Venture Tale Best Classes

Venture Tale’s Best Classes – Melee and Ranged, Defensive, Defensive, Magic. Learn how to unlock locked classes.


Venture Tale Best Classes – Melee

Unlocked Classes

  • Hammer A two-handed, slow-moving melee weapon that deals heavy damage and does not require a lot of movement, Hammers offer a high level of support with their Defense Shred or Knockback.
  • The spear is a two-handed melee weapon with medium speed and medium damage. Spears can be used to strike back at enemies longer distances.
  • Axe is a one-handed melee weapon with heavy damage and medium speed.
  • Sword– A melee weapon that can be used one-handed and deals medium damage. Swords are an excellent choice for dealing with damage close-up.
  • Dagger– This one-handed melee weapon with low damage and speed is great for dealing large amounts of damage in short bursts.

Locked Classes

  • Great Sword Requirements: Level 20 Hammer and Sword, 2500Ayagems. Greatswords are two-handed, medium-speed, a large melee weapon that deals heavy damage to large groups of enemies.
  • Polearm Requirements Level 20 Hammer, Level20 Axe, 2500Ayagems: Polearms are slow-moving melee weapon that deals heavy damage and can be used to cling to large numbers of enemies. They excel in AoE damage.
  • Rapier Requirements: Level 20 Spear, level 20 Sword, 2500Ayagems: Rapiers are one-handed melee weapons that can be used for offense or defense. They are versatile and easy to use, making them a Jack-of all-Trades weapon.

Venture Tale Best Classes – Defensive

Unlocked Classes

  • Shield A small, one-handed shield that blocks moderate amounts of damage. Shields give the user extra defense that can go a long way.

Locked Classes

  • Tower Shield Requirements: Level 20 Hammer, Level20 Shield, 2500Ayagems: This large shield, which can block a lot of damage and can attack, is two-handed and provides party members with strong defense.

Venture Tale Best Classes – Range

Unlocked Classes

  • The bow is a two-handed, medium-speed, long-ranged weapon with moderate damage. Bows can be used in single-target or AoE damage.
  • Crossbow- This is a one-handed, fast, and long-ranged weapon that deals light damage. Crossbows are a great way to deal damage consistently on a single target.

Venture Tale’s Best Classes – Magic

Unlocked Classes

  • Staff– A slow-moving, two-handed magic weapon with medium damage. Staffs give mages a lot of magical power.
  • Wand– A one-handed medium-speed, long-ranged magic tool with light damage. Wands allow mages to be more flexible and branch into other classes.

Locked Classes

  • Book Requirements: Level20 Dagger, Level20 Wand, 2500Ayagems. A one-handed attack-less weapon equipped with a variety of spells, Books is ideal for mages who can’t seem to stop casting.