Part 1 of The Last of Us – Do you think there is a Part 2? (pic: Sony)
One reader believes that The Last Of Us multiplayer is a live-service title, and regrets that it has been made into a franchise.
It’s safe to say that summer game Fest on Thursday was not a particularly thrilling show. It was not a fault of the organisers. He was simply a reflection of how little there is at the moment in video games. The Xbox Games will be more beautiful, and indie games will still be the most fascinating at both events.
Sony won’t bother with one, I think. They will wait for a while until they have more. That is why they decided to leave The Last Of Us remake at Summer Game Fest. Although it was a huge disaster, it wasn’t surprising. Even when he found the concept art for the multiplayer spin-off, I didn’t find it surprising.
Although they never gave a name to the product, I believe that it is quite obvious. It’s a live-service game, and one of the 10 Sonys has indicated that it will be publishing in the next few years. It’s something that some insiders have been suggesting, but it is already evident if you stop and think about it. Who would pay 70 for The Last of Us, a multiplayer puzzle game with microtransactions but not 70 for The Last of Us? This, I’m not ashamed to say, has a chance.
People who want live service are not to be resentful. They are worse than core (keen). They are more hateful than core (keen). When Sony announced that they would make their own, I thought it would be the same old battle royale wannabes as Smash Bros. clones.
Although this won’t be a part of the game, I don’t think it will. However, they did not have to promote them as their existing franchises are being used by a real estate company for some reason. For more details, The Last Of Us seemed too classy to become a massive, microtransaction-fueled game, but we’re now here.
My thoughts are that God Of War could be made into a Genshin Impact Clone or Horizon would become an looter-shooter. This seems to be a sign that the road was closing. They will no longer be making real games. But, now they are at risk of being merely the foundation of more lucrative live-service gaming.
It would have been one game, but it was one. Many people were disappointed by the announcement of the sequels. However, it would have been great if Naughty Dog had made The Last of Us into an opportunity for Naughty Dog to create a Naughty Dog Presents franchise. Each game will be different but they are all developed by trusted developers so that people can trust them to sell the next one.
This was also not what they did. The sequel was excellent, but it had strained credulity regarding setting and character. It would have worked better as a totally different game. They were not present in the game and had nothing to do with the plot. The main characters were “indestructible killing machine” zombies.
A completely new game with a different cast of characters would have been better suited to the same story about revenge and hatred. Instead, Naughty Dog had to create a new franchise to tell the story. Live-service will now be available.
Naughty Dog was able to end the endless sequels but ignored this. A third, even more unlikely The Last Of Us is in the planning stages. Ellie will be redeemed as an “asterisk” despite only being a few hours old.
It’s an old story. The battle against endless sequels. It is a shame, however, that it does not mean the end of movies, TV, or games. Failure is the only thing that can stop them. The Terminator franchise is now dead. Imagine how long the ego-building of slow effort, high-budget television shows has to go before it is known and affordable to everyone.
The Last of Us is now in the exact same position. Although it’s not ideal, it shouldn’t be a franchise. Unfortunately, this is the reality of our world.
It is described by Brutus as the reader’s greatest ability to understand the text.
Metro or GameCentral may not agree with the reader’s opinion.
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MORE: Multiplayer multiplayer must be as large as singleplayer, according to Naughty Dog.
THURSDAY: Our 3rd sequel is now available at full price of $70-$20.
INFO – The Last Of Us remake is rumored to be the world’s most vague leak starting September 19th.