Beasties Beastiepedia (List of All Beasties)

Want to know at a glance which Beastie is capable of which ability? Check out my Beastiepedia to learn all about the Beasties.


They are especially dangerous in large groups due to their tendency to ramming everything in their path. Scientists believe there is a link between their aggressive ramming and their declining intelligence as they age.




They are self-sufficient, resolute, and good-natured guardians. To relax and recharge their power, they will disguise themselves as stones to make it appear like they are stone. It is difficult for them to lift their heavy armored arms. This is why they attack with their heads.




It is stubborn, stubborn, and determined. It is loyal and faithful if it ever touches a trainer. It is known for its soft fur and loyalty, making it one of the most beloved residents in any city. It channels frustration and aggression through its ridge to pure electricity, which it must release as soon as possible.



This mysterious creature is a spiritually intelligent beast that far exceeds the intelligence of humans. This intelligence is believed to be the source of their telekinetic abilities. They meditate frequently and engage in complicated rituals that transcend human comprehension.




True martial arts masters can give as much as they can handle. Experienced trainers often underestimate the abilities of Elianmons because they are so beloved by beginners. It can withstand uphill battles because of its calm head, determination, and courage.



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It is a formidable Beastie that follows storm clouds and is believed to be responsible even for extremely violent lightning. Its horn actually acts as a lightning rod and saves many Beasties from more serious consequences.



Fireris’ joints are made of iron and form an exoskeleton that protects many parts of its body. Fireris’s fire-breathing fire is the source of its fire attacks. It is defended by the few, but intense, relationships it forms.




Jumps quickly into deep relationships with other animals and people. This behavior is rooted in Forfost’s hierarchy-free packs that they create in the wild. Forfost is used to working at the same level with beastie trainers, and other beasties. It’s essential for their well-being.




Living in herds of good-natured Beasties. They move from one place to another in search for new food sources, often near people. These dear giants can become a menace to their herd members or themselves if they are threatened. Be on the lookout for the long tail!



Beastie that is aggressive and territorial. It fights other Beasties with its armoured Horn. It will accept you as its equal if you defeat it in a fair duel. However, you can only take revenge after a while.




A massive Beastie with incredible power. It can be dangerous to meet Hohrwar out in open water. Hohrwar is a beast that cannot resist running into ships to prove its strength. It has also been said that it has saved lives in cases of distress at sea.




Jellpike is shy and small, but he’s also an expert in self-defense. Their arrow-shaped, soft arms are dotted with pore-like openings at the tips. These can release water at very high pressures making it a deadly weapon. They use this ability to propel themselves forward outside of battle.



They are tall, good-natured, and quiet. They have a magical control over the water.




Krioge, which is often underestimated by its enemies, is considered easy prey. Its skin becomes hardened when it feels threatened. The crystals on its body act as natural armor. It can withstand any danger. It is loyal and trustworthy companion, no matter what the circumstances.




Although it looks more dangerous than it is, its appearance keeps danger at bay. Although this Beastie hides in tall grass and is shy, it rushes to help anyone in need.



These Beasties are fun to watch in the water. They are able to travel in large groups and chase bubbles for fun. Sometimes they sing in strange tones and come ashore to sing to the inexperienced.




It is mysterious, mysterious, and royal. It appears only to those who it considers worthy of fighting. Its body is so hot, it can even blaze blue in certain parts. This beastie is said to be able to resurrect. But, this is not supported by evidence.




Its affinity for fire means that it can live in extremely hot environments. Phykitt is often found playing in lava because of its affinity for fire. It doesn’t understand fire is dangerous for humans or Beasties, so it throws fireballs at other Beasties as an invitation to have fun. It glows with happiness when the crystal on its forehead is glowing.



Expert craftsman and collector. Keeps in touch with other Beasties, sometimes with humans, to trade with them for rare berries and plants. His homemade blowgun can be used to protect him and disable any opponent.




Senkong is described as powerful, wise, and somewhat vain. These are all true but don’t forget how much Senkong loves justice and peace. Eyewitnesses have seen it mediate conflicts between beasties without ever letting out one burst.




Although this beastie may look innocent, its temperament and electrical abilities are not to be underestimated. It will discharge its electrical voltage if it is uncomfortable or feels trapped. It loves to pounce on others when it’s happy.



It is a mysterious Beastie that learns from the first Beastie it meets. It can often be found close to ponds where it plays tricks on uninitiated wanderers. Many believe that Slomslu’s are always looking for treasure.




A trusting, small and insatiable Beastie. His thick yellow fur keeps him dry from rain and snow, and he conceals his large mouth beneath his fur. Snohoo is open to all types of treats and will make friends with anyone who offers it.



Many legends are rooted in the fluorescent Towcrab herds that move at night and scamper about during the day. These Towcrabs are often seen hiding under their sturdy armour during the day and can be mistaken for flowers.



It is a loyal beastie that is rarely seen in human settlements due to its electric charge, which causes spontaneous electric discharge. Zapster is a playful and loving beastie that trainers can handle.