school fire Teachers and students panicked to escape death

A short circuit caused a spark to appear. A transformer is found inside a famous elementary school. The teacher must guide the students to escape in a thrilling escape. Initial research revealed that the power box was a small wire fuse but it connects to three phase power. This causes the electricity to overload and the line to spark and burn.


A fire broke out at Khon Kaen Kindergarten School’s Building 1, Primary Building on 30 May 65. The accident scene was quickly investigated by firefighters and police officers. The teacher moved the students to safety.

Initial examination revealed that the fire was caused in part by a transformer on the second and a half floors. This short circuit created a spark. The fire was contained by authorities before it spread. Officials from the Electricity Department examined the area around the transformer and discovered that it is a small wire fuse. However, it connects to three phase power. This caused the electricity to overload, which in turn caused the line to ignite and burn.

Reporters were told by Mr. Sakda Musicawan, the Deputy Director at Khon Kaen Kindergarten School, that there was an explosion on the second floor of Building 1. This is a primary school building. Teachers were forced to instruct students Tuesday at the accident site. They also had to coordinate with the municipality and the electricity company to move students safely. There is an electrical cutout at the large transformer. To put out the flames faster, firefighters used fire extinguishers. The teacher and students were not hurt.

Initial after the accident, Khon Kaen Province Provincial Electricity Authority announced that the transformer would be replaced and that the wires would be replaced for safety. Many school children were allowed to go home with their parents immediately,