Roblox Anime Fighters Update 35 log and patch notes

The Roblox Anime Fighters Simulator update has been released, bringing new content, modifications as well as bugs to the game!

Blox Anime Fighters Simulator released the 35th update of their major release on September 3rd, 2022! In this update, there is many modifications and bug fixes are added to the game. This should hopefully resolve any issues you might have faced and enable you to find new things to play with within the game.

If you’re in the market for something for free, visit the Animation Fighters Coupons webpage! Below is a look at the patches that were announced through the official Discord channel::

The island of a new type has now been found with a huge abyss forming it. A lot of people have explored it, but very few venture back. Are you the one to unravel the mystery of The Abyss? Make sure to take a look at this new defensive mode, as well as the Requiem passive machine!

  • New Island: The Abyss!
  • 12 New Fighters
  • A brand new Warrior actor in Hero Village
  • New Defense Mode in The Abyss
  • New Requiem Passive Machine in The Abyss
    • Greater chance of rare passives
    • It costs more shards to roll
    • Another opportunity to unlock Lightspeed in a passive way
  • New Artifact of Multitude
    • Maximize the number of fighters you can equip.
  • Cap on level increased to 385
  • Extra equip game pass buffed and boosted to +3
  • Changes to balance and bug fixes and improvements