Purugly Weakness Pokemon Go – Best Raid & Leagues Counters

The Best Raid and Leagues Counters for Purugly Weakness PokemonGo You will find all the details about your pokemon, including their rating in leagues, raid performance and stats. They also have information on evolution, moves, effectiveness, counters and resistances.


Purugly Weakness Pokemon Go: Weaknesses and Resistances

The multiplier refers to the total damage that the pokemon has received. x2 means that the pokemon takes twice damage, x0.5 means that they take half damages.



Fighting x1.6


Ghost x0.39

Similar Pokemon

  • Linoone
  • Bewear
  • Zangoose
  • Farfetch’d
  • Lickitung
  • Diggersby
  • Trevenant
  • Vigoroth

Purugly Weakness Pokemon Go Raid & Best Counts

Scratch is the best move for Purugly. Play Rough is great for attacking Pokemon in Gyms. This combination is the best for PVP battles and has the highest DPS.

Attack on Gym – Scratch 14.4 and Play Rough 31

Defense at Gym Shadow Claw 12.9 and Play Rough 31 dps

Purugly is a Normal Pokemon. It’s weak against Fighting moves.

These are the strongest Pokemon that you can use to defeat Purugly:

No Legendary Complements

  • Lucario
    • Quick Move: Counter ( Fighting).
    • Main Move: AuraSphere or Close Combat ( Combat).
  • Conkeldurr
    • Quick Move: Counter ( Fighting).
    • Main Move: Focus Blast or Dynamic Punch ( Fighting).
  • Breloom
    • Quick Move: Counter ( Fighting).
    • Main Move: Dynamic punch ( Fighting).
  • Machamp
    • Quick Move: Counter or Karate Chop ( Fighting).
    • Main Move: Close Combat or Dynamic Punch ( Fighting).
  • Blaziken
    • Quick Move: Counter ( Fighting).
    • Main Move: Focus Blast ( Fighting )

Legendary Counters

  • Regigigas
    • Quick Move: Rock Smash ( Fighting )
    • Main Move: Focus Blast ( Fighting )
  • Mewtwo
    • Quick Move: Psychocut ( Psychic).
    • Main Move: Focus Blast ( Fighting )
  • Meloetta (Pirouette)
    • Quick Move: Low Kick ( Fighting).
    • Main Move: Close Combat ( Fighting).
  • Thundurus (Therian)
    • Quick Move: Thunder Shock ( Electrical)
    • Main Move: Focus Blast ( Fighting )
  • Terrakion
    • Quick Move: Smackdown ( Rock)
    • Main Move: Sacred Sword ( Fighting).

Pokemon Go: Purugly Weakness – League Rating and Counters

Great League Purugly Rate & Purugly Contras

  • Rank Position: 448
  • Level: 29.5
  • Best Stats: 0/12/15
  • Recommended Fast Moves
  • Recommended Charged Moves

Key Wins – Best Counter Against Purugly

    1. Cofagrigus
    2. Jellicent
    3. Skarmory
    4. Trevenant
    5. Sableye

Key Losses Purugly Best Offers

    1. Stunfisk (Galarian)
    2. Walrein
    3. Swampert
    4. Medicham
    5. Azumarill

Ultra League Purugly & Purugly Counters

  • Rank Position: 480
  • Level: 29.5
  • Best Stats: 0/12/15
  • Recommended Fast Moves
  • Recommended Charged Moves

Key Wins – Best Counter Against Purugly

    1. Jellicent
    2. Trevenant
    3. Empoleon
    4. Giratina (Origin).
    5. Togekiss

Key Losses Purugly Best Contras

    1. Stunfisk (Galarian)
    2. Talonflame
    3. Swampert
    4. Cresselia
    5. Giratina (Altered).

Ultra League Purugly Rating (Premier Classic). & Purugly Counters

No ranking

Master League Purugly Rating and Purugly Counters

No ranking

Master League (Classic), Purugly Rating and Purugly Counters

No ranking

Master League (Premier Classic). Purugly Rating and Purugly Counters

No ranking

Sinnoh Cup Purugly Ranking & Counters

No ranking

Retro Cup Purugly rating & Purugly counters

  • Rank Position: 221
  • Level: 29.5
  • Best Stats: 0/12/15
  • Recommended Fast Moves
  • Recommended Charged Moves

Key Wins – Best Counter Against Purugly

    1. Jellicent
    2. Mew
    3. Cofagrigus
    4. Trevenant
    5. Marowak (Alolan) (Shadow)

Key Losses Purugly Best Counters

    1. Walrein
    2. Deoxys (Defense).
    3. Altaria
    4. Medicham
    5. Froslass

Silph Forged cup Purugly Rating and Purugly Counters

  • Position at the rank: 213
  • Level: 29.5
  • Best Stats: 0/12/15
  • Recommended Fast Moves
  • Recommended Charged Moves

Key Wins – Best Counter Against Purugly

    1. Jellicent
    2. Trevenant
    3. Marowak (Alolan) (Shadow)
    4. Lapras
    5. Hypno

Key Losses Purugly Best Contras

    1. Lickitung
    2. Cresselia
    3. Noctowl
    4. Ninetales (Alolan)
    5. Froslass

Silph Factions – Fusion Purugly Rating and Purugly Counters

No ranking

Gymbreakers Comet Cup – Purugly Ratings & Counters

No ranking

Purugly Weakness Pokemon – About


  • 432 Purugly
  • Pokemon type:
  • Classification: Tiger Cat Pokemon
  • Capture rate: 15 %
  • Shiny Purugly rate: 1 in 450 to 550 (approx).
  • Flee Rate 8 %
  • Buddy Candy Distance Purugly 3 km
  • Purugly Second Charge Attack: 50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy

Maximum PuruglyCP (level 40).

  • Standar: 1.953

Maximum PuruglyCP (levels 50 & 51).

  • Standar: 2.208
  • Buddy: 2.234

Stats Purugly

  • Attack: 172
  • Defense: 133
  • Stamina: 174

Quick moves Purugly

  • Scratch ( ) Damage: 6 DPS: 14.4
  • Shadow Claw ( Phantom) > Damage : 9 > DPS : 12.9

Main Moves Purugly

  • Thunder ( Electrical) > Damage 100 > DPS 41.7
  • Aerial Ace ( flying) > Damage 55 > DPS 22.9
  • Play Rough ( Fairy). Damage: 90. DPS: 31

Purugly Evolution

Glameow > Purugly

No evolution

Other Normal Pokemon

Patrat > Watchog