mayday Memory Walkthrough Episodes 0-9}

{Episode 0 My Name is Dell!|Episode 0: My Name Is Dell!}

{Welcome to|We are glad you came to} , Dell. {> + Ain | + Syd|> + Ain}


  1. {Of course he is|He is, of course.}
  2. {Talk to him.|Talk to him.} {-1 Energy, +5 Ain Affection|Talk to him.}
  3. {Stand up for Ain.|Stand up for Ain.} {- 1 Energy, +7 Ain Affection|- 1 Energy, +7 Love Affection}

{Episode 1 My Name is Dell?|Episode 1: My name is Dell}

{You’re gonna see me a lot from now on > + Ain | + Syd | + All|From now on, you’ll see me more > + Ain | Syd | | All}

  1. {Take Ain from them.|They will take Ain.} {- 500 Gems, +15 Ain Affection|500 Gems +15 Ain Affection}
  2. {Make a heart shape with my fingers.|My fingers can make a heart shape.} {- 2 Energy, +5 Syd Affection|- 2 Energy, +5 Syd Passion}
  3. Get your life together. {- 2 Energy, +5 Everyone Affection|- 2 Energy, +5 All Affection}

{Episode 2 The Dream of Every Office Worker…|Episode 2: The Dream of Every Office Worker…}

{I’m not doubting your literacy, but this is what is called a resignation > Bad Ending > + Ain|While I don’t doubt your literacy, this is what is known as a “resignation” > Bad Ending > + Ain}

  1. {Give it a try.|It’s worth a shot.} {- 950 Gems, + 25 Syd Affection|- 950 Gems + 25 Syd Affection}
  2. {Go to Ain’s house.|Visit Ain’s home.} {- 5 Energy, +10 Ain Affection|- 5 Energy, +10 Love Affection}
  3. {Why did you lie to me?|Why did you lie about me?} {- 500 Gems, +13 Ain Affection|- 500 Gems, +13 In Affection}

{Episode 3 Seeing Your Face For The First Time|Episode 3: Seeing Your Face for the First Time}

{You finally looked me in the eye > + Ain | + Hansol|I finally saw you in the eye. > + Ain |+ Hansol}

  1. Handsome. {- 10 Energy, +7 Ain Affection|Handsome.}
  2. {I can’t leave yet.|I cannot leave yet.} {- 10 Energy, +10 Ain Affection|- 10 Energy, +10 In Affection}
  3. {Try to go find him.|Go find him.} {- 1500 Gems, +37 Hansol Affection|- 1500 Gems, +37 Hansol Love}

{Episode 4 Excessive Drinking During Weekdays Prohibited|Episode 4: Weekday Drinking Prohibited}

{I didn’t do this, I swear.|This is a lie.} {> + Ain | + Hansol | + All|> + Ain |+ Hansol | + All}

  1. {Say something.|Speak up.} {- 1500 Gems +33 Hansol Affection|Say something.}
  2. {Tell the truth.|Be truthful.} {- 10 Energy, +3 Hansol Affection|Tell the truth.}
  3. {Purchase from Orange Vendor [Orange Blocker] – 500 Gems + 10 All Affection|Orange Vendor [Orange Blocker]: 500 Gems + 10 All Favour}
  4. {[The Past and Present of Memory Technologies] – 10 Energy +3 All Affection|[The Past and Present Memory Technologies] – 10 Energies +3 All Affection}

{Episode 5 Dealing with Avoidant People|Episode 5: Avoidant People}

{Then, we need a finishing touch.|We need to add the finishing touches.} {> + Hansol | + All|> Hansol | All}


  1. {Distract the lasers|Distract the lasers}
  2. {Explain the information.|Please explain the information.} {- 17 Energy, +5 Everyone Affection|- 17 Energy, +5 All Affection}
  3. {Show him the true taste of capitalism.|Show him the true taste for capitalism.} {- 1500 Gems, +33 Hansol Affection|- 1500 Gems, +33 Hansol Adfection}
  4. Night:
    1. Ain: Punch him once. {- 900 Gems, + 38 Ain Affection|900 Gems + 38 Ain Affection}
    2. {Syd: That’s not true.|Syd: This is not true.} {- 1300 Gems + 45 Syd Affection|- 1300 Gems + 45 Syd Love}
    3. Hansol: Dig deeper – 2100 Gems + 60 Hansol Affection

{Episode 6 The Rescue Pitcher Appears!|Episode 6: The Rescue Pitcher Appears!}

{Good thing I taught her baseball > + Syd | + Hansol | + All|It’s a good thing she learned baseball from me > Syd | Hansol | + All}

  1. {Choose: Left (+7 Syd) or Right (+5 Hansol)|You can choose to go left (+7 Syd), or right (+5 Hansol).}
  2. Purchase Orange Vendor [Orange] – 1000 Gems +20 All Affection

Episode 7 Because You Are Too Beautiful

{I’m savouring our time together > + Ain | + Syd | + Hansol|I’m enjoying our time together > | Ain | Syd | + Hansol}

  1. {Choose: Don’t (+5 Syd) or Tell (+3 Hansol)|Choose from Tell (+3 Hansol), or Don’t (+5 Syd).}
  2. {Tell the truth.|Be truthful.} {- 500 Gems +18 Ain Affection|- 500 Gems +18 In Affection}

{Episode 8 Where The Sun Never Rises|Episode 8: Where the Sun Never Rises}

{So this is the underground economy > + Syd | + All|This is the underground economy. > Syd | All}

  1. [Time Attack!] {Back – 15 Energy +5 All Affection|[Time Attack!]}
  2. {choose any: human or not|Choose any: human or non-human}

Episode 9 Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

{There are two things you should never do here > + All|Two things you shouldn’t do are > + All}

  1. {Purchase Orange Vendor [Orange Magazine] -1500 Gems +30 All Affection|Orange Vendor [Orange Magazine]: -1500 Gems +30 All Ffection}

{Mayday Memory Walkthrough – Episodes 10 to 19|Mayday Memory Walkthrough Episodes 10-19}

{Episode 10 Closed Mind, Open Gate|Episode 10 Closed mind, Open Gate}

{Open the door, and try to catch up > + Ain | + Syd | + Hansol | + All|You can open the door and catch up > + Ain |+ Syd |+ Hansol | + All}


  1. {Choose: Don’t (+3 Syd) or Tell (+5 Hansol)|Choose from Tell (+5 Hansol), or Don’t (+3 Syd).}
  2. {About Syd.|Syd.} – 20 Energy +10 Syd Affection
  3. {Tell the truth.|Be truthful.} {- 950 Gems +20 Syd Affection|Tell the truth.}
  4. {Choose: Intentions (+5 Syd) or Real (+5 Hansol)|You can choose between Intentions (+5 Syd), or Real (+5 Hansol).}
  5. {The answer to the riddle.|The solution to the riddle.} – 20 Energy +3 Everyone Affection

{Episode 11 Mr.Nobody|Episode 11 Mr.Nobody}

{I am…I am nothing > + Ain | + Syd | + All|I am…I’m nothing > + Ain | Syd | | All}

  1. {The Baobab Pills demonstration.|Baobab Pills demonstration.} {- 25 Energy +3 All Affection|25 Energy +3 All Affection}
  2. {Choose: Ignore (+5 Syd) or Excuse (+5 Ain)|You can choose to ignore (+5 Syd), or excuse (+5 Ain).}

{Episode 12 Syd And His Bad Friend|Episode 12 Syd and His Bad Friend}

{You’ll forgive me, because you’re kind like that >+ Syd | + All|I’m sure you’ll forgive me.}

  1. {I’m saying my last goodbye.|I’m saying goodbye.} {- 950 Gems +25 Syd Affection|- 950 Gems +25 Syd Love}
  2. {Getting your memory taken.|Get your memory taken.} – 25 Energy +5 Syd Affection
  3. {Stop him – 950 Gems, +20 Syd Affection|Stop him – 950 gems, +20 Syd Affection}
  4. Threaten Roma. {- 25 Energy +10 All Affection|Threaten Roma.}

Episode 13 Quick Quiz Queen!

{ TMI of the Day: Dell and Jeff love late night quiz shows.|TMI of The Day: Jeff and Dell love late-night quiz shows.} {> + Ain | + Hansol | + All|> + Ain |+ Hansol | + All}

  1. Okay, go ahead. {- 500 Gems, +13 Ain Affection|- 500 Gems +13 Ain Affection}
  2. {The video inside their heads.|The video inside their heads.} {- 25 Energy +5 All Affection|- 25 Energy +5 All Affection}
  3. {They went through a similar experience.|They had a similar experience.} {- 25 Energy +5 All Affection|- 25 Energy +5 All Affection}
  4. {They all have altered their memories.|All of them have changed their memories.} {- 25 Energy +5 All Affection|- 25 Energy +5 All Affection}
  5. {He planted something inside their heads?.|They were able to see that he had something in their heads.} {- 25 Energy +10 All Affection|25 Energy +10 All Affection}
  6. {Team up with Ain.|Ain is your partner.} – 25 Energy +10 Ain Affection

{Episode 14 What Are You Afraid Of?|Episode 14: What are you afraid of?}

{I’d rather die than be a burden > + Ain | + Hansol|> + Ain |+ Hansol I would rather die than be a burden}


  1. Yes. – 30 Energy +3 Hansol Affection
  2. {Then just be a burden.|You will then be nothing but a burden.} {- 500 Gems, +18 Ain Affection|- 500 Gems, +18 In Affection}
  3. Jeff? {- 30 Energy|Jeff? – 30 Energy}
  4. {Call Ain.|Call Ain.} – 30 Energy +15 Ain Affection

{Episode 15 Ain, Prince of Crybabies|Episode 15 Ain Prince of Crybabies}

You stubborn jerk > + Ain | + All

  1. {Evergreen – 30 Energy + 10 All affection|Evergreen – 30 Energy +10 All affection}
  2. {The demonstration – 30 Energy + 10 All affection|The demonstration – 30 energy + 10 All affection}
  3. {Use the key – 30 Energy +15 All Affection|Use the key: 30 Energy +15 All Affection}
  4. {About his feelings – 900 Gems, 28 Ain Affection|Concerning his feelings – 900 Jewels, 28 Ain Affection}
  5. {That I trust his hunch.|His intuition is my trust.} {- 30 Energy +15 All Affection|- 30 Energy +15 All Love}

{Episode 17 Speed!|Episode 17 Speed!} Control! {Street Fight!|Street Fight}

{I’m walking into my own grave> + Hansol | + All|I’m walking into mine own grave> Hansol | + All}

  1. {Temple annex – 30 Energy +10 All Affection|Temple Annex – 30 Energy +10 All Love}
  2. {Got a memory transplant – 30 Energy +10 All Affection|Memory transplant – 30 Energy +10 All affection}
  3. {Tell him – 1500 Gems, +40 Hansol Affection|Tell him: 1500 Gems, +40 Hansol Affection}
  4. {Then quit.|Then, stop.} – 30 Energy +7 Hansol Affection

{Episode 16 You Know Nothing At All|Episode 16: You Don’t Know Anything}

Ewww! {Stop dreaming about me!|Stop dreaming about my dreams!} {> + All|> + All}

  1. Left (timed attack)
  2. {Down (timed attack)|Down (timed attack).}
  3. Up (timed attack)

Episode 18 Primadonna

{Then you’re only halfway there, child > + Hansol| + All|Child > Hansol| All}


  1. {Guilty – 35 Energy|Guilty – 35 Energie}
  2. {Guilty – 35 Energy|Guilty – 35 Energie}
  3. {is the owner of the Memory Market?|Is the Memory Market owner?} {- 40 Energy +10 All Affection|40 Energy +10 All Affection}
  4. {Already knew that – 35 Energy +5 Hansol Affection|Did you know that – 35 Energy +5 Hansol Love}

Episode 19 Fair Game

3 on 3, huh? {Well, aren’t you a bunch of fair robots> + Syd | + Hansol| + All|You’re a group of fair robots, right?}

  1. It’s me. {- 950 Gems, +22 Syd Affection|It’s me.}
  2. [Timed Attack!] {10 o’clock – 12m – 35 Energy +10 All Affection|[Timed Attack!]}
  3. [Timed Attack!] {2 – 12 – 10 – 35 Energy +10 All Affection|[Timed Attack!]}
  4. {Purchase Orange Vendor [Sack of Oranges] – 2000 Gems + 40 All Affection|Orange Vendor [Sack Of Oranges] – 2000 gems + 40 All Affection}
  5. {Choose: Obvious (+10 Syd) or I wasn’t (+10 hansol)|You can choose between Obvious (+10 Syd), or I wasn’t (+10 Hansol).}

{Mayday Memory Walkthrough – Episodes 20 to 29|Mayday Memory Walkthrough Episodes 20-29}

{Episode 20 Let’s Ignore And Delete Spam Mails|Episode 20 Let’s ignore and delete spam mails}

{What’s up with this?|I don’t know what to do.} {How come I only have 6 cents left…?|I have only 6 cents …?} {> + All|> All}

  1. {The important one – 40 Energy|The most important one is 40 Energy}
  2. {Had their memories changed.|Their memories were changed.} {- 40 Energy +10 All Affection|- 40 Energy +10 All Affection}
  3. {Tate – 40 Energy +10 All Affection|Tate – 40 Energy +10 All Love}
  4. Night:
    1. {Ain: It was fun.|Ain: It was fun.} {- 900 Gems, + 43 Ain Affection|- 900 Gems + 43 Ain Affection}
    2. {Syd: It wasn’t normal.|Syd: It was not normal.} – 75 Energy + 30 Syd Affection
    3. {hansol: Sit down next to him.|Hansol: You can sit down beside him.} {- 2100 Gems, + 70 Hansol Affection|- 2100 Gems + 70 Hansol Affection}
    4. {Alone|Alles by itself}

{Episode 21 Forgot/Remember|Episode 21 Forgot/Remember}

{Your heartbeat starts to follow the rhythm > + Ain | + Syd|Your heartbeat begins to follow the rhythm. > + Ain | Syd}

  1. {Confess my feelings – 1300 Gems, +30 Syd Affection|Confess your feelings – 1300 gems, +30 Syd Affection}
  2. {Scold him.|You can tell him.} – 40 Energy +20 Ain Affection
  3. {Leave him alone.|You can leave him alone.} {- 1300 Gems, +30 Syd Affection|- 1300 Gems +30 Syd Affection}
  4. {Check how Ain feels.|See how Ain feels.} – 40 Energy +20 Ain Affection

{Episode 22 The Victory is Yours|Episode 22 Victory is Yours}

A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g…right? {> + Syd | + All|> Syd | All}


  1. {Make a bet.|Place a wager.} {- 1300 Gems, +25 Syd Affection|Make a bet.}
  2. {It will not get better.|It won’t get any better.} – 40 Energy + 20 Syd Affection
  3. Engineer – 40 Energy
  4. Purchase Orange Vendor [Orange Virus] – 2500 Gems + 50 All Affection

{Episode 23 Hope And Madness Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin|Episode 23 Madness and Hope are Two Sides of the Same Coin}

{Those kinds of people are more easily caught up in madness > + Syd | + All|These people are easier to get into madness > Syd | All}

  1. {I wouldn’t be afraid.|I wouldn’t be afraid.} {- 1300 Gems, +35 Syd Affection|- 1300 Gems +35 Syd Affection}
  2. {The memory market.|The memory market.} {- 50 Energy +10 All Affection|- 50 Energy +10 All affection}
  3. {Tate – 50 Energy +10 All Affection|Tate – 50 energy +10 all affection}

{Episode 24 Girls Looking For The Answer|Episode 24: Girls Searching For The Answer}

{I think we…must be geniuses > + Ain | + Syd | + Hansol | + All|We…must all be geniuses, I believe. > + Ain |+ Syd |+ Hansol | + All}

  1. Adrian. {- 50 Energy +10 All Affection|Adrian.}
  2. {choose: Weird (+10 Syd) or Not (+10 Hansol)|Choose from Weird (+10 Syd), or Not (+10 Hansol).}
  3. {That’s not true.|This is false.} {- 50 Energy|50 Energy}
  4. {Ask the Neo Hippies for help.|Ask the Neo Hippies to help.} {- 50 Energy +15 All Affection|50 Energy +15 All Affection}
  5. {choose: Why… (+10 Ain) or I’ll (+10 Syd)|Choose from: Why… (+10 Ain), or I’ll ( (+10 Syd).}
  6. {Yuan – 50 Energy|Yuan – 50 Energy}

{Episode 25 The Seeds They Planted|Episode 25: The Seeds They Plant}

{I can’t do anything else than keep going > + Ain | + All|I can only keep going > + Ain}

  1. {Wait silently.|Do not speak.} {- 50 Energy +10 All Affection|- 50 Energy +10 All Affection}
  2. {[Membership Applications] – 50 Energy +10 All Affection|[Membership Application] – 50 Energy +10 All Love}
  3. {It’ll work out somehow.|It will all work out.} {- 900 Gems, +33 Ain Affection|- 900 Gems +33 Ain Affection}

{Episode 26 Hansol, The Words Spoken in Parentheses|Episode 26 Hansol, The Words Spoken In Parentheses}

{I too…Have my reasons > + Hansol|Have my reasons too > Hansol}


  1. {Tell him.|Tell him.} – 60 Energy +15 Hansol Affection
  2. I’m sorry. {- 2100 Gems, +45 Hansol Affection|- 2100 Gems +45 Hansol Affection}

Episode 27 I Can Hear Your Voice

I kept hearing your voice…> + Ain | + Syd | + All

  1. {Don’t agree with Crys.|Crys is not your friend.} {- 60 Energy +10 All Affection|Crys.}
  2. Don’t help him. – 60 Energy +10 Ain Affection
  3. {Run over to help.|Help is available by running over.} – 60 Energy +10 Syd Affection

{Episode 28 Curtain Call|Episode 28 Curtain Call}

{All of this is just a show > + Ain | + Syd | + Hansol|This is just a preview > + Ain | Syd | + Hansol}

  1. Let him. – 60 Energy +10 Ain Affection
  2. Disagree. {- 60 Energy|- 60 Energy}
  3. {Choose Ain, Syd or Hansol|You can choose from Syd, Ain or Hansol}

Episode 29 Pessimistic Optimism

{You can always redeem yourself, even if you can never undo what you did.|Even if you cannot undo the damage you have done, you can always make it right.} >

  1. Choose:
    1. {Ain: I like it > Would that be enough for you?|Ain: It’s a good idea > Is that enough?}
    2. {Syd: Play along > I’m not.|Syd: I’m not a fool.} – 100 Energy +20 Syd Affection
    3. {Hansol: About his feelings > What he dreams about|Hansol: His feelings > What he dreams about}
    4. {Alone|Alles by itself}

{Mayday Memory Walkthrough – Episodes 30 to 36|Mayday Memory Walkthrough Episodes 30 through 36}

{Episode 30 They Are All Smiling|Episode 30 They All Smile}

{We are all going to die > + Syd | + Hansol | + All|All of us will die > Syd | + Hansol | | All}


  1. {Feeling warm.|Feeling warm.} {- 70 Energy +20 All Affection|Feeling warm.}
  2. {…and enters the hall.|…and enters into the hall.} {- 70 Energy|- 70 Energy}
  3. {Choose: Open (+10 Syd) or Don’t (+10 hansol)|Select Open (+10 Syd), or Don’t ( (+10 hansol).}

{Episode 31 My Name is Adrian|Episode 31 My name is Adrian}

{What does it look like I’m doing?|How does it look?} {> + Hansol | + All|> + Hansol | All}

  1. {The robot who looked like Ain – 75 Energy +20 All Affection|The robot that looked like Ain – 75 energy +20 All affection}
  2. {Tell her – 75 Energy +10 All Affection|Tell her: 75 Energy +10 All Affection}
  3. {It didn’t interpret the result correctly.|It didn’t correctly interpret the result.} {- 2750 Gems, + 40 Hansol Affection|- 2750 Gems + 40 Hansol Affection}

{Episode 32 Quoi|Episode 32 Quoi}

{My Name is, Q-999 > + Hansol | + All|My name is Q-999 > Hansol | + All}

  1. {Plead – 2750 Gems, +40 Hansol Affection|Plead – 2750 Gems, +40 Hansol Love}
  2. {Listen to Adrian – 80 Energy|Adrian – 80 Energy}

Episode 33 Hitting Rock Bottom

{Please don’t cry > + All|Please don’t cry}

  1. Don’t go. {- 85 Energy +35 All Affection|- 85 Energy +35 All Affection}

{Episode 34 Sing A Song For Me|Episode 34: Sing a Song for Me}

{Sing a song for me, everybody!|Sing a song, everyone!} {> + Ain | + Syd | + Hansol|> | + Ain | Syd | + Hansol}


  1. {The chips will explode|The chips will explode}
  2. {Choose: Ain, Syd or Hansol|You can choose from Ain, Syd, or Hansol}

{Episode 35 Happy New Year|Episode 35 Happy New Years}

{> + Ain | + Syd | + Hansol|> Ain | Syd | Hansol}

  1. {Choose: Ok (+15 Ain) or Inevitable (+15 Syd)|Select Ok (+15 Ain), or Inevitable (+15 Syd).}
  2. {What exactly do you want?|What do you really want?} – 95 Energy +15 Hansol Affection
  3. {Memories – 95 Energy +20 All Affection|Memories – 95 energy +20 All Affection}
  4. {Tell him what Crys said.|Tell him what Crys said.} {- 95 Energy|- 95 Energy}
  5. {Don’t erase them.|They must not be erased.} {- 90 Energy|- 90 Energy}
  6. [Time Attack!] Jump down! {- 100 Energy +15 All Affection|Jump down!}