Super Smash Bros Characters Unlock Order & World of Light Locations

Super Smash Bros characters unlock order – The Order of Appearance and Locations in World of Light of the Unlockable Characters in the Game, Get them all


Super Smash Bros Characters Unlock – Order

The following order will unlock characters:


  1. Ness
  2. Zelda
  3. Bowser
  4. Pit
  5. Inkling
  6. Villager
  7. Marth
  8. Young Link
  9. Wii Fit Trainer
  10. Ice climbers
  11. Captain Falcon
  12. Peach
  13. Ryu
  14. Ike
  15. Jigglypuff
  16. King K. Rool
  17. Sonic
  18. Simon
  19. Zero Suit Samus
  20. Little Mac
  21. Isabelle
  22. Shulk
  23. Lucina
  24. Wario
  25. Ridley
  26. Pokemon Trainer
  27. Lucario
  28. Daisy
  29. Roy
  30. King Dedede
  31. R.O.B.
  32. Falco
  33. Luigi
  34. Pichu
  35. Richter
  36. Lucas
  37. Diddy Kong
  38. Meta Knight
  39. Snake
  40. Ganondorf
  41. Corrin
  42. Mega Man
  43. Bayonetta
  44. Toon Link
  45. Rosalina & Luma
  46. Incineroar
  47. Sheik
  48. Olimar
  49. PAC-MAN
  50. Dark Samus
  51. Wolf
  52. Mr. Game & Watch
  53. Robin
  54. Dark Pit
  55. Cloud
  56. Duck Hunt
  57. Ken
  58. Greninja
  59. Chrom
  60. Mewtwo
  61. Bowser Jr.
  62. Dr. Mario
  63. Palutena

It will jump to the next character if you have already unlocked any characters from the list.

Super Smash Bros Characters Unlock World of Light

It would be impossible to create a text guide, so we present the best video guide available on the internet: the locations of all characters in World of Light by Austin John Plays.

uper Smash Bros Characters Unlock – FAQ

You can unlock characters depending on which character you play and what game mode you choose. However, they can all be unlocked by playing against friends or playing World of Light.

Playing with friends

Sometimes, after a match against friends, you may have the opportunity to fight a character. If you defeat him you will unlock him. A


The character you face will be in the same order as the ones we have given you, unless you unlock it already. In which case you can jump to the next character.

We must warn you, the difficulty is growing, so the last 5 characters from Chrom will be real challenges

The World of Light

It will take about 20-30 hours to locate them on your own. However, with the video we have provided, you can save a lot of time. Knowing the location will make it easier.

Tip – You can make a combination. After matches against friends, unlock characters and then when it gets difficult, go to World of Light.