Community Day Meetups – July Pokemon Go

Community Day Meetups – July Pokemon Go. In celebration of Starly’s Community Day massive meetups will be scheduled across the globe.

Community Day Meetups

In celebration of Starly’s day of community and mass meetups, massive events will be scheduled across the globe. The Starly Community Day will not make you feel uneasy, despite it not being the best attack . You will be able to discover, Niantic celebrates a community day that is welcomed from the community of Pokemon Go.

Meetings will take place held face-to-face and will be held on July 17 2022, from 11 a.m. until two p.m. (local local time) Below, you’ll have a map on which you can determine if these meetings will be located in the area in which you or a close friend reside, however , there is always the chance (in the event that they aren’t being celebrated in your area) to get together with your buddies to for a hunt Pokemon.

Why should you stick with the most trainers you can to go Pokemon hunt? on the days of the group, to the raids that you will be able to fight, after 22:00 p.m.

Check the map – CLICK HERE

Aspects that should be highlighted on the map

  • Face-to-face activations > face to-face meeting (marked with red)
  • Virtual activations – you’ll receive more items (marked with blue colors)
  • The most popular parks > great Pokemon spawn (marked in green)

July Events

All through the Season of Go we’ll be taking part in various events focusing on the latest updates to Pokemon Go, which will be a surprise to us. Write everything down! Keep our site in your favorites and check it out periodically to keep up-to-date with all the latest events happening within Pokemon Go. Below is a list of events. To find out more information, click this link “click here” in the related event.