Eternights: RPG combines anime activity with dating sim

Sony’s latest issue of State of Play was released last Thursday. It featured updates to several popular titles, including new information about Street Fighter 6, Final Fantasy 16 and Spider-Man. Although Reverend Evil 4 was announced, the remake has been delayed. However, the original is more than 15 years old.

The PlayStation presentation added new gaming content to the experience. Perhaps the Japanese role-playing games could also be included. Studio Sai’s debut title combines an anime aesthetic with a dating simulation.




It is regrettable that the persona series features a mix of bright colors, dating options, and a look. Jae Yoo, Studio Sai’s Twitter head, stated that Eternights proudly wore the Persona inspiration. I played Persona 5 in 2019, and was told to play Persona 4 Golden, Persona 3 FES, and Persona 3 Golden. I quit my job and began to create a game inspired from these titles.

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Persona 5 is a huge undertaking. It’s one of the best JRPG games. The first trailer for Eternights is clear that Studio Sai does not want to make a cheap copy. It features real-time combat and much more action. This role-playing game also departs from the Humanes turn-based combat system. Also, the setting of the apocalypse doesn’t work in Tokyo as ours Persona 5 (hors Shin Megami Tensei).

Eternights is where you can see the passion-ignited flames in the face the coming Apocalypse. Most of humanity has been turned into terrifying monsters. You must ignite the flames of your passion while searching for a cure.

You can find a hot date in all five words. This is the problem. It is possible to choose the wrong timing question. If this is the case, Eternights will be your one-time calendar system. You should think carefully about how you plan to spend your day between dungeons or dating.


Then we’ll see if Eternights can help us achieve a role-model Persona. We also will see how successful this role-playing video game mixes action-packed fights with exciting dates in early 2023, if it is available on the PlayStation 4 or 5 consoles as well as the PC. You can expect more information and trailers about the characters and combat system as well as additional insight into the game.

Sources: Studio Sai Twitter / PlayStationBlog Facebook, etc.