Project Zomboid Admin Commands

Project Zomboid Administration Commands – All admin commands and cheats such as godmode, noclip and invisible, additem and addvehicle, and many more

Project Zomboid Administration Commands – Complete List

These are all available console cheats and Admin commands:


  • /adduser user: Add a new user to a whitelisted server
  • /save Save the world
  • /quit
  • /chopper Start the choppers (helicopter flight)
  • /gunshot: Start a gunshot
  • /startrain
  • /stoprain Stop raining on the server
  • /grantadmin username admin rights for a user
  • /removeadmin user: To remove admin rights
  • /reloadoptions Reload the options on your server
  • /banuser username to ban a user
  • /unbanuser username to unban a person
  • /kickuser username. Kick a user
  • /addalltowhitelist
  • /addusertowhitelist username Add the user with a password to the whitelist
  • /removeuserfromwhitelist username: Remove the user from the whitelist
  • /showoptions Show the current list of Server options and their values
  • /changeoption optionname: change a server option
  • /godmod user: Make a player invincible
  • /godmod You will be invincible
  • /invisible username. Make a player invisible
  • /invisible You will be invisible
  • /noclip username Player will traverse solid objects
  • /noclip You will be able to pass through solid objects
  • /additem username: Gives the player an item
  • /addvehicle user: Provides a vehicle for the player
  • /addxp username Gives XP to player
  • /createhorde: Create a Horde Near You
  • /alarm sounds a building alarm at admin’s location (Must not be in a bedroom).
  • /changepwd oldpassword newpassword Kick a user
  • /releasesafehouse
  • /dragons
  • /teleport usernametousername: Teleports a player.
  • /teleporttoxyz Teleports to specific coordinates

We would love to know of any other console commands or admin commands that you can share with us in the comments.

Project Zomboid Administration Commands – What to Use?

You can use console commands and admin commands by first setting the player’s access from the console. Once you have done this, you can access the Control Panel or the game chat to enter the commands.

Chat in-game

These are the steps for using the admin commands in the chat.

  1. Project Zomboid Launched
  2. Chat
  3. Press “T”
  4. Use the /command

Control Panel

These are the steps for using the Control Panel’s admin commands.

  1. Project Zomboid Launched
  2. Open the Control Panel
  3. Enter the command without “/”)

Additional Project Zomboid guides: