Rusty Gun Trophy Guide – Achievements

Rusty Gun Trophy Guide- Achievements – How you can unlock all of them, including their locations and secrets.


Rusty Gun Trophy Guide — Full List

These are the trophies, achievements and the locations.


  • Scroll down to the bottomFall into water > Level 1. Just go left from the Spite to unlock it
  • To your eyes:Collect 100 bottles > It’s easy, but it can be done in one session
  • As fragile and crystallized as glass: Smash the ice statue > Beat the level 15 boss and then shoot him until he unlocks the trophy or achievement
  • NautilusFlood a submarine > Level 16, keep shooting until the submarine sinks. The trophy or achievement will unlock when you stop shooting at the man.
  • Fluffy, oblique and fluffy:Defeat 1 boss> Level 3 boss
  • Amazing miracle:Defeat 2 bosses > Level 7 boss
  • Uninvited dinner: Defeat 3 boss > Level 12 boss
  • Cold Blooded:Defeat 4 boss> Level 15 boss
  • Tight Bandana: Defeat 5 boss > Level 17 boss
  • 1 Secret number 1 :Find posters number 1 > find locations & secrets
  • 2 Secret number 2Find poster 2 > See posters & secret locations
  • 3 Secret number #3:Find poster 3 > See posters & secret locations
  • 4 Secret number #4:Find poster 4 > See posters & secret locations
  • 5 Secret number 5:Find post number 5 > See posters & secret locations
  • 6 Secret number 6.Find posters number 6 > find locations & secrets
  • 7 Secret number 7,Find poster number 7, > See posters & secret locations
  • 8 Secret number 8.Find poster #8 > See posters & secret locations
  • Collector – Find all posters > If you have already unlocked previous trophies, this achievement is yours.

Rusty Gun Trophy Guide Secrets or Posters

Trophy Secret number 1 – Poster number 1

After passing the level 3 checkpoint, climb the ladder and jump right