Ready or Not Exploit Guide (Safe)

Every video game is filled with absurd things that you can utilize to your advantage


Useful exploits

  • The act of kicking a door to unlock it will magically open it. Kick, peek, open.
  • You can jump off the elevator shaft at port hokan. Your legs may be damaged but you will not die up to three times.
  • The switch to night vision removes any visual effects caused by the grenade and suppression.
  • Alt + S + D falls lower than a normal crouch, and therefore is more effective for looking over obstacles.
  • Low readiness makes you move faster, and you are able to tie the speed to an option within the choices. A heavily armored person at low ready can move just as fast as an unarmored man at high readiness. Low ready and unarmored does not make you faster. It’s not an exploit to date You should check out your next exploit.
  • You can aim and utilize low-ready simultaneously with the shield. This will allow you to be able to move quickly but still be able to shoot.
  • Shield guards against stings as well as flash grenades. It will give you an effect on your eyes, however you won’t be confused.
  • Shield is also a safety feature when it’s in your back. It’s probably more efficient to run off in a brave manner rather than putting it on in an emergency.
  • Try to combine Alt Lean with crouch the mirror. For instance, Alt + W + CTRL make others appear as if you are crouching, however your eyes remain high like you’re standing. It is possible to shoot at an obstruction, but not be hit again. In the same way, Alt + S+ Ctrl crouch twice.

Some weapons aren’t so small as they appear. To determine the lengths of the doorframe, and then glance ahead in a straight line parallel to the ground, and against the door. Find out how far you are able to fully extend your reach while trying to aim. Muzzle attachments do not impact the length of the gun as of now. SLR47 looks like it’s a bit short, but it’s not.
Two assault rifles that are the shortest G36 and the ARN18


Exploits are just for fun.

  • Switching weapons and sending out a left clicks lets you shoot from the lobby. Uses pistols and grenades.
  • The lobby is where you can shoot. you can go downstairs (where you are able to fire) shooting your pistol using your shield allows you to shoot within the lobby until you are released.
  • Reloading quickly (Double tap the R) with a G36 is a great way to get the magazine away.

Other hidden stuff

  • Do not forget to report the trafficked and starving lady in the container at port hokan(Raid) You can accomplish the mission without having to report her. My stomach churns knowing that these things can are actually happening.
  • If you’re having difficulty getting the last couple of civilians, shout for them to comply. The civilians yell back to assist. You can also shoot them and then fail to complete the task and move on. That’s quicker.
  • The lobby is where sipping coffee more than three times makes you extremely quickly.
  • In the lobby, you will find an officer’s cap for downstairs.