Zeri was given the buffs from League of Legends’ 2.11 to help her get back to a decent position in the meta. Riot may have overdone it, though the buffs made him more valuable in group queue. The devs responded quickly and sent a hotfix.
The hotfix live saw four champions be the focus of the developers’ efforts, with Zeri receiving the most significant changes. Matt Phroxzon Leung Harrison, the lead game designer, posted the fix on social media. He also included a post about the board that lists the champions base attacks and Spark Surge.
Hotfix 10.11 We have many things we want to hotfix. There were large changelists that were helpful directionally, but difficult to predict and moved more quickly than expected. pic.twitter.com/j8lIuMYDkq/j8liZro/nasz.html.
Matt Leung-Harrison (@RiotPhroxzon) June 10, 2022
Zeri alternates casting Burst fire. Once she has reached full stack, she deals more damage. This partly depends on the enemies’ health. Hotfix: The limit on defending opponents’ health was increased by 3 to 15% from the initial level one-to-3 to the second level one-to-5 percent from one-to-1.
Burst Fire, Spark Surge and Spark Surge were his other activities. They both had lower damage and then cooled down. Zeris Q now deals 105 to125% of her attack damage, compared to 110 to 130. Her speed has also been improved by 22-16 seconds and increased from 24-24 seconds to 24 hours.
Zeri responded to Patch 12.11 with many of her abilities with the help the Ultrashock Laser and Spark Surge. To make her faster than other ADCs, the devs studied the fundamental attacks that are important to her kit.
The solo queue was quickly flooded with changes. According to U.GG, she won 54 percent. This hotfix could balance it.