CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds

The CSGO Bind Commands list and Best Binds – The most effective binds for copying and pasting and a list with commands you can do yourself


CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Mousewheel Jump

Bind = bind Mwheelup + Jump;bind space + jump; mwheeldown + jump;

Description: You’ll jump when you move your mouse wheel upwards or downwards. It’s a binding device which allows bunny hopping.

CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Quickswitch

Bind = Bind to “use weapon_knife;slot1”

Description: It’s utilized to swiftly change from the main weapon to knife, then back to main weapon. It’s especially helpful if you are using AWP because after firing instead of re-aiming using the sight , you can use the knife.

CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Grenade

Bind = bind z “use weapon_flashbang”;bind x “use weapon_smokegrenade”;bind c “use weapon_hegrenade”;bind v “use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade”


Description: Give an individual key to each grenade so that you can access the one you desire without the need to hunt for them. In the commands we offer, we employ ZXCV. ZXCV configuration, however, it is only necessary to change the key

  • Z flashbang
  • X – smoke grenade
  • C – the HE Grenade
  • V molotov and incendiary grenade

CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Nade Lineup

Bind = Bind 1 “slot1 ; cl_crosshairsize 3” Bind 2 “slot2 ; cl_crosshairsize 3” 3. Bind 3 “slot3 ; cl_crosshairsize 3” and bind four “slot8 ; cl_crosshairsize 1000”

Description: It makes your crosshair extend across the four directions, all the way to an edge on the screen. It is necessary to change the size of the cl_crosshair 3 to your personal crosshair size.

CSGO Bind Commands List Best Binds to Mute All Voice

Bind = bindtoggle voice_enable j

Description: It’ll silence all your team members, even your own


CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Drop Bomb

Bind = binding B = bind “use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1”

Information: Manual procedure isn’t the most efficient as you need to switch the pump on first, and then remove it. You can accomplish everything with one key.

The Bind Commands for CSGO List and Best Binds – Clear Decals Bind

Bind = Bind M = Bind “r_cleardecals”

Description: Using this method, you will clear the floors and walls free of any traces of graffiti, blood, and everything that could hinder the view of your adversaries


CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Noclip

Bind = bind “sv_cheats 1, noclip

Description: This is a cheat to use, so be aware when you use it. In essence, it lets you fly, accelerate as well as traverse objects and walls

CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Drawothermodels

Bind = bind J “sv_cheats 1; toggle r_drawothermodels 1 2”

Description: This is a trick to cheat, so be cautious when you use it. The wall is used to highlight opposing players or objects It’s a type of wall hack


CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Remove Crosshair

Bind = bind 2 “toggle crosshair 0 1”

Description The game is private which are played this way with no crosshair. This is useful for those who want to capture a screenshot

CSGO Bind Commands List & Best Binds – Jump Throw

Bind = alias “+jumpthrow” “+jump;-attack”; alias “-jumpthrow” “-jump”; bind alt “+jumpthrow”

Description: The bind must to be included in your autoexec or whenever you open the game. It will allow you to throw and jump the grenade that you are currently holding. This is usually good for smoke grenades


Net_graph Scoreboard Bind

Bind = alias +netg “net_graph 1;+showscores”;alias -netg “net_graph 0;-showscores”;bind TAB “+netg”;

Description: The most important information that is automatically enabled. This way, you can look it up whenever you want to it, while not reducing the visibility of your screen for throughout the day.

Increase Volume When Walking Bind

Bind = alias +incvol “incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+speed”;alias -incvol “incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-speed”;bind SHIFT +incvol

Description: Walking to remain quiet is the time when you are attracted to hearing any sound. However, raising the volume continuously isn’t pleasant and so you should only increase the volume when you walk.


Zoom Radar Bind

Bind = bind “incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0 1 0.25”

Description: It’s difficult to figure out the optimal size of the zoom, however when you are able to increase it with a single press, you will be able to solve the issue.

Commands List

  • 1 / End = kp_end
  • 2 / Down Arrow = kp_downarrow
  • 3 / Page Down = kp_pgdn
  • 4 / Left Arrow = kp_leftarrow
  • 5 = kp_5
  • 6 / Right Arrow = kp_rightarrow
  • 7 / Home = kp_home
  • 8 / Up Arrow = kp_uparrow
  • 9 / Page Up = kp_pgup
  • 0 / Insert = kp_ins
  • . / Delete = kp_del
  • / (Slash) = kp_slash
  • * (Multiply) = kp_multiply
  • – (Minus) = kp_minus
  • + (Plus) = kp_plus
  • Enter = kp_enter
  • Insert = ins
  • Delete = del
  • Home is home.
  • End = end
  • Page Up = Pgup
  • Page Down = Pgdn
  • Up Arrow = Up Arrow =
  • Left Arrow = leftarrow
  • Down Arrow = Downarrow
  • Right Arrow = Right Arrow
  • F1 = f1
  • F2 = f2
  • F3 = f3
  • F4 = f4
  • F5 = f5
  • F6 = f6
  • F7 = f7
  • F8 = f8
  • F9 = f9
  • F10 = f10
  • F11 = f11
  • F12 = f12
  • 1 / ! (Exclamation Mark) = 1
  • 2 / @ (At Sign) = 2
  • 3 / # (Number Sign) = 3
  • 4 / $ (Dollar Sign) = 4
  • 5 / % (Percent Sign) = 5
  • 6 / ^ (Caret) = 6
  • 7 / & (Ampersand) = 7
  • 8 / * (Asterisk) = 8
  • 9 / ( (Parenthesis Left) = 9
  • 0 / ) (Parenthesis Right) = 0
  • A = a
  • B = b
  • C = c
  • D = d
  • E = e
  • F = f
  • G = g
  • H = h
  • I = i
  • J = j
  • K = k
  • L = l
  • M = m
  • N = n
  • O = o
  • P = p
  • Q = q
  • R = r
  • S = s
  • T = t
  • U = u
  • V = v
  • W = w
  • X = x
  • Y = y
  • Z = z
  • Space Bar = space
  • – (Hyphen) / _ (Underscore) = –
  • Err:508 = =
  • [ (Bracket Left) / { (Brace Left) = [
  • ] (Bracket Right) / } (Brace Right) = ]
  • \ (Backslash) / | (Pipe) = \
  • ; (Semicolon) / : (Colon) = semicolon
  • ‘ (Apostraphe) / ” (Quotation Marks) = ‘
  • , (Comma) / < (Pointy Bracket Left) = ,
  • . (Period) / > (Pointy Bracket Right) = .
  • / (Slash) / ? (Question Mark) = /
  • Backspace = backspace
  • Tab = tab
  • Enter = enter
  • Caps Lock = caplock
  • Shift Left = shift
  • Shift Right = Rshift
  • Control Left = ctrl
  • Control Right = Control Right =
  • Alt Left = alt
  • Alt Right = the word “ralt”
  • Left Mouse = Mouse1
  • Right mouse = mouse2
  • Middle Mouse = mouse3
  • Mouse 1 = mouse4 Mouse 1 = 4 mouse
  • Mouse 2 = mouse2 Mouse 2. = Mouse5.
  • The Mouse Wheel Down = Mwheeldown
  • The Mouse Wheel is Up Mwheelup