Steam Deck Dock release delayed indefinitely

It was originally planned to be released before spring.

It was originally planned to go on sale by spring.

The report was announced by Valve at the beginning of Steam Deck’s sales of the docking station. The docking station was supposed to be ready for sale by spring, but the sales launch has been delayed indefinitely.

These problems were caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused faulty components and factory problems. These problems will not affect the production of the console, Valve says.

The official Steam Depot release has been delayed due to parts shortages. We have a plan, and we will share it as soon as we have more information. These seven issues won’t impact steam deck orders in any manner (we talk about different parts and different productions).

The docking station is equipped with HDMI and Ethernet ports and has many USB connectors. It is preferable that the station’s manufacturer be listed on the docking station. The station can also serve as a steamship.

That’s interesting.

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