Shindo Life Update

Shindo Life Update 132 This update contains all the changes made by the most recent Updates – You will find updates like buffs, maps and events characters, and more


Shindo Life Update 139 – 140 – Last

  • Bruce Kenichi
  • Dr Fate Skin
  • Upgrade: M1 delays to air combo white lists capabilities
  • Konchu C Spec damage fix
  • Konchu 3rd move handsign reduce
  • Konchu Damage buff for 2nd Move
  • Specification for Paper C, cooling down reduce and auto tracking speed increases
  • Paper 3rd move chi decrease the damage and handsigns decreased
  • Paper 2nd move reduced chi
  • Paper 1st move balanced Chi take reduced Cd increase, DMG fix
  • Glacier C speed increases
  • Glacier 3rd move handsigns reduce the handsign, and auto tracking speed increases
  • Glacier 1st move handsign reduce
  • Dokei C Spec damage buff
  • Dokei 3rd move faster auto tracking
  • Dokei 1st move is the similar movements to Batman 1st
  • Ember Hurricane buff
  • Light/Dark/Gold Jokei Stage 1-3 m1 knockback removed
  • Kamizuru m1 poison damage buff
  • Seishin C spec damage increased
  • Seishin modified m1 knockback eliminated
  • Saberu 2nd move damage adds to Clones (12k each)
  • dangan q spec buff
  • dangan beast summon last m1 block break
  • dangan mode knockback removed
  • sand z spec damage reduce
  • Sand mode combat knock knock removed
  • The 2nd one is more chi
  • byakugan gold/ byakugan Q Spec new movement
  • Kenichi Stm reduces on all moves
  • Kenichi 1st handsign removed
  • Kenichi 2nd move AOE buff
  • Kenichi second stage auto dodge the nerf
  • black lightning mode 1 second frame added, z damage increases by spec.
  • Black lightning 3rd move breaker removed, placed on 1st CD reduce
  • Black Lightning 2nd Move Range increase cd, reduce
  • Black Lightning 1st Move turned into blockbreaker. Automatic tracking eliminated and speed increases
  • Azarashi 1st Stage Endlag Remove
  • infinite m1 patch v2
  • Q spec fix
  • Storm 3rd move reduces handsigns taken off 2nd iframe added, GCD 2.
  • Storm 2nd move, damage increase and auto tracking/hitbox enhanced
  • The Storm range 1st movement repair and repair damage
  • The 3rd move in the Ink game reduces the chi the damage
  • Shizen 2nd move damage re shuffle. sleep stun damage
  • Wanziame Z Special hitbox fix, slows down opponent speed boost
  • First move of Wanziame auto tracking speed increase
  • Handsigns taken off of Kerada 1st move
  • Kokotsu Q Spec knock back removed, damage fix
  • Paper Q Spec, paper shuriken, add explosion effect, rotate shuriken
  • Okami 3rd Move Remake (arena version)
  • Okami c spec re make
  • Minakami (Shirogane) Q-spec torch thrower with turret
  • Konchu 1. First Move damage counter repair
  • Konchu M1 no knockback chi drain fix
  • Kokotsu (kaguya) Second move is the same as batman 1st
  • Wanziame (hoshigaki) Z cooldowns for spec are reduced after it’s activated
  • Giovanni/Jotaro 2nd Stage knockback removed
  • Giovanni plus Jotaro 2nd mode drains reduced Heavil
  • Jotaro visual changes
  • dangan block break fix

Shindo Life Update 132

  • Raion Gaiden (Mode drop will be at the an event)
  • move 1 black flame Lightning Susanoo kirin dragons
  • move 2 chibakutensei meteor blaze chidori
  • move 3 susanoo combo into pull aircombo
  • Narumaki SP 2nd Mode
  • q spec = counter shadow clone rasengan barrage
  • The e spec is transformed into the C spec in the present C specification
  • C spec = planet massive rasenshuriken
  • Raion Gaiden Uniform (2 Variants)
  • sub log duration increase to 4 seconds, duration extended, put on GCD 2.
  • New Block and Dodge System (with damage count/combo damage count)
  • fix npc attacks
  • m1 (0.5x damage), m2 (0.5x damage), m3 (1x damage), m4 (2x damage), m5 (1.5x damage)
  • Martial Arts has only five m1’s, with kenichi/ryuji among others that have multiple M1s
  • Air Combo (Space Spec) Repair: This did not cause any damage. (1k stamina depletion)
  • Air Combo (Jump/Space) Repair of damage This did not cause any damage
  • Air Combo (Q Specific) Repair damage on the initial hit and buff to total damage (1k stamina loss)
  • Air combo: normal damage to all three of the M1’s
  • Ink C Spec buff

Shindo Life Update 123 – 129

  • Sand flight is broken for mobile users, but other flights function
  • Body Replacement reworked, back on GCD9 and doesn’t require scroll to spawn
  • Narumaki Barrage Fix for timing of the Hitbox
  • Raion Rengoku full susanoo blade (boss drop)
  • Arahaki Jokei rush rotation (boss drop)
  • shindai akuma lightning (boss drop)
  • Kaijin Mode Q Spec: Buff, Blockbreak + More damage
  • Kaijin 2nd move Handsign reduce by 1
  • Kaijin 3rd move Handsign to reduce by 2
  • Combat art art from Gravity (boss drop)
  • Doku Scorpion 3rd move effect fix
  • black lightning 1st move stun revamp
  • Black Lightning 2nd Move Handsign decrease by 2 Stun increase
  • 3rd black lightning move changes between stun and blockbreak Effect Impact
  • black lightning mode 2x range / tp / stat buff / effect improvement
  • Second move of Dokei removed Stun GCD
  • Senko First move of teleport work re-work
  • Azarashi 1st move handsigns removed (insta-cast)
  • Shado first move was made more efficient and better at tracking. It also corrected hitbox that was not hitting
  • Shado 2nd move reworked, pull concept
  • Sand Z Spec doesn’t have cooling down fix
  • Sand Q Spec doesnt have the cooldown solution
  • The Forged Rengoku in addition to Sengoku 1st move isn’t launching bombs.
  • Rengoku First move: holddown, then let go of holddown for larger all-powerful push and damage
  • Rengoku 2nd move = overhaul
  • Rengoku 3rd Move = Remake the entire thing with a new chibaku tensei effect similar to the sengoku
  • Rengoku mode is a form of combat that uses chakra poles (all routes follow the player) Arrow that is accessible only to person who is using it determines which form they’re following.
  • Despawns all companions, and won’t allow users to play with friends while in Rengoku mode.
  • The rinnegan companions cannot die but they must enter an inactive state, and increase the speed of walking
  • Rengoku C Spec1 = asura auto track of missile path increase
  • rengoku cspec2 = soul drain blood (revamped) (mode take etc)
  • rengoku companions chi rod combat
  • Rengoku C 3 = animal path huge bird bombs that explode eggs
  • rengoku cspec4 = preta path effect re-work
  • (Korashi) Rengoku Cspec5 = Naraka path king of hell summon click , and the tounge sticks up, draining their souls (hp and the chi)
  • Reactivate companions after using C specification
  • Q 1 is counter pull 5. path combination
  • Rengoku Full Cloak and 5 Piercings in a single.
  • The new King of Hell asset
  • Rengoku bird animal path is a new asset
  • The stamina for rising embers is reduced by 3000
  • Bruce dragon combo stamina decreases by 2k
  • Stamina of the combobreaker is reduced by 2k
  • Consumption of hurricane ember stamina reduced by half
  • Obi Ren Kengoku (Rengoku Skin)

Shindo Life Update 121

GCD1 = Regular Stuns
GCD2 (allowed mid combos) = AutoDodge/Iframe/counter/TP Counter
GCD3 = Aggro Clones
GCD4 = Dunk Slam Stun
GCD5 is Senko: Spirit Bomb / Senko Storm / Teleport spammables
GCD6 = Overpowered Block Breakers (Not employed)
GCD7 = Companion Stun
GCD8 (allowed mid-combos) = old counter (Not employed) (back into GCD2)
GCD9 = Breakaway
GCD10 = (Not used)
GCD11 = Close Range Jutsu Stun (n/a yet) (Update 122)
GCD12 = Jutsu Iframe/no-Iframe Counter (n/a yet) (Update 122)

Shindo Life Update 120

  • The name of the mud has been was changed Aidens Son Mud
  • Duel pads have been added to help keep the temperature down
  • Duel pads are were added to shindai valley
  • jejunes duel pads fixed
  • new ember duel pads fixed
  • duel pads are added to forests of the embers
  • body sub corrected
  • bankai inferno 1st move corrected
  • Narumaki 2nd move is removed from global cooldown of iframes
  • shindai 3rd move is reworked
  • Shindai Akuma 1st Move Counter updated buff
  • Animations for 3rd move frames of sengoku solve
  • sengoku 2nd move range buff
  • Raion Style: Inferno Armour Control frame time reduce
  • riser 3rd move iframe nerf
  • raion 3rd move iframe nerf
  • shindai rengoku counter chi lowered
  • Kagoku mode ban
  • satori akuma 3rd move fix
  • Ryuji Kenichi Plate 3rd Move Randy Orton buff Randy Orton buff
  • ryuji platinum 3rd move glitch fix
  • Akuma Hand Iframes
  • Earth Wall handsign reduced
  • Shock Cloak 1. priority m1 (endlag removed)
  • Boxing Art Buff
  • Jeet Kune Do Art buff
  • Stm reduction on Bruce Dragon Combo
  • Pika second move 2nd double Chi fix
  • Pika Senko 1st move double chi fix
  • The empty Jejune scroll is fixed
  • Training logs are added to jejunes
  • rarity reduction the rarity of Toad Flame Spirit & Jokei Fist
  • The cost of ryos for bloodlines is lower
  • Ryo prices are reduced to subjutsu on the basis of 7-8 figures (all boss drops reduced prices)
  • 11 New Hairs
  • 9 New Beards
  • Sand Crawler Boss Battle
  • Sand Crawler Sage
  • Vanhelsing Bloodline
  • Prices of Robux are cut on Limited Bloodlines
  • Prices for Robux spins have been cut

Shindo Life Update – 118 & 119

  • Fixed Autododge/Breakaway affect Shindo Storm
  • Make use of the new property in shindo to improve xbox
  • Xbox navigation system repair
  • The boss from the new series often does not appear after cutting out the cutscene
  • Kagoku plat q spec fix
  • forged Sengoku 3rd move
  • Kagoku/Forged Domain fix
  • Spirit command fix
  • z mode cloak glitch
  • Kerada 3rd fix
  • Shiro C Spec fix
  • Emerald 1st double Chi fix
  • Renshiki 2nd move takes double chi.
  • switch the bubble chat on each server to the latest roblox bubble chat
  • supersoldier| 15% hp 15% chi 25% st
  • ricecake| 16% HP 12% Chi 10%stm
  • 13% HP 18 Chi 40 percent STM
  • plateofcurry| 10% HP 20% Chi 30% stm
  • Batshuriken and ice shurikens fix
  • Sengoku Stage 3
  • Sengoku 2 and 3 New Cloak
  • Sengoku meteor re-work/new effects for the moves
  • new village jejunes
  • Sengoku boss fight
  • Martial Art of Fire Bending Arts
  • borumaki boss drop
  • Jokei Martial Arts
  • satori inf flight
  • Removing event/ relocation to the main mission
  • fix light jokei boss
  • Sengoku Inferno

Shindo Life Update – 117

  • shindai rengoku modeban removed
  • Pika Senko 2nd move fix and buff
  • toshiro 1st cooling down fix
  • Sengoku 1st comes with an the iframe
  • Kerada 3rd has been removed from the the global Iframe
  • shiro mode fix
  • shiver akuma level fix
  • rengoku level fix
  • Two Bladed Scythe One fix
  • Rengoku 3rd move to global
  • an increase in hyperarmour to protect bone blades
  • Increased hyperarmour on riser blades
  • enhanced hyperarmour for the Dagai blade
  • Removed super armour out of combo breakers
  • Change certain martial arts q specifications
  • Beesword sword elemental glitch
  • Inf mode bug in the susanoo modification
  • Fixing the broomstick
  • toshiro’s actions are transparent it
  • body sub bug fix
  • Remove to stacking issue
  • Stop countering when in knockback
  • ember hurricane fix
  • 5 Kagoku Cloak RC Shop
  • Kagoku Ash staff
  • kagoku boss
  • kagoku the kagoku
  • kagoku lava dimension
  • Kagoku Sand Dimension
  • kagoku ice dimension
  • Kagoku Rabbit Mode
  • Kagoku Event / Cutscene
  • staminapot |50%stm
  • Soldierpill20%chi 10%hp 20stm
  • mix pot | 30%chi 10%hp 10%stm
  • Hp shot | 22% max hp 9 tick (64,800 horsepower at 360k)
  • hp pot | 15%hp (54k HP) 5%chi 5%stm
  • gingerbread | 15% chi 15% hp 15 stm
  • chi shot | 4% / max chi x 12 tick
  • chi pot | 25%chi 5%hp 5%stm
  • Every consumable is balanced
  • Health Stim banned from PVP
  • shindai voicelines
  • Kabuto weapon with massive delay
  • shindai rengoku stage 2 hitbox fix
  • ryuji 5 min CD
  • RELLcoin prices cut by half
  • Kagoku platinum

Shindo Life Update – 116

  • Gingerbread Chad boss battle event
  • Tree Spirit Event with boss fight
    • Uses an illusion technique to is a mirror image of the actions of another player
    • Then drops a Wooden Shield
  • Happily Holiday Elves – Spawns in various areas of the game. They also have the gift icon on their heads. Speak to them to receive either RELL or Spins Coins!
  • New Winter Map
  • New Shiro Glacier Bloodline

Shindo Life Update – 115

  • Spiderman EKG
  • 1st scorch, 1st frost fix for stacking
  • Narumaki points increase
  • Shindai points increase
  • narumkai 3rd move buff
  • shindai akuma q buff
  • The scorch/frost buff
  • chakra dash is changed to double tapping can break blocks that are strong
  • help make dashing visible in relation to where the player is planning to move
  • Fix blockage
  • raise trainer points up to 50 trainer points per training
  • method to change mentors RC or the Robux (cheats GUI)
  • Narumaki auto tracker c-spec encode
  • Cobra/kabu 1st move damage buff
  • Cobra/kabu 2nd Move knockback reduce
  • autododge global cd deleted from Raion Samurai Counter (not a real Iframe)
  • Doku Ten/Scorp
  • ghost azarashi/inferno
  • cobra/ghost korashi/doku tengoku knock back test
  • Perf block fix

Shindo Life Update – 113-114

Mentor Training Stats and Perks:

Narumaki (Narumaki Narumaki Bridge)

  • Stats Build: Chi/Nin
  • Chi 6600
  • Nin 6700
  • Tai 6000
  • Health 6700 | 402k HP
  • Perks = Chi Dash, Faster/Passive Charging

Jiso Seishin (Tempest)

  • Stats Build: Health/Nin
  • Chi 6000
  • Nin 6500
  • Tai 6000
  • Health 7500 | HP 450k
  • Perks = Stronger block, Faster/Passive charging

Shindai (Shindai Valley)

  • Stats Build: Balance
  • Chi 6450
  • Nin 6450
  • Tai 6300
  • Health 6800 | 408k HP
  • Perks = Wider Dash, Chi Dash

Ryuji Kenichi (Training Grounds)

  • Stats Build: Health/Tai
  • Chi 6000
  • Nin 6000
  • Tai 7000
  • Health 7000
  • Perks = Wider Dash, Stronger block


  • Alphirama Shizen
  • Gold Jokei (True Limited)
  • Shindai Akuma: Genjutsu Wood (Subjutsu)
  • Pts Raion: Gaint Shuriken (Subjutsu)
  • Ashen Storm Raigo (Subjutsu)
  • Raion Akuma Susanoo Shield Counter (Subjutsu)
  • Pika Senko: Blinding Light Genjutsu (Subjutsu)
  • Xeno Dokei: Blood Wave (Subjutsu)
  • Kamui Fireball (Forged Akuma) (Subjutsu)
  • Garin Atomic: Atomic Stuns (Subjutsu)
  • Sand Rasenshuriken (Subjutsu)
  • Ryuji Kenichi (Training Grounds) (Mentor)
  • Shindai Akuma (Shindai Valley) (Mentor)
  • Jiso Seishin (Tempest) (Mentor)
  • Narumaki (Bridge) (Mentor)
  • Mentor Training System
  • Voice Lines
  • 5 Scroll Accessory
  • 6 Kamaki Outfit
  • 7000 Health = Stronger Block (blockbar turns green) (PASSIVE)
  • 6400 Nin & Chi = Chi Dash (C + Click) (PASSIVE)
  • 6200 Taijutsu = Wider X Dash beyond dash (PASSIVE)
  • 6500 Nin = Faster Charging / passive regen / 1.5x faster (PASSIVE)

Balances and Fixes

  • Gold/Prism Light Initial Ability End Lag is reduced
  • Paper 1st move chi fix
  • Borumaki 3rd move chi fix
  • Shindai Ren/Yang 3rd move Chi fix
  • Ryuji 2nd move fixed
  • Satori Gold Gold Second move fixed
  • Doku 1st move damage buff
  • Doku 2nd move fixed
  • Stone Style Fist Of Steel CD + Chi Reduced
  • Doku second and third steps chakra to fix
  • Flight Drain Stamina: Doku Tengoku, Satori Rengoku/Gold
  • Incorporate Flight into Doku Scorpion
  • Bankai Inferno/Riser Inferno first move c spec duplicate glitch
  • Doku 2nd move: They can strike you from it
  • Second move: thunder and shiver
  • combustion 1st/fire 4th move buff
  • Make the animation bug fixed on Acrobat Style
  • Repair the issue on Katanas of firework with Spider cursed spirit
  • Gold jokei 2nd Q cooldown of spec broken

Map Updates

  • Reduce Prices for Shindo Storm Characters


  • ArenaX Ryo increase by 60 percent
  • Shindo Storm: Ryo Increase by 60 percent
  • Victory: Ryo Rises by 60 60%