Hole Dweller Cheat Code

Hole Dweller Cheat Code A trick to gain unlimited resources in a matter of minutes You just need to be aware of the code we’ll provide to you.


Hole Dweller Cheat Code – Infinite Resources

Utilize the cheat codes below to unlock endless resources:



The resources will be available in your menu immediately, after you have used the cheat. You can then repeat the cheat for as many times as you’d like. It is, in fact, an untruth to gain unlimited resources

How to use the Cheat?

It is as simple as starting playing and then press the buttons on your keyboard in the sequence that we provide. After performing the sequence and the resources are added on your credit card. At first, you will be charged x999 for each resource. However, if you wish to pay more, you need use the cheat code once more and add x999 of each resource each time you use it. We are basically talking about endless resources.

You’ll know you’ve used the cheat in a correct manner, since the cheats will appear in the menu to the right side, as shown in the cover image of this article.

That’s the only way to cheat. We hope that it is useful to you and that you enjoy it, as you don’t need to hunt for resources any more.