Vroid Studio Hair Presets – Free & Import Guide

Vroid Studio Hair Sets – Free and Import Guide – The largest hair presets library, with tons of options. Also, how to import hair presets


Vroid Studio Hair Sets – No Charge

Booth has the largest Vroid presets database. You can find hundreds of options for free, as you will see in the link below



You can change the search parameters in the menu to the left. The maximum price has been set at zero yen (the page’s Japanese). However, if you wish to spend more money or see more presets you can increase the price.

Also, we recommend you use the filter to the right. However, they are arranged by popularity by default.

Vroid Studio Hair Sets – Import Guide

These are the steps for importing any hair to Vroid Studio

  1. Extract the folder and download any presets from Booth
  2. You should find one or two items in the extracted folder. Sometimes, there may also be an explanation folder. The preset’s folder should have a name that is unique to you.
  3. Make sure you only have two elements in the preset folder: Materials folder and.json. If there is any other element, it will not work.
  4. Drag preset’s folder from your Vrod Studio hair presets directory to your VrodStudio hair_presets folder. It should be located in UserName >AppData > Local > Pixiv.
  5. Launch Vroid Studio to choose one avatar or create a new one.
  6. Click on the Hair editor (top menu).
  7. Click on Preset (left-menu) to display a list of all presets in your hair_presets folder.
  8. Select the preset that you wish to load into your character
  9. Click on Import from Preset (left menu).

How do I change Vroid from English to English?

If you don’t speak japanese but want to learn english,


  1. Launch Vroid Studio
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of your screen.
  3. Select the first option
  4. Choose English