Pokemon GO Fest Ultra Beasts – July 2022

Pokemon GO Fest Ultra Beasts July 2022. Pokemon Go Fest events are sure to attract ultra beasts. It’s a great novelty! Keep watching!

Pokemon GO Fest Ultimate Beasts

Ultra Beasts will be attracted to Pokemon GO Fest events. Trainers who attend these Pokemon GO Fest events could encounter an Ultra Beast during Special Research.

  • Berlin-Pheromosa
  • Seattle-Buzzwole
  • Sapporo-Xurkitree

These Ultra Beasts will be revealed at the Pokemon GO Fest in person events. They will then appear later in the GO Season.

  • Pokemon GO gets the Ente Balls

After fighting Nihilego together Rhi from the Ultra GO Unit created a special type Poke Ball, Ente Balls to assist Pokemon GO Fest attendees in catching the special research Ultra Beasts at each of their live events. they.

There will be other appearances at the GO Fest. These are some of the Pokemon that will be appearing during the face-to–face celebrations


  • In the wild, Snorlax will be wearing a cowboy hat.
  • Unown A, B. E, L. R. S. T. and U in nature. They will be shiny.

June Events

We will be enjoying many events that focus on the latest updates in Pokemon Go throughout the season. Keep our website in your favorites so you can visit it frequently to keep up to date with all the latest events in Pokemon Go. Below is a listing of all the events. To find out more, click the link “click Here” for the event.

Pokemon Go Fest

The Pokemon Go Fest will take place on Sunday and Saturday, June 4th and 5. Shaymin will be the debut of Mythical Pokemon.


Adventure Week

From June 7 through June 12. Trainers! You will be exploring the fascinating and thrilling world of fossils with your Pokeballs.

TCG Crossover Event

This event will run from June 16 to June 30. We will be surprised by Niantic’s update on the Pokemon TCG (the collectible cards game). Stay tuned for this amazing event!

Community Day

When we have more information, mark the dates on your calendar. These are the next three dates for the community days:

  • June 25 > Deino
  • You can find all information about the Community Day Deino by clicking here .
  • Deino > Zweilous > Hydreigon
  • July 17
  • August 13

Pokemon GO Fest Ultimate Beasts –Go Battle League

Pokemon Go, Go Battle League 11 will begin June 1, 2013 and last 3 months (almost all of the summer), and will conclude September 1, 2013.