Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt Summer Update Quest Guide

This is a guideline to aid in the completion of tasks and to locate all the items in the game that you have to locate to complete quests, as well for information on the rewards you earn at the conclusion of every quest chain. This guide is current time with the latest quests introduced in The Summer Update patch on July 14th, 2022.


This guide explains the below quests:

  • Talent Show
  • Business as Usual
  • The 3 V’s
  • Court Games
  • Twenty Questions
  • Science Project
  • A Friend Indeed
  • Let’s talk about Sects
  • Caged
  • The Best Way with Words
  • In Vino Veritas
  • Pest Control
  • Counterbalance
  • Dust to Dust
  • Draw Enforcement

Table of Contents


This guide will assist you in finding and completing all of the quest objectives of the quests that were added to Bloodhunt Summer update. Bloodhunt Summer update. The update includes an impressive 15 new quests, which means there’s a lot to explore.. Be aware that this guide will cover only the new quests introduced in the Summer update since my previous guides covered the quests from the previous seasons. I created it to be



as I could and still remaining fairly coherent, as there are story elements to these quests, as well as many interesting things to be learned throughout the process.

You’ll know that you have that a new quest is available, or the next level of the current quest line is revealed in the event that the indicator for a quest appears over an NPC inside the Elysium. The appearance is as follows:



Contrary to my Octahedron guide to collectibles I won’t be able to provide screenshots of the map of these places. The location for the quest will usually appear on your map once you play the match. If you aren’t able to be able to see it immediately it could show up when you are in the proximity of the object. The symbol you’re looking to find is an red diamond which appears in the legend of the map. The symbol appears in the following manner:



Furthermore, if you’re near an object of quest and you use “Heightened Senses” to scan the area, you’ll be able see it through the walls. The quest object will appear as tiny balls of light that is placed on an object anywhere in the world. It will appear like:


The majority of objectives are things you can collect within the field, however there are others that require you complete a specific task or visit a particular location. The new update has brought Quest’s Quest UI has been revamped to make it simpler to use and to provide more information about quests faster. It is important to note that there are



different types of quests, Seasonal Quests which expire at conclusion of the season with their rewards. side quests that should be continuous throughout the future season of play.

If you choose to complete the quest, it will not indicate determine what kind of quest it is. in the upper part of the window, which is above the Qeust name. If it’s a seasonally-based quest, it will include an expiration date that is listed below the name of the quest, as shown in the following:



Make sure you complete these tasks prior to the timer expiring in order to earn the rewards.

I’ll list the Seasonal quests first, then followed with the other quests included in the guide. These should be approximate in the order they’re likely to be completed within.



As of now, there are no quest objectives that can be completed through Team Death Match mode, and is only available through Solo Bloodhunt, Duos, or Trios modes. Remember this when you are working on quest objectives.

Talent Show



This quest is an Seasonal Quest, and can only be completed during the Summer Update season, which begins on 07/14/2022 and ends on 09/13/2022.

Part 1:

The adventure starts with Custos and he informs you about the arrival to Em, the Ventrue, Em. He demands that you identify yourself.


Em can be found in the newly-unlocked Ventrue area. It is accessible by taking an elevator that is located at the 2nd floor in the hall’s main entrance just past the fountain.


By taking the elevator, it will bring you directly to Em. Contact her to continue your journey.



Em will introduce herself and then inform you that she’s very busy, and that you must speak with her Door Keeper to get an assignment. Then, you can begin to show your skills.

Part 2:


The Door Keeper’s location is just below Em on the other side of the steps that lead to her house. The elevator may take you to this location instead of straight to Em.


When you speak to him, he assigns you with playing three matches without being hunted down. The process is fairly simple and if simply want to complete the mission as fast as you can, enter Solo mode, then spawn close to the water, and then jump into the water to win the game quickly. Three times, and you’ll be able to rejoin the player.


If not, just enjoy 3 rounds of golf and be sure to not take a life or feed on other mortals in order to avoid being the subject of a the bloodhounds come after you.

Part 3:

When you return at the doorkeeper the quest is to stay alive in a game for three minutes. This is the easiest task to do when playing in Solo mode due to the additional time. Join a game and try to escape from the other players and remain in the match for three minutes. When you have the goal of your quest completed then you’re done. You can continue the game as normal or be killed and return in your home in the Elysium as well as the Doorkeeper.



The Door Keeper has said the Door Keeper will notify Em be aware of your expertise. Your reward awaits within your possessions.



Business as Usual


This quest is an Seasonal Quest, and can only be completed during the Summer Update season, which begins on 07/14/2022 and ends on 09/13/2022.

Part 1:


The quest begins by interacting with Doorkeeper. He will give you souvenirs belonging to other people of Elysium and requests you to keep them close to their owners, beginning at Custos along with Kirill.

The first is Custos his memento, which will be put on a bookcase next to the spot where he was.



Next , head for Kirill who is located in an opening in the wall just to the left of Custos. Put the memento that was meant for Kirill on a barrel next to the spot where he’s standing.


Part 2:

When you return to your Keeper He offers you two more souvenirs that are this time to Maia as well as Omnis.

Go to Maia’s section in the Elysium where you can place the memento in her honor on a table where she’s sitting.


The next one is Omnis which is located in a somewhat different place from the one he was in Season 1. The area he is in is now larger and he’s located slightly further away from where he was in Season 1. The area can be accessed via the stairwell that descends into each of Kirill and Maia’s areas in the Elysium.

If you do find Omnis The memento should be put on a boxes near a few computers that are close to the man.


Part 3:

After this job is completed The Door Keeper now has a new task for you to do, within the cities. He’s asking you to fire some shots of warning at the Anarchs, to let them know you’re serious. Particularly, the type that hit them in the head. It is necessary to land 10 headshots on opponents. It can be accomplished using any weapon with a range. Choose the weapon you prefer and hit a few headshots. It is possible to do this executed after the target has been taken down if you’re having difficulty hitting the target in full-motion.

Part 4:

You go back with the Doorkeeper only find out that the warning (head)shots weren’t enough. The threat continues to linger and you’re to kill enemy players who are being hunted for blood.

A player is hunted for blood when they kill a human, or are observed feeding on the mortal by another mortal. If this occurs, the message will appear at the top right-hand part of your screen, stating that the player was blood hunted and appear in the maps. If you’re within a certain distance of them they’ll be visible in silhouette, glowing red, and will be visible from walls.


You have to ELIMINATE them when they are still afflicted by the blood hunt to get credit. It isn’t enough to just down them however, you don’t need to be credited for the downing. Only the elimination.

Part 5:

Your efforts have resulted in a positive outcome. After returning with the Doorkeeper the man tells you Em would like to talk with you. Go upstairs to talk to Em and finish the quest, and get your reward.



The 3 V’s


This quest is an Seasonal Quest, and can only be completed during the Summer Update season, which begins on 07/14/2022 and ends on 09/13/2022.

Part 1:

Em has another request for you. Em wants you to talk with Kirill to find out whether he’s willing to cooperate with the order she was assigned to implement. Simly go to Kirill’s room within the Elysium to meet with him on behalf of Em’s.

Part 2:

Kirill is quite transparent about his views regarding Em and, even although he is in agreement with her goals however, he is not with her strategy and wishes you to use an axe that can fire to send exactly that message. Instead, talk to Em and inform her of his motives.

Part 3:

Being aware of the position Kirill is at, Em decides to let you carry out the task at hand however, in a manner that is more refined. As opposed to a fire axe you’ll need to deal harm to players in the enemy’s direction using by using the weapons she chooses. To accomplish this you need to deal out 1000 damage to enemy players using a Revolver in addition to 500 points of damage for opposing players who have a pair Scourge Blades.

Like other similar quests, the damage that is done when a player is knocked down contributes to the total. You are able to inflict 400 or more damages to one player, based on their health at the time they first appear.

In contrast, if the weapons you are using don’t suit you, take them down with the weapon you prefer and then complete them using the weapons that are required for quests. It could take longer, but you’ll be less frustrated all-around.

Additionally, Brute, Vandal, Prowler and Siren each include a bonus called “Warrior” that starts you with an azure melee weapon instead of a pistol, so if you choose to choose to use one, you’ll get 50% of beginning using Scourge Blades. They are usually located in antique stores that are identified on maps with a small dagger symbol.


Part 4:

If you’ve done things in Em’s manner and gotten her approval, she’s asking you to send a letter in writing to Kirill as the last step of this mission. Go to where Kirill is and deliver it. Naturally, the man isn’t happy with it and will send you off.


When you’ve left Kirill after leaving, you are able to return to Em to write about Kirill’s reaction , and also find out what the letter she wrote contained. Whatever the case, your reward, a new tattoo option is waiting on your Customization tab.


Court Games


This quest is one of the Seasonal Quest, and can only be completed during the Summer Update season, which is from 07/14/2022 until 09/13/2022.

Be aware that this quest isn’t ready to be completed at this time. Only the first part is accessible. This isn’t a glitch The quest is designed to be unlocked during the Season. I will make updates to the process as more components unlock.Part 1:

Kirill is skeptical of the motives behind Em’s actions and asks you to investigate. He asks you to install cameras near Prince’s Haven. Prince’s Haven, and leave instructions to any of the contacts in the vicinity of the Abandoned Mall. Both locations are clearly marked by the map.


Location of camera setup:


Instruction drop off location:


After you have completed each of the tasks, head back to Kirill. The quest will end at 07/14/2022.

Part 2:

This portion of the quest isn’t yet accessible.

Part 3:

This aspect of the quest isn’t yet accessible.

Part 4:

This portion of the quest isn’t yet accessible.

Part 5:

This aspect of the quest isn’t yet accessible.



Twenty Questions

Part 1:

The quest starts with Kirill who decides that the quest is to “loosen everyone up” and asks Maia to ask an inquiry. You are directed to Maia and she is shocked by the question, and doesn’t respond. After returning to Kirill He expresses his displeasure.

Part 2:

In conversation with Kirill once more, he decides to move to Custos the next time and asks you to ask a question to Custos. As you head towards Custos you get a an exact, but lengthy response to your question. After returning to Kirill the Kirill is happy by your accomplishment.

Part 3:

Then, Kirill wishes to learn more about Em and will send an email to ask another question. Visit Em’s home and make contact with her. She believes that someone threw you in this position and then sends you home without a penny. Kirill had hoped for the same however she thanks you for trying.

Part 4:

Then, Kirill turns his sights towards Omnis. In the search for Omnis deep within the Elysium They can talk about the issue, but only provide a an incomplete answer in their lengthy response. Return to Kirill one last time. Kirill was expecting a lot however, she appreciates your assistance with anything.



Science Project

The quest starts by talking with Omnis.

Part 1:

Omnis is asking you to assist in his investigation of Omnis asks you to assist him in investigating Red Gas. In order to do this they would like you to collect samples from all over Prague. The first sample they’d like is located in the Harbor. The sample can be collected at a small dock to the north of Harbor Bridge as seen below.



Part 2:

Go back to Omnis and discover you that their next specimen they’re looking for is available on the Helipad. This time, you’ll need to walk to the Helipad and then find the location of the sample as you can see below.



Part 3:

Return to Omnis again and you’ll be sent to collect the third specimen of the Graveyard. The location is on the other side of a tree, near the Northwest part in the cemetery.



Part 4:

When you return to Omnis you’ll learn that the final sample may be taken from in the Burning Church. The place to collect this just in front of the flames rising from the southeast part of the Church roof.




Return to Omnis with the final sample, and they will be grateful to you for the help. Your reward awaits within your Customizations.


A Friend Indeed

The quest starts by talking with Omnis.

Part 1:

Omnis would like to ask for your help in the protection of vulnerable people in Prague. Start by scouting the city.

To begin you’ll need to cover 2000m during matches. It doesn’t have to be accomplished in one game although it’s feasible. Simply stay in the game and you’ll be able to unlock it within a short time.

Part 2:

Return to Omnis They’ll decide that they’ve determined that Entity pose a threat to the community that is under their protection. In order to accomplish this it is necessary to get rid of three Entity Hunters. This can be accomplished at any place where there are Entity present, as identified by the icon at the top of the map.


Part 3:

After returning back to Omnis This time, they will send you to another group they believe is an imminent threat, called the Anarchs. This can be difficult since the task is to take out two groups of Anarchs. Therefore, it’s only available within Duos as well as Trios mode. You will be credited for destroying all players in an enemy group. This could be difficult if you’re not in contact with your ally. You only need to deal with the players yourself. The damage done is not important as long as both players have to be eliminated but it doesn’t have to be done by you. It is only the fact that they are downed state is sufficient. I’ve provided a brief video of me completing the quest phase following the removal of the second of two members in the group that I had taken down. (Please excuse the rambling in the video, as I was watching a video stream when I made the video).



Omnis thank you for helping us and the reward is located within the Customization section of the menu.


Let’s Talk About Sects

The quest starts by talking with Custos.

Part 1:

Custos has started receiving strange messages from the city and believes it might be related to the cultists who’ve been appearing. In the first step you simply need to travel 2000m within the city. It doesn’t have to be completed in a single game. Simply move during the game and it can be completed quickly.

Part 2:

When you return to Custos and he suggests you investigate Custos’ Railway Station based on your report. He then sends you out. This mission could be a little difficult because there are only a few clues in the text of the quest, and there is no objective indication of the location. It is necessary to climb up on high on the railway station’s top and view the tracks from the corner window, which is located over that “IL” in the word “Railway” on the map. I’ve attached photos of the exact location it has been unlocked for me.



Part 3:

Returning to Custos He is depressed you couldn’t find anything, but has an idea to look through the surveillance tapes of the station. Find the tapes at the security station located near taking them to the Abandoned Mall.



Part 4:

Returning the tape to Custos It appears that the tape is indeed an indication and the man directs one back to Railway Station where something was left in the station.




Return to Custos for the last time and find out that the pages you discovered weren’t just from any book. This could indicate even darker future for the city. You can find your reward within the Customization section of the menu.



The quest starts by talking with Maia.

Part 1:

Maia remembers your help in the past and is hoping that you’ll aid her in the future. She wants you to send an email to a shelter located near the Terrace. Visit the location shown in the images below.



Part 2:

Returning to Maia the maid, she presents you with a letter to hand out this time in the direction of west Burning Church as seen in the photos below.



Part 3:

Maia has one more letter to you to hand in this time in your local Red Light District, located east of the Terrace. If you’re having difficulty finding it, photos of the area are included.




Return to Maia once more to tell her you have achieved your objective. The reward is available within the Customization section of the menu.


A Way With Words

This quest begins when you speak with Maia.

Part 1:

Maia would like you to locate some books that are rare to give her while you’re exploring the town. The first one is located east from the Harbor.



Part 2:

Bring the book back to Maia and she will inform you of the address of that second one. It’s in one of the locations, located in the Library. You can enter the Library and you’ll see the book on the shelf in one of the levels above.



Part 3:

Go back to Maia to tell you the address of the 3rd book and the final one. It’s located in the break room in the Slaughterhouse. Visit the break room and collect it.




When she returns to Maia She discovers that an unfinished poem in the previous book and Maia reads it out to you. After the job is completed the reward will be waiting in your Customization menu.


In Vino Veritas

The quest starts by talking with Maia.

Part 1:

Maia is requesting a task for you when you’re in the city. She would like you to locate her the bottle of wine she has. She suggests Rooftop Restaurant Rooftop Restaurant for a great location to locate one. Visit it now.



Part 2:

Go back with Maia and present her with the bottle and she’ll request another bottle, this one of the “special” vintage. It is located in the back room of the Slaughterhouse in a corner, sitting on an island in the corner.



Part 3:

The final challenge she requires you to feed on a dead. While the quest doesn’t stipulate, it’s probably recommended to feed one that has Resonant blood to ensure that the mission succeeds. They are available throughout the city and are easily found with the aid of the heightened senses. Return to Maia after you’ve eaten to receive your reward.



Maia thank her for your assistance during her experiment. The reward you earned is located under the Customization menu.


Pest Control

This quest starts when you speak with Kirill.

Part 1:

Kirill has new challenges you can finish. The first one is to deal with 5000 ranged damages to opposing players. There aren’t any restrictions regarding this therefore, pick your weapon you like and go at it. It can be done with multiple matches.

Part 2:

After your return from your shooting adventure, Kirill is pleased and invites you to go out again and this time make 2000 damage using melee weapons. There are a few choices here. You can make use of an archetype equipped with an Choleric perk (Prowler, Vandal, and Siren) for the damage bonus and then search for the Antique Shop to acquire your melee weapon of choice, or you could use an archetype that has that Warrior perk (Prowler, Vandal, Brute as well as Siren) to begin with an purple melee weapon, and then search for Choleric resonance for yourself. Be aware that, with the buffs that are available in the Summer patch The Fire Axe is the weapon with the greatest damage potential of all melee weapons. However, all of them will fulfill your needs at the end of the day. Also, this doesn’t have to be completed in one game. When you’ve done 2000 points of damage, you are able to go back to Kirill.


Part 3:

Kirill is still enthralled with the devastation you’re creating. But this time, the damage won’t be enough. The goal now is to eliminate five enemy players. To accomplish this, you must return to normal play. Be aware that the quest demands Elimination. Thus, taking them down will not provide credit. You have to complete them to be counted regardless of whether you drained them or not. This doesn’t need to be completed in one match.

Part 4:

The next challenge from Kirill will require you to hit 20 headshots on other players. It’s a good thing you can do this using any weapon of range you want headshots that you make after a person has been knocked down are still considered to be part of the total. It is not necessary to be accomplished in a single match. Return to Kirill after the match is completed.

Part 5:

In the last part of this quest Kirill is asking you to eliminate an entire team of hostile players. Similar to “A Friend Indeed” part 3. However, despite the mission that says to eliminate, you’ll only be credited for this by destroying all of the players, and elimination credit isn’t a factor in the event that they disappear. In contrast to that quest this one, you’ll only have to complete the task once this time. I’ve posted a video of the process of completing this task on an team. Reconnect to Kirill after you have succeeded.



Kirill thank you for your support and promises Kirill will be in touch with you in the near future. Your reward can be found within the Customization menu.



The quest starts by talking with Omnis.

Part 1:

You’ve begun to earn respect from Omnis and they would like to work with you in the delivery of some packages to different residents of Prague. First delivery is going to go to an area Between and the Demolition along with the Graveyard. Send the package back to Omnis.



Part 2:

The second item you’re given is to be taken to a structure South from Memorial Park, near the Divine Disco. Then, deliver it again and bring it back to Omnis.



Part 3:

Omnis offers one last package that you can deliver. This time, it’s to a building east of the Helipad close to the hospital. Go there, and return.



Part 4:

Even though the last delivery was made, the task isn’t over yet. The final delivery was not received and Omnis would like you to verify on the recipient of the package was intended for by directing them towards the Railway Station. Go to the east of the station, close to the red gas border , to find the parcel.




Rejoining Omnis one more time The news is not good and Omnis is making preparations however, we thank you for your help. The reward is available within the Customization menu.


Dust to Dust

This quest begins when you speak with Kirill.

Part 1:

Kirill has a new task for you. The man he was with disappeared within the Abandoned Mall, and Kirill would like you to find his whereabouts. This mission could be a bit tricky to locate since it’s not listed by the map. I earned completion credit while traversing the bottom of the section in the Abandoned Mall, which is located on the east-facing side of the structure as illustrated below.



Part 2:

Kirill’s person is not to be found, so he invites him for his Burning Church to check whether any other contacts have left any information for Kirill. Go towards at the very top of the church, and within the attic You will find the item you’re trying to find within the Southeast corner of the room.



Part 3:

Kirill is not pleased with what you discovered. Kirill is demanding immediate retaliation. orders you to take down an Anarch. To accomplish this, you must remove another player from the game, and then go back to Kirill.

Part 4:

The final step is Kirill requests you to look for clues as to the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of his friend. The next step is to go toward the Shopping Arcade, where just this kind of clue could be located on a table located at the South part of the interior portion of the zone.




Kirill is grateful for your assistance and plans to get in touch with you when more information becomes available. While you wait your reward will be found under your Customization menu.


Draw Enforcement

The quest starts by talking with Em.

Part 1:

In this case, Em wants to put some pressure on the Entity by involving the locally-based law enforcement. The first thing you must do is search for the officer she’s thinking of. She provides you with two places to investigate to find: the Rooftop Restaurant and the upper floor at the Rudolfinum. These locations aren’t shown on the map and can only be found through searching for them however they are both a little easier than similar goals were. I’ve included images of the areas they’ve completed my task for.

Rooftop Restaurant:


Rudolfinum Attic:



Part 2:

After you’ve identified the individual in question, Em asks you to collect information about the Entity to place for the officer to discover. There are three pieces of information to search for, but Em is an example of efficiency, and will provide you with the three locations simultaneously instead of just each one separately. The three locations will be highlighted on your map and could be found in the Library as well as the courtyard in the vicinity of Prince’s Haven, and the Skybar.





Part 3:

After you’ve obtained the information, Em asks you to put it in to the Rudolfinum in case the agent happens to discover. The plant can be set on the outside of the building, or on its Southwest corner.



Part 4:

Em praises your speech abilities, however it appears that the officer isn’t getting the message. To ensure that the attention of the officer is centered in the right direction, Em sends you ti get rid of the Entity Hunter. No matter where that you dropped the files off at, this task is achievable with any Entity that is on the map. Simply go to any of the locations listed on the map and kill at minimum one of them to finish the final stage in the game.