Following the series version to the Percy Jackson series recently found its lead actor named after the character Two more lead roles have been confirmed. Aryan Simhadri ( Spin ) and Leah Sava Jeffries ( Empire ) are now part of in the ensemble cast for the show. Simhadri will be playing Grover while Jeffries will portray Annabelle. Walker Scobell will play the main part as Percy Jackson.
Percy Jackson takes place in a world in which the Greek gods are still in existence and have established the Olympus within New York. The main character discovers that he’s the god’s son Poseidon. He then goes to a place where gods learn to master their craft.
Disney obtained an exclusive rights deal for Percy Jackson in a couple of years ago, and then launched the movie adaptation in. Despite the fact that the film failed to please many of the fans of the original and did not have an impressive commercial success The adaption of the sequel volume made. It came out in the year 2013 however, it is in a similar way with the film’s predecessor in terms of box-office (budget $90 million and box office 200 millions) (budget $95.9 million and box office $126 million) So, plans to make more adaptations, but they but they were not able to be made.
Contrary to the two adaptations for cinema book writer Rick Riordan will be greater involved with the series ‘ production. Riordan is not just writing the script for the pilot along and Jon Steinberg, he is also producer. The series will also be more focused towards the format.