Pokemon Go Developer Diary: June to July. Discover Campfire, a new feature in the world Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go Developer Diary
The June Developer Diary has been released by Niantic. The article by Mikey (Pokemon GO Product Manager or Product Manager of Social Features in Pokemon GO), explains Campfire and Niantic’s intentions.
Although the article is long, we have summarized it in the following points.
- Campfire has new features for trainers
- Mikey: directly from Pokemon Go products. A brief explanation of his identity and activities
- Campfire and the local communities: The idea behind this app is to help users find one another in order to raid (among other things).
- Coordination: Not only for incursions but also for any other interesting data the application will bring (unspecified at this time)
- This application allows for: improved collaboration in the Pokemon GO experience. Trainers can share locations and the option to add a signal.
- More future and location
Source: Official Post
July Events
We will be enjoying many events that focus on the latest updates in Pokemon Go throughout the season. Keep our website in your favorites so you can visit it frequently to keep up to date with all the latest events in Pokemon Go. Below is a listing of all the events. To find out more, click the link “click Here” for the event.
Pokemon Go Fest Seattle
To learn more, Click here.
Pokemon GO Anniversary Event
An anniversary will be held between Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 and Tuesday July 12th, 2022. To learn more, .
Battle Weekend Event
For more information, Click here.
Surprise Event?? ?
Click here to learn more.
Community Day
When we have more information, mark the dates on your calendar. These are the next three dates for the community days:
- June 25 > Deino > Zweilous > Hydreigon
- You can find all information about the Community Day Deino by clicking here .
- July 17, Starly Staravia Staraptor
- You can find all information about the Community Day of Starly by clicking here .
- August 13
PokemonGo Developer Diary –Go Battle League
Pokemon Go, Go Battle League 11 will begin June 1, 2013 and last 3 months (almost all of the summer), and will conclude September 1, 2013.