GameSpot, abandoned, claims surreal? It does not exist?

The Abandoned Project, which was created in Blue Box Studios but is now waiting only at the shores of PlayStation 5, is back causing quite a stir.

The Tale of The Adventure is a well-known American videogame newspaper that draws attention to the bizarrely dated incident. It was first announced, then left blank. However, it was not for Hasan Kharaman’s recent provocations. Game Spot has written a long report on Abandoned, which argues that the whole matter is not as solved as it seems.

The newspaper’s extensive research has rendered the Dutch Chamber of Commerce infidel. He claims that he has had the chance to speak with fans who were able to have direct contact with Hasan Kharaman. These conversations would have occurred in unusual circumstances, such as private groups that were created by Abandoned and are characterized by management that at best contradicts the principles.

What do you think of this case? Isn’t this going to be a real game for PlayStation 5?