Rune Factory 5 Chemistry Recipes List

Rune Factory5 Chemistry Recipes List: Levels, Ingredients and Effects – What to do for each recipe and how you’ll feel after you’ve eaten it


Rune Factory 5 Chemistry Recipes – Levels & Ingrédients

Each chemistry recipe has its own ingredients and requirements.

  • Recovery Pot Recipe Level 3: Medicinal Herb and Green Grass
  • Healing Potion Recipe – Level 7: Medicinal Herb + Red Grass
  • Mixed Herbs Level 8: Green Grass + Toyherb
  • Roundoff recipe – Level 13 – Black Grass + Black Grass
  • Healing Potion Recipe – Level 14: Pom-Pom Grass
  • Recovery Pottion Recipe – Level 15: Blue Grass
  • Para-Gone Recipe – Level 18: Indigo Grass + Indigo Grass
  • Cold Medicine Level 22: Orange Grass and Toyherb
  • Antidote Potion Recipe – Level 25: Antidote Herb + Yellow Grass
  • Mystery Pottion Recipe Level 33: Medicinal Herb and White Grass
  • Magical Pottion Recipe Level 45: Medicinal Herb + Eli Leaves
  • Formuade Level 46: Heavy Spicy+ Lamp Grass+ Ironleaf + Liquid Type+ Powders or Spores
  • Invinciroid Recipe – Level 76: Formuade + Autumn Grass + Hot-Hot Fruit + Noel Grass + Emery Flower
  • The Protein recipe – Level 80: Red Crystal+ Red Crystal + Spinach+ Liquid Type + Powders, or Spores
  • Vital Gummi Recipe – Level 83: Blue Crystal + Blue Crystal + Bok Choy + Liquid Type + Powders or Spores
  • Love Potion Recipe – Level 87: Grape Liqueur + Pink Melon + Strawberry + Honey + Hot-Hot Fruit + Emery Flower

Rune Factory 5 Chemistry Recipes – Effects

Each chemistry recipe has its own effect.

  • Recovery Potion Recipe HP Recovery +150
  • Healing Oil Recipe – HP Recovery +800
  • Mixed Herbs recipe – Wind Res 30%
  • Roundoff recipe – HP Recovery +800
  • Healing Oil Recipe – HP Recovery +800
  • Recovery Potion Recipe HP Recovery +150
  • Paragone Recipe – HP Recovery +50 and Cures Paralysis
  • Cold Medicine recipe – HP Recovery +1000 and Cures Sick
  • Antidote Potion Recipe – HP Recovery +1500 & Cures Poison
  • Mystery Potion Recipe HP Recovery +3000
  • Magical Oil Recipe – HP Recovery +50%
  • Formuade recipe – Max HP 50%, STR +70% VIT +70% Crit +20% All Ailment Resist +25%
  • Invinciroid recipe – Cures all ailments and makes you immune for 12 hours (Game Time).
    HP Recovery +100%; RP Recovery+100%; STR +50, 10%, STR+50, VIT +50%, 10%, INT +50%, 10%
  • The Protein recipe – Permanently increases STR by +1.
  • Vital Gummi recipe – Permanently increases VIT by +1
  • Love Potion recipe – RP Recovery +50%. Cures all status ailments. Knockback Resist+10%, Crit Resist+50%. All Status Ailments +25%. Also, a lot friendship or love points if it’s given as a gift. However, this only works with certain characters.