No one lives under the lighthouse Walkthrough & Endings

No one survives under the lighthouse Walkthrough & Endings – A guide with saves to finish the game and unlock all endings in one gameplay


Walkthrough & Endings – Prologue: No one lives below the lighthouse

  1. Lighthouse storage: Take Fuel Canister & Lamp
  2. Fuel Barrel is a barrel that contains fuel.
  3. 2nd Floor: Turn the crank until it is complete (hold key).
  4. Light room: Use canister to lighten the fuel hole

Walkthrough & Endings – Day 1

  1. Dock: Take your suitcase
  2. Your bedroom > your house: Place the suitcase on a table and get the lighthouse medallion.
  3. Take the key to your bedside table
  4. Lighthouse light room: Get the canister
  5. Storage: Take the lamp out and fill the canister up with fuel
  6. 2nd Floor: Use the crank
  7. Light room: Get fuel into the light

Walkthrough & Endings – Day 2: No one lives below the lighthouse

  1. Take the key to your bedroom, Lamp & canister
  2. Boat: Get the eye medallion and place it in your bedroom’s chest
  3. Lighthouse storage area: Fill canisters with fuel
  4. Second floor: Take the cloth
  5. Balcony: Use cloth to cover the 8 windows
  6. Shed: Get the rope
  7. Outside: Buy the bag of grain
  8. Lighthouse 1st Floor: Place the bag with grain on the floor
  9. You can also shed area by purchasing another bag of grain
  10. Lighthouse 1st Floor: Once again, place the bag of grain on top
  11. You can also shed area by purchasing another bag of grain
  12. Lighthouse 1st Floor: Once again, place the bag of grain on top
  13. Attach the rope to the crank on the second floor
  14. Attach the x3 bags with grain to the rope on the first floor
  15. Second floor: Use crank
  16. Light room: Put fuel into the ligt
  17. Wait!

Walkthrough & Endings – Day 3

  1. Bedroom table: Buy the lamp
  2. You can get the spade by Shed
  3. Behind the ligthouse, get the caterpillar medallion. Dig the dirt and place it in your room’s chest.
  4. Three-tree area > Turn around
  5. Again, three tree area: Dig the dirt, get your key & canister
  6. Lighthouse storage area: Fill the canisters with fuel
  7. Second floor: Use the crank
  8. Lighten up: Turn on the light, and let it spin until you feel comfortable.
  9. Second floor: Use crank
  10. Wait until the light goes out in your room
  11. Storage: Fill canisters with ful
  12. Lighten the room: First, put fuel in the light and then wait for it to stop spinning.
  13. Basement: Fill canister with fuel
  14. Second floor: Use crank
  15. Light room: Get fuel into the light

Walkthrough & Endings – Day 4 – No one lives below the lighthouse

  1. Bedroom table: Get the key
  2. Lighthouse balcony: Get the moth medallion, place it in your bedroom chest, then open the chest to get the shotgun and shells.
  3. Get the hammer, nails and boards, as well as the ladder, from Shed
  4. Your house > Outside: Position the ladder near the window of your bedroom and climb up to the roof
  5. Roof: Use 4 boards to cover the hole.
  6. Enter > Kitchen to find the key
  7. Lighthouse Storage Room: Get the lamp and canister, then fill canister with fuel
  8. Second floor: Use crank
  9. Lightroom: Fuel into the ligth
  10. Second floor

Walkthrough & Endings – Endings

Judgement ends

  1. Save 1
  2. Shoot the monsters with the Shootgun

The End of the Hanged Man

  1. Load 1
  2. Run to the basement (underground).
  3. Underground Map: Avoid the Monster, exit the underground
  4. Temple: Pull the lever closest to you, grab the 4 medallions, and place them in the chest.
  5. Your home > Bedroom
  6. Lighthouse > Second floor: Remove the rope from under the crank
  7. First floor: Eat the x3 bags full of grain
  8. Basement
  9. Chase the man
  10. Hinter dem Lighthouse
  11. Step forward and walk towards the door.
  12. Lighthouse, Second Floor
  13. Storage room
  14. SAVE 2
  15. Visit the Light Room

The End of the Hanged Man

  1. Load Save 2
  2. Run to the basement (underground).
  3. Underground Map: Get out of the underground and avoid the Monster (yes, it’s been done before but it’s worth it again).