Vodafone tributes Portuguese music lovers

Vodafone, today’s largest company, is the world’s most recognized DJ. A campaign was launched to recognize the sector’s resilients after two years of pandemic.

The operator repaid the generosity of all those who during the quarantine helped to bring Portugal’s talents to life. He also provided a platform for social media use.

The campaign was a tribute to the music industry, and implicitly to other professionals in the country’s musical industry, such as sound technicians, road managers, producers, sound engineers, sound engineers, musicians, and assembly technicians. As you can see, the video is below.

The ad, which features Amanha Tou Melhor’s song Capitao Fausto in it, will celebrate the infectious power of music and express gratitude to all those who make music in Portugal. It was a huge success.

The story opens with a singer singing the Portuguese indie-rock song. In more scenes, more voices are added together. A band is introduced and then a crowd waits. Finally, a band ends with many people who have lived to old age.


Summer will see the return to live concerts and the festival after a two year break. Vodafone is a music company. This is part of our identity,” Leonor Dias (director of Vodafone Portugal) said.

The symbolism of the long-awaited Return made the beginning of the season very special. This was thanks to all those involved in the Portuguese music scene, including all the professionals. Leonor Dias concludes that Vodafone could not keep a silent ear to the resilience and praised all of them through this movie.

Vodafone supports the brand’s belief that art is the force that promotes mutualization. Rock in Lisboa is the first. In August, Vodafone Paredes de Coura followed.