Progressbar95 Cheats

Progressbar95 Cheats: God Mode, No Pop-Ups & Only blue Segments – Also how to use cheats and some frequently asked questions


FAQ & How to Use Cheats

Cheats can be used in ProgressDOS by using cheats.txt or tapping cheats.txt from the desktop


Each of the three types of cheats has 10 slots. After you have used all the slots for a particular type of cheat, it is no longer possible to use that cheat. You can then use another cheat code the next day

Progressbar95 Cheats – God Mode

God Mode allows you to catch red segments without a BSOD, and pink segments without subtracting 5%.

All God Mode Codes and Cheats per Slot

  • 1 Slot > PB1
  • 2 Slot > PBDQD
  • 3 Slot > PBJUMAL
  • 4 Slot > PBDIEVS
  • 5 Slot > PBDIAMD
  • 6 Slot > PBJUMALA
  • 7 Slot > PBZEU5
  • 8 Slot > PBDEUSEX
  • 9 Slot > PBISTEN
  • 10 Slot > PBEDOMDOG
  • 11 Slot > PBGDMD
  • 12 Slot > PBSYS32
  • 13 Slot > PB1NE
  • 14 Slot > PBG0DMD
  • 15 Slot > PBTXTDOC
  • 16 Slot > PB10II
  • 17 Slot > PB10III
  • 18 Slot > PBAMB
  • 19 Slot > PB11
  • 20 Slot

Progressbar95 Cheats – No Pop Ups

All the No-Pop Ups Codes and Cheats per Slot

  • 1 Slot > PBPPNN5
  • 2 Slot > PBPOPBLOCK
  • 3 Slot > PBPPPBLK
  • 4 Slot > PBNOPOPUP
  • 5 Slot > PBNPUP
  • 6 Slot > PBPAPCLIP
  • 7 Slot > PBNOPCLIP
  • 8 Slot > PBSPRING
  • 9 Slot > PBUPNOPP
  • 10 Slot > PB1POP1N
  • 11 Slot > PBUPPOPNO
  • 12 Slot > PBNPP
  • 13 Slot > PBPOPPOP
  • 14 Slot > PBBLOCK33
  • 15 Slot > PBPOPUPNO
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20

Progressbar95 Cheats: Only Blue Segments

All the Only blue Segments codes and cheats per slot


  • 1 Slot > PBEULB
  • 2 Slot > PBSINE
  • 3 Slot > PBNAVY
  • 4 Slot > PBBLUE
  • 5 Slot > PBBLBL
  • 6 Slot > PBKEK
  • 7 Slot > PBBLAU
  • 8 Slot > PBBEBEBE
  • 9 Slot > PBICE
  • 10 Slot > PB0000FF
  • 11 Slot > PBBLU3
  • 12 Slot > PBBLLUU
  • 13 Slot > PBAZUL
  • 14 Slot > PB00255
  • 15 Slot > PBGORM1
  • 16 Slot > PBBLOO
  • 17 Slot > PBONLYB1
  • 18 Slot > PBBEBEBE
  • 19 Slot > PBBLAH
  • 20 Slot > PB81U3