Sinful Delicacies Walkthrough

Sinful Delicacies Walkthrough – Best options to avoid Game Over, and to unlock all scenes and events with all available characters


Only a few important decisions are required. The rest of the options allow you to answer any question and will not impact your progress. It will result in Game Over if you make a wrong decision in the Walkthrough.


Sinful Delicacies Walkthrough

These are all your choices. There are not many choices, but you will be able to skip them.

  • Do not ignore (if Grab T… is your choice, it’s GAME OVER).
  • Kiss (Lips). The only option that adds points
  • You can ignore > This is the only option that will add points
  • Talk about it all or choose none
  • Your choice (scene).
  • Talk about it all or choose none
  • De-Escalate (if he chooses Attack him… it is GAME OVER).
  • Your choice (scene).
  • Talk about it all or choose none
  • Your choice (scene).
  • Talk about it all or choose none
  • Talk about it all or choose none

About Sinful Delicacies

Your parents are a powerful couple. Your Dad is a prominent Mafia boss. A man of extraordinary Wealth and Power. A man that even Presidents of countries fear. Your mom – A former Supermodel who is now a faithful housewife.
When you turn 18, tensions rise between your mother and your sisters. The temptations become too much, sins are committed, and you experience the greatest of highs ….. Then, turmoil strikes and you are forced to take part in an adventure filled with high-stakes, global travel, and encounters. Enjoy the life of luxury, glamour, and adventure.