Todd Howard mentions Fallout 5, is immediately more exciting than Starfield gameplay

I almost forgot to mention that Starfield will have 1000 planets after Fallout 5.


In a video interview, Todd Howard talked a lot about Starfield and also briefly mentioned the future of Fallout. Todd Howard spoke specifically about Fallout 5 and made everyone feel a bit excited (but also worried given Fallout 76’s problematic launch).

To be honest, I was more excited to hear Todd Howard mention Fallout 5 than all of the Starfield gameplay that we saw at the Xbox and Bethesda showcase Sunday (12 June).

Ryan McCaffrey spoke with Howard about a few things we learned from Sunday’s Starfield gameplay trailer. Starfield will be a 30–40 hour campaign, which is more than any previous Bethesda game.

He also confirmed that we don’t need to explore all the planets in the procedural galactic of around 1000. This might seem obvious. However, I don’t trust Bethesda enough to not make me grind incessantly so this was great news.

However, the real news is that Howard has confirmed that Fallout 5 would be Bethesda’s next game… after Elder Scrolls 6. At this rate, Fallout 5 will likely be delayed at least 10 years, if not longer.

Howard said that the Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production. He also revealed that they will be producing Fallout 5 soon after. So our slate is pretty full for the foreseeable future. Howard said that Bethesda also has “other projects we look at from occasion to time as well,” so we can assume that there may be other smaller projects from the studio.

Howard addressed the issue of long wait times between games directly by saying that he wished they would come out quicker.

We could very well be living in Fallout 5! We may never know.