Collar X Malice Unlimited Kageyuki Shiraishi Walkthrough

Collar X Malice Unlimited Kageyuki Shiraishi Walkthrough – Get the three endings available with our step-by-step guide and walkthrough that includes the top options and save points


Collar X Malice Unlimited Kageyuki Shiraishi Walkthrough – Best Ending

There are three options (best and worst, as well as normal) you can unlock them all by only one walkthrough


  • We cannot let this slide.
  • Have you analyzed the letter?
  • What’s the least delicious food you’ve ever eaten?
  • What’s your best childhood memory?

Chapter 1 The saying goes: “No news is good news.

  • I’m not able to not look him in the eyes.

Chapter 2: The one who has never believed has never a reason to despair

  • Shiraishi was a key player.
  • He knew Shiraishi
  • We’re a part of Shiraishi.
  • Save 1
  • I do feel lonely.

Chapter 3: The Future begins today and not tomorrow.


  • The roller coaster
  • Save 2
  • Answers: 1st – Saint, 2nd – Winding, 3rd – Boing, 4th – Xray, & 5th – Sandbox

Chapter 4: There’s a lot of some light in the clouds

  • I’m so content right now.
  • A person who is close to Shiraishi
  • Yanagi.
  • Without any sender

Normal to end

  • Kageyuki Shiraishi normal Ending
  • Load Save 1
  • It’s not.
  • Answers: 1st – Saint, 2nd – Winding, 3rd – Boing, 4th – Xray, & 5th – Sandbox
  • It’s good.
  • An agent for Mikuni
  • Mukai.
  • Using my name
  • Kageyuki Shiraishi bad Ending