Sid Meier’s Civilization III: Complete Medieval Japan Guide

Medieval Japan, a multiplayer mod, is new. It combines MPT-style fast, ancient-era combat with new features and quality improvements.



How do I host?

We are able to use these custom assets because of our experimentation with various modding options!

You do not need a custom scenario folder to host or play. All assets are included in the regular Civ 3 install.


To load these assets properly, players must have a biq that has the same name and location as the one in their scenario folder. However, the name is all that matters and not the contents of the biq. So,

I suggest that hosts rename their MDJ biqs to “5 MP Mesoamerica”. There should be spaces between words and not underscores.

This biq should be installed by everyone who installs civ 3. This is how it works.


The mod should load fine unless someone has been playing with their scenarios folder.

What games are available?

Medieval Japan (or MDJ), is flexible. You can play it as a teamer or as a free for all (cton). It is fast and can last up to 1 hour 45 minutes.

This mod has been designed with archipelago and continent maps in mind. You can play it on these templates. In fact, I recommend that you play “random”. For continent maps to work properly, you need good team play. In 3v1 situations, the “1”, player could be left behind to die.


The scoring rules for teamers are the same as MPT but dead player scores get cut in half. Because kills are often close to the end, the 62-turn limit would make them meaningless.

Rules for CTON are the same rules as killer anc ctons. The order in which players died determines their ranking. Players who are still alive at the end of their turn will be placed based on their score. Each kill earns them a 50-point bonus.



Archi CTON? No problem!

Modern times mirror modern distributions of bonus resources (sake is the exact same as modern sugar). Bad land types generally have high bonus yields and starts are balanced.

Basic Abilities

You start in MDJ with certain abilities that you can unlock right away.


-The ability build granaries

-Diplomats, ROP, etc.

-Map trading, communication trading


-irrigation with no fresh water

You have support for 2/4/6 units, no despotism penalty and 2 military police, regardless of your government.

It all starts with the monarchy government. It has…


Commerce bonus

Worker speed at -150%

-Corruption level equals that of monarchy in the base game (a little better than despotism).


Another option is piracy, which can be offered by the government. It is not very effective. It is only possible if the island or peninsula you are starting from is really bad. It is ….

-8 flat unit support for free

-No commerce bonus


Worker speed at -100%

Ship moves at -+1

A collection of buildings that will give you flats per turn in gold.


– A “shrine” structure that grants bonus food, commerce, or shields in offshore tiles.

-Communal corruption.

Resources and Technology

The ability to see horses is the first step. You can see iron with the help of metalworking tech. You can see Jade with pottery. You can see saltpeter with Gunpowder.


If you are lacking the resources to build a catapult, spearman, or stone crossbow, you can research their technology.

Jade unlocks units that have “samurai” in their names

Iron unlocks units that have “ronin” in their names


Horses unlocks models that can ride horses

Salt unlocks gun related units.

Each resource unlocks its own unique treasure. Salt unlocks an enhanced spearman. Jade unlocks an enhanced archer. Iron unlocks basically a swordsman, the ronin. Horses unlock the horseman.



PhilosophyGives a free tech to first civ that unlocks it.

Sea Tradeallows movement over sea tiles.


Double Worker Speed Gives double worker speed

Bridge Buildingallows you to build bridges (normally not unlock at engineering).

Ninjutsugives you +1 ship movements (if it’s not already from the pirate wonder).



The next era.

Ocean tradeallows movement over oceans tiles.

The end of the tech tree

Super Fast Workers” allows for you to upgrade your workers. These workers are able to move 2 times and have no terrain penalties. These enable you to drive across the map.

quickly and attempt to get kills you wouldn’t otherwise be able to, as the turn limit is only 62.

Advanced units are found later in the tech tree and require 2 to 3 resources. They are usually quite simple and only have the ability to blitz or be amphibious. The ronin monk doesn’t have terrain penalties, so it doesn’t need extra movement points to cross mountains, jungles, and the like. The ninja also has stealth attack capabilities. The ninja can not be seen.

Naval Combat

Amphibious assault is available to ninjas and ronin as well as arquebusiers. The Date UU (Samurai longbow), also has amphibious attack.

There are several types of ships. The fire cannon boat is animated as a cannon, but it is actually a naval unit. It can be bombarded and has high attack.

This game mode has 1 city elim. We have created a building called “The trading port” to encourage naval attacks and the planting of island cities as resources. This is an airport that can only ever be built in coastal cities. These ports can be used to move units around if you have a resource or an amphibious attack on an enemy city. These ports can also be used to trade resources with distant allies, even if it isn’t easy to see.

As you move up the tech tree, you will be able to unlock movement over ocean and ocean tiles.


The unit balance is very similar to MPT with some key differences to encourage offence.

Boats are usually faster and easier to access.

-Unit attack/defence stats are almost always doubled. In practice, this means that defensive bombardment of the standard “archer”, (stone crossbow), is reduced by half.

It also allows us to be more exact with our values. Stone crossbows, for instance, are 4/2/1s. Instead of being 2/4/1s spearmen are 3/3/1s. Their total strength is the same, but it’s easier to use them offensively.

Keep this in mind.

Divide the attack and defense values by half and you’ll roughly figure out the strength of this unit in MPT.

Upgrade paths

These are the upgrades for MDJ:

Stone Crossbow -> Samurai Archer

Horseman -> Mounted Samurai

Spearman -> Bayonet Infantry, -> Arquebusier

Worker -> Fast worker

Caravel -> Galeon

Each unit should be upgraded regularly


Similar to MPT, Civs can be specialized with different playstyles and strengths. Unique units are given to them, along with 3 traits (every civilisation has 2 traits), and a “power”. You can unlock most powers with a small 5 shield wonder, which you can build right away. Myoshi, Ichijo and Ichijo begin with their power unlocked.

All wonders can give you a golden age. If you don’t own your unit, consider getting one. Golden ages last 12 turns.

Colour-coding Civs is a common practice. They share the same colour as the civ that they most closely resemble in MPT.

Myoshi: Myoshi can be described as a Persia clone. They can sci/ind, have +1 HP on ronin (similarly to the swordsman), as well as draft stone crossbows and samurai archers. They aim to create a huge doom stack and draft several archers to defend enemy land.

Imagawa: The Imagawa are very similar to Zulu. The bushi is a powerful mobile unit that can be unlocked early. It has 3/4/2 stats and blitz. Their strength is battlefield medicine, which allows the bushi to be a nuisance in enemy territory. Imagawa’s strengths are in mil/sci. Their ability to scale up and be useful in the late game is limited if they fail to weaken the enemy early.

Ainu: Ainu look a lot like MPT’s aztecs. Their UU is a 10 shield ashinagaru that has +1 movement. They also get +1 HP and blitz for paying this price. Ainu has the power to get +12 gold per round. They can make plays on both archi and continents because they are military and seafaring.

Tokugawa is the Celts’ clone. They also have a ronin that has +1 movement. They have a ronin with +1 movement, similar to the gallic bladesman. Their power comes with a free aqueduct in every city. This allows them reach size 7 and receive the commercial bonus in all cities.

Oda: Oda is home to a unique late-game unit, an arquebusier that has +2 attack and +1 defense. They are strong in the early game. They are both militaristic, industrious, with double tech in their capital. This allows them to set up offensive plays much earlier. They have the ability to use their tech to help their UU or to create a wonder that will allow them to live in their golden years.

Otomo: Otomo is a hardworking and ambitious people. The spearman is their unique unit, which has +1 attack and +1HP. This allows them to have a GA whenever they want. Their capital has +25% shields. They are total bullies who can outmuscle any other civ they come across.

Ichijo: Ichijo, an oddball civilisation. They are weak, scientific and commercial. Their UU can be accessed later in the tech tree. Although it is expensive (35 shields), it is undoubtedly the most powerful unit in game. It replaces the samurai horseman with +1 moves and has blitz. However, Ichijo won’t be able to live as long, tech so far or get that res with their many starts and positions. Their power is what makes them dangerous and flexible civs, even very early in their careers. They begin with four techs, some of which are deep in the tech tree. They can jumpfrog certain techs because of the way prerequisites work. This allows them to immediately research bridge building and sea trade.

Date: The date are both agricultural and maritime. They can scale well on seafaring maps. Their strength is their ability to build a hospital. This is very useful on pangea maps. They are a unique version of the samurai archer with +1 HP, and the “amphibious ability”.

Hojo: Hojo is scientific and industrious. Their boats are extremely fast because they have +2 ship moves. The bayoneteer is their unique unit, with +1 HP. (Note that these can be upgraded to samurai archebusiers!) These factors make Hojo a formidable team member in securing far-flung resources and keeping them safe.

Mori: Mori are militaristic and expansionist, and they get a worker for every seven turns. This gives them a strong start to the game. The unique unit they have is a ninja that has +1 HP. This is significant as ninjas usually get -1 HP by default. The unique unit is also free of resources so don’t worry about your golden years if you don’t have the resources you need.

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Urakami: Urakami receive a unique unit that grants them +1 moves to the stone crossbow at a cost of minus one defense. They can still use defensive bombard to protect one another, which makes them more flexible in their deployment. They aren’t very commercial or expansionist. Their special power is the ability to settle every 13 turns.

Uesugi: One of the most valuable trait pairs, both agricultural and scientific. The horseman has +1 HP and is their unique unit. This unit is only available for a short time, since players are quick to unlock better ones. It can give you map control and a good GA. They offer half-price upgrades. These UUs can upgrade to Mounted Samurai for half the price