Highwater sailing in a destroyed world

It is safe to say that the end of the world was a sunny one. These words were spoken by the Highwater Pirate Radio when Niko dinghys, and a light beats on his skin. Just a few elements can make pink color the voice of the radio and create a rarefied, almost dreamy environment that makes us aware that we are facing the latest efforts by Demagog Studio.

It actually brings in important points of contact to the Wasteland Golf Club. The release of the Little Development Studio on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch last year put the small studio on the map for creatives who matter. There are many new features, and in particular, the option of using new game mechanics. Although the trailer was very short at the summer play fest it is still quite informative.


Wasteland Golf Club made a comeback but Highwater is the last song of the human brain. Its purpose is to promote the golfer’s future with the goal of travelling outside the space.

Alphaville’s rich history and its people, which were very well protected by the city walls, is an historical precedent that allowed for the transfer of a portion of the world population to Mars.

It is caused by the Great Climate Catastrophe. This natural disaster may have been celebrated at Wasteland Golf Club. The effects of which can be seen in the ruins and the Big Catastrophes.

Highwater, named after it, was born in spring 2001. The water has seen a rise, as Niko and his friends have furred it with a yellow rubber boat. The overpriced sea has invaded the city streets and separated skyscrapers with its magnificent blue. It reminded us of the Sea of Solitude (2019), and the long surfing sessions in Seattle during Last of Us (2020). It is reasonable to believe that radio voices will accompany exploration, much like Wasteland Golf Club. These voices will provide first-hand testimony of the emotions and most important events from the people of this devastated Earth. It is also possible that Alphaville’s population will be moved to Mars.

These rumors will be confirmed or disproved depending on what happens at Wasteland Golf Club. Niko and his friends will attempt to survive for the spaceship. However, they won’t be able to travel with the rich and famous. It is a long, dangerous and difficult journey. Without debating, it will not be without fighting.


Exploration and combat will co-exist in the post-apocalyptic urban setting of the War Zone or the Alphaville park. Highwater’s trailer didn’t depict phases of opposition to enemies but we know that the structure will consist of isometric turn-based attacks. We are eager to see more, because it is important in comparison to the contemplative and somatic approach to golf Club Wasteland.


Developers have decided that it is necessary to exploit all of the ideas of enemies. The interaction of the extraordinary objects with the grid would provide the necessary effect to survive hostile encounters. These men will be able to identify the guardian with the same color as their white rifle. These men are all wearing yellow vests, a rifle, and a flag to protect the residents of Alphaville as well as the ubiquitous drones. Because Nikos’ adventures are not solely solo but will be choral in his trailer, we can expect diversification in the skills and approaches that can help us in our different protagonists.


The spaces found in Niko were never destroyed to the point that there was no return at Wasteland Golf Club. However, the team decided to keep them in the futuristic earth. He has long been grateful for the opportunity to rethink these important aspects for the future.

Although the environment is very clear, in this instance, it is legal to expect verbal interaction among the various actors. We play the role of a golfer who travels between the ruins and familiar world. However, young people will need to work together in order to find the desired salvation.

The trailer’s sense of chorality reminds us of Kentucky Route Zero, which was released between 2013-2020. This is what we talk about often in our special video on video games failure. You can be sure that original music, radio broadcasts and dialogues will continue to carry the Demagog Studio flag. This studio has shown a keen interest in the virtual worlds of its characters.