Farewell – review of the season finale of Star Trek Picard 2.10

The season 2 of Star Trek: Picard concludes with the 10th episode . In the appropriately titled “Farewell”, the authors connect a variety of loose strands and build a strong emotional end. How well this actually happens is another issue.

Farewell - review of the season finale of Star Trek Picard 2.10

It is in “Farewell” it becomes clear the root of one of the biggest issues of the current Star Trek era under Alex Kurtzman. The writers of the show are more and more focused on making cool or emotional moments. The concepts of logic, comprehension and canon, however, are frequently left out. It is believed that the latter are mostly used to earn points through fan service however it is frequently left out in various other areas of the tale.

The extent to which “Farewell” works for the viewer is dependent on the level of emotion. Therefore, the show can be a success with some emotionally charged moments. However there are also numerous logic flaws and content-related choices that cause you to shake your head. It’s a feeling that’s all too frequent in the modern Star Trek era.

The two useless Picards

After the Borg Queen dispelling the threat, Picard and his crew of comrades are determined in order to stop Adam Soong. The plot exposes the flaws in Star Trek: Picard is. A race against the clock, where Tallinn is finally willing to sacrifice herself after an emotional encounter to Renee Picard, sounds exciting on paper. But, the way it is executed is extremely ambiguous and appears to be a deliberate decision.

The journey begins with Soong taking a trip from the pampas region in France and returning to California within a matter of hours. This is the same way that Picard and Co use a van and a van, you know. And then, using one of the weakest arguments ever, he’s allowed to the space station a just a few minutes before the launch and then eliminates with an agent of nerve.

In the meantime, Tallinn can’t think of any better way to assume the place of Renee’s and be killed in her place. This is simply because the scriptwriters decided that it should be a tragic ending. A simple, simple phaser equipped with stun functions could have been enough to deter Soong.

However it is important to note during this sequence that Picard continues to play the character of marginal importance in his own show. In the last episode, the threat that was posed to Borg Queen Borg Queen was not solved by Jean-Luc, but rather by Agnes, Seven and Raffi. Picard as well was busy imagining visions. In the final episode of the season, Tallinn takes over and Jean-Luc is once again in the role of a watcher.

Raffi, Rios and Seven are allowed at least to block Soong’s plan of backup. However, in this scene it’s clear that the plot is designed to create tension, and most importantly giving them something they can do. This isn’t the case in the first time this season.

Farewell - review of the season finale of Star Trek Picard 2.10

The key thing is to provide the fan service

After the Europa Mission saved, it’s time to entertain fans once again. Adam Soong is forced to discover that his twin daughter Kore killed his entire life’s work and that he’s now in limbo. Of course, he has a trump card up his sleeve. Or an undiscovered file and it’s known as Project Khan. These kinds of scenes are a major reason why fanservice has an undeserved bad name. It’s really the act of giving Star Trek fans some familiar name. If it was just the fan-service as the title, which would have been equally logical.

The talk of Khan is just the beginning. Soon afterward, viewers will be able to expect an appearance by Wil Wheaton in his character as the Traveler Who Was Previously Known as Will Crusher. This is also where we must admit that the show does not create the desired impact. It begins in Crusher encountering Kore Soong which is one of the most important characters in the show, with whom the audience spent about only ten minutes over the course of the season. The monologue doesn’t seem to want to spark. In the first English Version, it appears more like listening to Wil Wheaton instead of Will Crusher.

Farewell to 2024

Although the fan service and the resolution of Renee Picard are not convincing the show at least offers one thing worth mentioning. The last meeting between Q with Picard. There are emotions to be felt during the discussion between them makes evident what the outcome would have happened in the series. John de Lancie also shows yet again, and possibly in the final episode, how impressive he is playing his role as Q. The explanation behind his actions is understandable and does not overlook certain aspects of the canon (Q is supposed to be an son) and the way he constructed the entire story.

It’s not surprising that Q finally is able to send Picard with his team back in the present however, this is not prior to the time that Rios decides to remain in 2024 for the time being. The entire storyline surrounding Rios’s story is also extremely shaky in this moment. Therefore, you shouldn’t want to accept Rios when he claims there’s no place for him in the near future, particularly following his transformation in the first season and 2. Season 1 Rios who is living on a vessel with Holograms, is a fan of this meeting, but and for Starfleet Captain Rios it’s a bit unrealistic. It’s also interesting that creators attempt to convince the viewer through Guinan in the finale that Rios lived a happy life does not make it any more enjoyable. In the end, we’re talking about the years in World War III here.

Back to the Future

Picard and his crew eventually return to the Stargazer and the unexpected de-masking of Agnes. Although no one is likely to be shocked by this news however, the look of things are a bit different in optics. Agnes her costume as an enigmatic Borg queen is extremely cheap. Particularly in comparison to costumes that Star Trek makers put together in the 90s it’s a bit suspect.

A threat appears out of thin air that could threaten billions of living things and then is solved in just five minutes. You can feel that the creators sought to create the “cool” scene in which Starfleet is confronted by this danger alongside the Borg and a supposed thrilling moment occurs. But the execution is not exactly what they intended.

In the meantime several characters are resolved in the final few minutes. For instance, Seven is promoted to Captain at the whim of a whim. Although it’s great to be able to see Seven in the captain’s seat but it’s not a well-written story as well. The reality that Seven is attracted to the possibility of a Starfleet post was first revealed on episode 9 but an episode later, she receives the post as a present, and, if you’re not mistaken it was from someone who wasn’t present during the discussion.

Furthermore, Elnor is also brought back into the realm that is living. This means that Elnor, the Romulan candidate will continue to carry out his duties as a sword. There’s a happy end for Picard as well and he’s only right in time to stop Laris from leaving. In case you had hoped for an explanation for the reason Tallinn and Laris have the same appearance and look alike, you’ll be disappointed by the finale of the season. Instead, the show ends with a gorgeous tracker shot.

Season’s end

In the end, Star Trek is like Groundhog Day . The seasons begin with optimism then one thinks “Maybe they’ll get the hang of it now” and then disillusionment begins to set into the scene at the mid-point in the course of season. In the final analysis the second season shows to be on a higher level than the first season in regards to content. This is due in part in part to the fact that season 2’s story doesn’t last longer than 10 episodes. This was particularly evident in the middle part of the show.

The setting as a whole and the general tenet to not take logic or comprehension too seriously are stumbling blocks. The decision Picard would be able to secure a trip to the moon orbiting Jupiter in 2024 is a clear example of how many funny choices that the writers made. The actors are the only ones who can be blamed for bringing the best from the script. In the event that Picard’s Season 2 of Picard is a little ahead of the Season 1 premiere It’s mostly due to the actors.