PS5: Sony would be working on a dedicated Pro controller, with some exclusive features

Insider Tom Henderson claims that Sony is currently working on a Pro controller for PS5 with many exclusive features. The announcement of the new hardware is expected to be made in the next few weeks, according to reports.

Is there a PS5 Pro controller coming soon?

The codename for the controller should read “Hunt”, and the features should be removable sticktrigger stops, and rear buttons.

Henderson confirmed his source. He also received images of the prototypes (unpublished). Naturally, Henderson wanted to keep the identity private to avoid any problems.

Insiders claim that the images depict a classic PlayStation 5 controller. It is similar to the DualSense in design, but with important differences. One of these would be the buttons beneath the analog sticks which allow you remove them. They are called “removable stick unit” by Sony.

The trigger stop at the back of your controller is another advanced feature. This adds to the fluidity of the buttons and paddles. These controllers have been very popular among demanding gamers in recent years thanks to their innovative features.

To hold the controller in place, the prototype will also include gods grip. These are also removable.

The same source also claims that the PS5 Pro Controller, internally known as PS5 Pro Controller, will receive a major software upgrade.

Although it is not clear when, a source claims it will be “soon”. Henderson talks however about new hardware that Sony will unveil by June end, as revealed by multiple sources. It is not clear if the PS5 Pro Controller will be included.

We encourage you to use information obtained from unofficial sources with caution. However, Henderson’s reports have been extremely reliable. He had just revealed Hideo Kojima’s participation at the Xbox event ahead of time.