How To Create Kahoot Game & Question – From your browser or the app, Importing spreadsheets & presentations, or using question bank
How to create Kahoot Game and Quiz – Browser
These are the steps you need to take in order to create a Kahoot Game from your browser
- Log in to your Kahoot Account
- Click on Create (Top bar) and click on New Kahoot
- Times and Points Award: Right-hand Side Menu: You can set the timer or the points award.
- Question Types: Click Add Question to choose the question types
- False or true
- Type your answer
- Puzzle
- Poll
- Slide
- Word cloud
- Open-ended
- Images and Videos: If you wish, add images or videos to each question
- Order: You can change the order of your questions if you wish (just drag and dropped).
- Title: Type your Kahoot title
- Privacy: In the Summary screen, you can choose who can view your kahoot
- After you have completed setting up your Kahoot, click on Done
Question Bank
To access the database with over half a million questions, click on the Question bank button in the left-side panel. Just click on the Question bank button (left-side panel) to access a database with more than half a billion questions.
readsheet Importer
You can also download the Kahoot template spreadsheet, create the questions, and then import the data using the spreadsheet importer.
How to create Kahoot Game and Quiz – Import presentations
Requires: Kahoot! Premium+ or Kahoot! EDU subscription (*
These are the steps to import PowerPoint, PDF, or Keynote, and combine them with different question types to create interactive lessons.
These are the steps for Importing Presentations
- Click on Import Slides in the left-hand side menu: This will take you to the Kahoot creation process (see first section).
- Follow these instructions to import Powerpoint -.ppt, PDF–.pdf, or Keynote–.key.
- Move or deleted your Slides (*)
- Ask Interactive Questions
(*) Kahoot Premium for one or two teachers is better. However, for 3 teachers is better.
(**) Imported slides can’t be edited, so make any edits before you import.
How to create Kahoot Game & Quiz – Kahoot App
These are the steps for creating a Kahoot Game from Kahoot App.
- Log in to the Kahoot app
- Tap Create (bottom).
- Add the title
- If you would like to add questions or question types, you can use the search field.
- Preview: To see how your presentation looks click the 3 dots icon at the top right corner and choose Preview
- To enhance your presentation, don’t forget images and videos
- After you have finished setting up your Kahoot Game, or Quiz, click on Done.